Wisconsin Dairy Goat Association
proudly presents
BadgerState Show
La Crosse Interstate Fairgrounds West Salem, WI
(Highway 16 & County Trunk M, West Salem , Wi)
Saturday, May 20st,2017 – 2 Ring Show (2 Sr Doe, 2 Jr Doe, 2Buck)
Judges:Katie Wolf & Cameron Jodlowski
Sunday, May 21nd, 2017 – 2 Ring Show (2 Sr Doe, 2 Jr Doe, 2 Showmanship)
Judges: Jennifer Lohman Peterson & Ellen Considine
- This show is sanctioned by the American Dairy Goat Association and their rules shall govern.
- The Senior Doe, Junior Doe shows are sanctioned separately both days by ADGA.. Bucks are not separately sanctioned.
- The original Registration certificate is required for all animals six months of age or older. Animals under six months of age may be shown with the original registration certificate or a duplicate application stamped by the ADGA registry office. These certificates must be shown to the show secretary BEFORE THE START OF THE SHOW. No photocopies, telegrams or phone calls will be accepted in lieu of the original certificate.
- Animals are to be checked in prior to 8:30 am on Saturday unless prior arrangements have been made.
- The base date for determining the age of the animal is the date that the animal is being shown.
- No dairy goats with horns may be shown.
- The entry fee shall be $5.00 per animal per class per ring if received by May 10,2017. Entries emailed on the 10th are considered early entries. Check should be mailed immediately after the 10th.Late entry fee is $6.00 per animal per class per show.No entries will be processed unless fees are paid, either by PayPal or check. Checks may be postdated May 20, 2017. There will be no refund of entry fees, substitutions can be made as long as it is prior to start of the show during check in.
- All out of state animals are required by Wisconsin to have an interstate health certificate. All animals must be enrolled in the Scrapie program. Please have your information ready. Goats with a health condition noted by the show committee will be removed from the barns and not shown. If the exhibitor requests a veterinary review, the cost of a veterinary visit will be paid by the exhibitor. ALL goats will be examined before the start of the show. Please check your animals carefully.
- Clipping is optional due to spring weather, but please maintain animal cleanliness for health and sanitation reasons.
- All exhibitors must furnish their own feed and equipment.-WDGA will have shavings & hay available for purchase. Please fill out on entry page where it is asked for quantities- please understand that due to seasonal conditions and local demand, price can be subject to change for hay, and shavings.
- Straw is not allowed for bedding.
- Pen fee is $6.00 per pen(INCLUDING tack pens!).Pens will be assigned, do indicate on entry form if you preferto be penned with another exhibitor. Please help out by taking down the panels of your pens. For those in horse stalls, please place bedding in center of aisle before departing. Exhibitors can show out of trailers but must park to allow traffic around barns.
- * * Judging will begin on Saturday at 9:00 AM CDT and Sunday at 8:00 AM * *
(Ring I will start, after judging in ring 1, Alpines go to ring 2.) - Camping is permitted on the fairgrounds, a fee of $25 is payable to La Crosse County Ag Society. Food & drinks will be available for purchase during the show.
- There will be 2 showmanship classes. They will be shown after the completion of theSr. Doe shows on Sunday. Milkers used in showmanship may be milked out.
- Please be aware of breed order and start times of show, prompt show order will be maintained and so if you have multiple breeds it is encouraged to have extra handlers to assist and to keep animals ringside.
*Donations for the raffle are appreciated and encouraged to help support this show, Vicky Tonn will coordinate the raffle - .
Vendors wishing to have set up at the show please email by May7th, 2017. No vendor fees if item is donated to the show raffle.
Saturday and Sunday Senior Does
Breeds Sanctioned for Senior does & Show Order:
Show order:
Ring 1&2 – Alpine(A), Nigerian Dwarf(ND), LaMancha(L), Nubian(N),
Oberhasli(O), Sable(SB), Saanen (S), Toggenburg(T), Recorded Grade(RG).
Ring 2 will start after Alpines are finished in Ring 1
Saturday and Sunday Junior Does
Breeds Sanctioned for Junior Show & Show Order:
Show order:
Ring 1&2 – Alpine(A), Nigerian Dwarf(ND), LaMancha(L), Nubian(N),
Oberhasli(O),Sable(SB), Saanen (S), Toggenburg(T), Recorded Grade(RG).
Ring 2 will start after Alpines are finished in Ring 1
Saturday Bucks
Breeds Sanctioned for Bucks & Show Order:
Ring 1 & 2 – Alpine(A), Nigerian Dwarf(ND),LaMancha(L), Nubian(N),
Oberhasli (O),Sable(SB),Saanen (S), Toggenburg
Ring 2 will start after Alpines are finished in Ring 1.
Junior DoesSenior DoesBucks
1. Junior kid (March – May 2016)4. Yearling Milkers (under 2 in milk)10. Jr Buck kid (March – May
2. Senior kid (Jan – Feb 2016)5. 2 Yr Old Milker11. Sr Buck kid (Jan – Feb
3. Dry Yearling (under 2, never 6. 3- Yr Old Milker
freshened) 7. 4- yr old milker12. Yearling buck (under 2)
8. 5yr & over Milker13. 2 Yr old buck
9. Champion Challenge14.3 Yr & over buck
Showmanship ( Sunday after Sr. Doe shows) ENTRY IS FREE
13. Jr. Showmanship (12 and under)14. Sr. Showmanship (13 and over)