

( 25 CREDITS )

Course Code / Title / Credits
GPY 2101 / Development of Geographical Ideas and Research Methodology / 03
GPY 2102 / Geomorphological Concepts and Processes / 03
GPY 2103 / Population Geography / 03
GPY 2104 / Agricultural Geography / 03
GPY 2105 / Industrial Geography / 03
GPY 2106 / Social Geography / 03
GPY 2107 / Political Geography / 03
GPY 2108 / Techniques in Geomorphology / 03
GPY 2109 / Techniques of Industrial and Agricultural Data Analysis / 03
GPY 2110 / Geomorphology Survey Technique (1) / 02
GPY 2111 / Seminar / 02



GPY : 2101 (03 Credits)


UNIT-I: (02 Credits)

-  Pre-scientific ideas in ancient and medieval periods: contributions of Greek, Roman and Arab geographers-Geography in Ancient India.

-  The pre-classical period: The age of exploration; impact of discoveries, contributions of Bernard Varenius, Philippe Buache, Anton Friedrich Busching and Immanuel Kant

-  Classical period: Humboldt and Ritter; Influences of Darwin on Geography – The crisis of identity and rise of dualism between Physical and Human Geography – Peschel & Gerland.

-  Re-establishment of Geography as an integrated science: contributions of Ratzel, Richthofen, Hettner, Blache, Mackinder, Kropotkin, and Carl Sauer. Environmental Determinism - Semple and Huntington

UNIT-II: (01 Credit)

-  Meaning of research; Philosophical frame for geographical research.

-  Approaches to geographical study and research: Landscape, Ecological (man-environment), Regional (Areal differentiation), Locational (Spatial), Geometric.

-  A general idea of models, laws, hypothesis, theories and systems in Geography. Paradigm and paradigm shift.


1)  Dautherty, R: Science in Geography Data Collection (2)

2)  Board, Christopher (Ed) (1969): Progress in Geography Volume 1-8. Edward, Oxford.

3)  Chorley, R.J. & Haggett, P. Eds. (1965): Frontiers in Geographical Teaching. Methuen, London.

4)  Chorley, R.J. & Haggett P.Eds. (1967): Models in Geography, Methuen & Co. Ltd., London.

5)  Davis, P.: Science in Geography (3) Data description and presentation.

6)  Harvey, David (1969): Explanation in Geography, Edward Arnold.

7)  Kothari, C.R. (1993): Research Methodology: Methods & Techniques, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.

8)  Mc Callagh: Science in Geography (4) Data use and Interpretation

9)  Mishra, R.P. : Handbook of Research Methodology in Human Geography.

10) Chorley, R.J. & Haggett, P. Eds. (1965): Frontiers in Geographical Teaching. Methuen, London.

11) Dickinson (1969): Makers of Modern Geography. Lyall Book Depot, Ludhiana.

12) Dikshit, R.D. (1994): The Art & Science of Geography. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

13) Dikshit, R.D. (1997): Geographical Thought: A Contextual History of India. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

14) Hartshorne, R. (1961): Nature of Geography. AAAG, Pennsylvania.

15) Hartshorne, R. (1968): Perceptive on the Nature of Geography. John Murray, London.

16) James, P.E.(1981): All Possible world, John Wiley & Sons, New York.

17) Minshull, R. (1972): The Changing Nature of Geography, Huchenson, London.



GPY : 2102 (03 Credits)


UNIT-I: ( 1 ½ Credit)

Definition, Nature, Scope & Significance.

Methods & approaches to study geomorphology.

Major Historical landmarks & recent trends in the development of geomorphology & geomorphological concepts.

The status of geomorphology in India

UNIT-II: ( 1 ½ Credit)

Evolution of Hill slope, Elements of slope, Slope Decline & Slope Replacement Model Weathering & Mass wasting.

