Pastor: Paul Schauer

Church Phone: 734-6485 Cell Phone: 391-0584

Home Phone: 734-6605 e-mail:


The geese are really starting to fly north now. They’re visiting the corn fields, flying in low. It’s a sure sign that spring is coming…even if the weather these past few days has been pretty cold. (I’m wondering if the geese are second guessing their decision to fly north.)

After a long, cold, windy winter, I’m ready for spring. While I welcome the geese, the real sign that spring is near is hearing the meadowlarks sing. I’m still waiting for this. The other day I thought I saw a meadowlark, but I’m not sure. I know it wasn’t singing. That’s really what I’m waiting to hear…that song…the melody that tells me that I’ve made it through another winter.

We’re in the middle of Lent now – the season of repentance, the season of self-examination, the season of solemnity. This is not always an easy season for us. We take an honest look at who we are. We ask ourselves if we are truly living out our faith. We make changes to our attitudes and our actions. And we wait for the Resurrection.

We know that, even in the midst of Lent, the Resurrection is coming. Changing our ways, repenting, taking a look at who we are, is all part of the coming Resurrection. This difficult season is livable precisely because we know that Christ conquers death. This difficult season is made livable because we know that Christ ultimately overcomes our sins.

Soon the meadowlarks will be singing and we’ll have made it through another winter. Soon we will be shouting “Alleluia” in celebration of the Resurrection. We will have made it through another Lenten season…changed, renewed, and filled with joy.



All Sunne women are invited to attend the Spring Cluster meeting to be held on Saturday, April 25th at Sunne. Bible study, inspiring speakers, great fellowship, and lunch are all part of the day. The theme is from Isaiah 43:1b “I have called you by name, you are mine.” Registration is from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Cost is $10 which includes lunch. The offering will be given ½ to the Camp of the Cross building campaign and ½ to WELCA. If you would like, bring a Love Gift of nonperishable food items, paper goods or cleaning supplies for the Wilton Food Pantry. Also bring used postage stamps. There will be a book exchange (bring a book, take a book) if you wish. There will be a short business meeting after lunch with election of treasurer and mission action person. Join Lutheran women from all over south central North Dakota. RSVP to Myrna Hochhalter at 527-1947.


March 12, 2014

1. Reviewed the Deacon and Teller list for April.

2. For IRS purposes, revised the Furnishings Allowance amount and set the Fair Market Rental value of the parsonage.

3. Received a funding request from Lutheran Social Services.

4. Discused the kitchen countertop and sink proposals. Decided to step back and review the entire project.

5. Noted that a new outlet was installed outside the south kitchen door.

6. Noted that the basement was partially repainted.

7. Heard that the Food Pantry numbers are increasing.

8. Noted that SLY cancelled the Chicago Faith Adventure due to a lack of numbers.

9. Noted that WELCA is preparing for the Spring Cluster Meeting.



7:30 P.M.

April 17, 2014



7:30 P.M. April 18, 2014


April 20, 2014


7:00 A.M.


8:00 A.M.


9:30 A.M.

Let’s Wipe Out The Debt

Our total debt, as of February 28, 2014 is

$186,513.39 plus interest at 6.75%.


Sunne is now able to offer a simple way of

giving to God’s ministry at Sunne. Through

Simply Giving, an electronic fund transfer

program, members and friends of Sunne can

make a monthly or semi-monthly gift directly

from a person’s checking or savings account into Sunne’s account. This program is available no matter where a person banks. For more information, please contact Sunne Financial Secretary, Linda Mees at 734-8160 or Sunne Treasurer, SuAnn Olson at 258-3887. Please prayerfully consider this excellent opportunity. Forms are also available through the office.

If you are interested, please fill out the form and mail it to the church or to Linda Mees (PO Box 351 Wilton, ND 58579) or place the form in the offering plate.

Every Wednesday evening during Lent we will join together in a time of sharing fellowship, a time of sharing a lite meal, and a time for Prayer at the Close of the Day. Soup and Sandwiches will be served at 6:30 pm. Worship is at 7:30 pm.


Congratulations to those

celebrating their baptismal

anniversaries in April.