Geomorphic process: i) Evaluation & classification of Landforms ii) Fluvial Eolian glacial, Marine & Karst

Climate, geomorphic processes & landforms

Morphogenetic regions

Cycle of erosion: concept of W.M.Davis, Walther Penck & L.C.King


Chorley, Richard (1971): Introduction to Fluvial Processes, Methuen, London.

Cook, R.U. and J.C. Doorn Kamp, (1974): Geomorphology in Environmental Management, Oxford University Press.

Cotton, C.A. (1960): Geomorphology: An Introduction to the Study of Landforms, Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd., Australia,

Derbyshire, Edward Ed. (1976): Geomorphology and Climate, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Englen, O.D. Von (1949): Geomorphology, The Macmillan Co., New York.

Fairbridge, Rhodes, W. : The Encyclopedia of Geomorphology, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. Pennsylvania.

Kale, S.Vishwas & Gupta Avijit (2001): Introduction to Geomorphology, Orient, Longman Ltd., Calcutta

Pitty, Alistair F. (1971): Introduction to Geomorphology, Methuen & Co. Ltd.

Rice, J.R. (1977) : Fundamentals of Geomorphology, Longman, London, New York.

Thornbury, William D. (1976): Principles of Geomorphology, John Wiley & Sons.

Thornes, J.B. & Brunsdam, D. (1977): Geomorphology and Time, Methuen & Co. Ltd., London.

Wooldrige S.W. and Morgan S.R. (1988): An Outline of Geomorphology, Longmans, London.



GPY : 2103 (03 Credits)


UNIT-I: (01 Credit)

-  1. a) Population geography: Nature and scope

-  b) Relationship with demography and other social sciences.

-  2. Population Data: Sources and methods of collection

a)  Need of population data

b)  Major sources: Population data, vital registration scheme, Population register and sample surveys, maps and other secondary sources.

c)  History of census.

d)  Processing of data: tabulation, evaluation and analysis.

e)  Errors and methods of evaluating errors: i) Errors: coverage errors, content error, non-response error and sampling error ii) Methods of evaluating errors: enumeration, comparative study of successive censuses, internal consistency within a single census, matching with independent records and post enumeration check.

UNIT-II: (02 Credits)

3. Population Distribution and density:

a)  Factors controlling population distribution and density.

b)  World distribution patterns.

c)  Types of densities

4. a) Population structure and composition: age, sex, rural-urban, language, literacy, occupation, ethnic structure and religion- significance, determinants and contemporary pattern in India.

b) Concept of Dependency ratio.


1)  Agarwal S.N. (1978): India’s Population Problems, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi

2)  Ahmad Aijazuddin, Noin Damiel and Sharma H.N. (1997): Demographic Transition: The Third World Scenario, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.

3)  Bhende A.A. & Kanitkar T. (1998): Principles of Population Studies, Himalays Pub. House, Mumbai

4)  Bogue D.J. (1969): Principles of Demography, John Wiley, New York.

5)  Bose A. (1991): Demographic diversity of India: 1991 census state and district level data – A reference book, B.R.Publishing corporation, Delhi.

6)  Bose A. (Ed.) (1970): Studies in Demography, George Allen & Ulwin Ltd.

7)  Census of India, Series-I India, Part II special Report and Tables based on 5% sample data.

8)  Chandana R.C. & Sidhu M.S. (1980): Introduction to Population Geography, Kalyani Pub. New Delhi.

9) Chandana R.C. & Sidhu M.S. (1996): Geography of Population: Concepts Determinants and Patterns, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.

10) Clarke J.I. (1973): Population Geography, Pergamon Press, Oxford

11)  Demko G.J., Rose H.N. & Schnell G.A. (Ed.) (1970): Population Geography, A Reader. McGraw Hill Co.

12)  Garnier J.B. (1978): Geography of Population, Longman.

13)  Hans Raj (1999): Fundamentals of Demography with special reference to India Surjeet Publications, Delhi.

14)  Kayastha S/L/ (1999): Geography of Population, Veena Publishing House, New Delhi.

15)  Thompson W.S. and Lemis D.T. (1978): Population Problems, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

16)  Trewartha G.T. (1969): Geography of Population: World Patterns, John Wiley & Sons.