1--Alice Falkenstein

1--Larry Falkenstein

2--Jade Heilman


3--Jaylah Cleveland

3--Tayler Cleveland

3--Kennady Cleveland

4--Pat Ryberg


6--Lloyd Martin

7--Katrina Hausauer

7--Allen Schauer

8--Paul Schauer


8--Nora Vesey

9--Gerald Kassian

10--JoAnn Axt

10--Jessica Oswald

11--Carlene Dockter

13--John Hagen

13--Don Weible

16--Emma Schauer

16--Barney Strand

17--Kristin Meidinger

18--Jacob Bitz

19--Lauryl Morlock

20--Kimberly Backman


21--Penny Hetletved

21--Valerie Smallbeck

21--Aaron Schill

23--Noah Hausauer

25--Eric Schill

27--Sharon Tosseth

27--Jennifer Heilman

28--Tanika Johnson


Following worship on April 6th, we’ll have a quick

potluck meal and begin a spring cleaning of the church. Everyone is invited to take part – younger and older. There will be jobs for everyone. Please feel free to wear grubby clothes to worship. Help get the church ready for Easter. If you would like to help but are unable to help clean on the 6th, we have a sign up sheet of needed cleaning jobs. Please sign up for what you would like to do. Please have all cleaning done by the end of the day on April 6th.

THANK YOUs go out to Fred and Debbie Schauer for hanging the banner rods along the north wall of the basement; to Sue Szczur for helping paint a portion of the basement; to Bernard and Alice Falkenstein for replacing dimmer switches in the sanctuary, and to Don Sorch for keeping the church parking lot clear of snow.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Glenn Herdebu benefit such a success. A great time was had by all and we were able to raise a significant amount to help out Glenn and his family.

A huge THANK YOU to all who have helped with the Wilton Food Pantry. We are now serving about 30 families/individuals totaling about 80 people. Whether you have donated food or money, or donated your time to help unload the truck or pack the boxes….THANK YOU!!!!

The Congregation is invited to Senior Recognition Sunday on Sunday, April 27thOn this day we will honor our high school seniors and those seniors who are involved in Sunne Lutheran Youth. We will celebrate during the 10:30 worship service and following worship with a potluck and short program. The entire congregation is invited to show their support. This year’s seniors are: Jackie Albrecht, Jocelyn Bergquist, Joey Eagle, JesstonHakanson, Jaxon Heilman, Tienna Johnson, Abby Kraft, Ryan Mlekoday, Luke Odegard, Chantal Schroeder, Christian Thompson, and Brianna Weisenburger.

Our sympathies are extended to the family and friends of Glenn Herdebu. We thank God for sharing Glenn with us. God bless our memories and comfort us in our mourning.

Our sympathies are extended to the family and friends of Lenora Juhala. We thank God for sharing Lenora with us. God bless our memories and comfort us in our mourning.

APRIL 2014 Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church

PO Box 217 Wilton, North Dakota

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Wyatt Silliman / 2 Soup & Sandwiches
6:30 pm
Lenten Worship
7:30 pm
Ethan Silliman / 3
Garrett Silliman / 4
Marica Sims / 5
Tim Smallbeck
8:30 am Communion Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf
10:30 am Communion Service
Church Cleaning Day / 7
Valerie Smallbeck / 8
Emily Smallbeck / 9 Soup & Sandwiches
6:30 pm
Lenten Worship
7:30 pm
Erick Smallbeck / 10
10 am-3 pm
Scott Sondrol / 11
CyndySondrol / 12
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf.
10:30 am Worship Service
11:30 am WELCA General
Mtg. and Potluck / 14
Kendal Sondrol / 15
Don Sorch / 16
Doreen Sorch / 17Food Pantry
Thursday Worship
7:30 pm
Rebecca Sorch / 18
Tenebrae Service
7:30 pm
Max Sorch / 19
Easter Breakfast
Set up 10 am
Travis Sorch
7:00 am Sunrise Service
8:00 am Easter Breakfast
9:30 am Communion Service / 21
Amanda Sorch / 22
Gary Speten / 23
Kathy Speten / 24
10 am-3 pm
Orville Speten / 25
Jared Spilde / 26 WELCA
East Missouri
Cluster Gathering @ Sunne
Keely Spilde
8:30 am Worship Service
9:30 am Sunday School/Conf.
10:30 am Communion Service
11:30 am Senior Recognition
Dinner / 28
McCoy Spilde / 29
Sandy Spitzer / 30
Jay Spitzer / The names on the calendar are to remind us to pray for one another.

Pastor Paul Schauer: 734-6485 office, 391-0584 cell phone, 734-6605 home