17)  World Bank Report (1985): Population Change and Economic Development.

18)  Majumdar, P.K. (2013): India’s Demography – Changing Demographic Scenario in India, Rawat, Jaipur.



GPY : 2104 (OPTIONAL) (03 Credits)


UNIT-I: (02 Credits)

-  Nature, scope and significance of agricultural geography.

-  Origin and dispersal of agriculture views of Carl Saur and Vavilov. Approaches to the study of agricultural geography- commodity, systematic and regional approach.

-  Determinants of agriculture: Environmental, Institutional and Technological factors.

UNIT-II: (01 Credit)

-  Von Thunen’s theory of agricultural location, its recent modifications. Applicability to Indian conditions.

-  Agricultural typologies and their characteristics with special reference to India. A critical review of Whittlesey's agricultural classification.


1)  Alexander, J.M. (1963): Economic Geography, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs N.J. (Latest Editions)

2)  Bhalla G.S. and Alagh Y.K. (!979): Performance of Indian Agriculture, Sterling Pub., New Delhi

3)  Clark, C. & Haswell M. (1966): The Economcs of Subsistence Agriculture, Macmillan, London.

4)  Dumont, Rene (1970): Types or Rural Economy: Studies in World Agriculture. Methuen, London.

5)  Gobind, Nalini (1986): Regional perspectives on Agricultural Development. Concept, Delhi

6)  Gregory, H.F. (1970): Geography of Agriculture: Themes in Research. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

7)  Morgan, W.B. & Munton, R.J.C.(1971): Agricultural Geography, Methuen, London.

8)  Sauer, Carl (1952): Agricultural Origins and Dispersals, Americian Geographical Society, New York.

9)  Sharma B.L. (1991): Applied Agricultural Geography, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur.

10) Singh, J. & Dhillon S.S (1982): Agricultural Geography, Tata McGraw, New Delhi.

11) Singh J. (1974): Agricultural Atlas of India – A Geographical Analysis. Vishal, Kurukshetra.

12) Singh J & Sandhu S. (1990): Dynamics of Agricultural Changes, Oxford & IBH Ltd., New Delhi.

13) Stamp L.D. (1954): The Land of Britain: Its Use ^ Misuse, Longman, London.

14) Symons L. (1967): Agricultural Geography, G.Bells & Sons, London

15) Tarrant, John, R. (1974): Agricultural Geography, Hallstead Press, New York.

16) Von Royen, William (1954): Atlas of the Worls’s Resources, Vol-1 – The Agricultural Resources of the World, Prentice Hall, New York.

17) Wheater, K.E.L., A.M. & P.G. (1970): Studies in Agricultural Geography, Blard Educational, London.

18) Saxena, H.M. (2013): Economic Geography, Rawat, Jaipur.



GPY : 2105 (OPTIONAL) (03 Credits)


UNIT – I: ( 1 ½ Credit)

-  Nature, scope & significance of industrial geography.

-  Industrial location – meaning and types.

-  Approaches to the study of industrial location – neo – classical, behavioural, structural

-  Natural resources- raw materials and fuels

-  Factors of production – land, labour, capital, enterprise

-  Demand, market, transport, pricing policies and linkages; industrial complexes.

-  Input combinations and cost structures

-  Theories of industrial location-Weber, Hoover, Polander, Losch, Rawstron


-  The changing world economy

-  Evolution of manufacturing systems

-  Globalisation- its meaning, features & impact on economic growth and industrial location patterns; changes in products and processes.

-  Technology – silicon landscape

-  Changing organisation of business and industries

-  Political context of industrial location

-  Social organisation and restructuring of industries

-  Location trends in the following manufacturing industries: Iron & steel, textiles, chemicals, automobiles, oil refining, engineering.


1.  Bale. J (1983): The Location of Manufacturing Industry, Olive and Boyd, Edinburg.

2.  Chapman, Keith & Walker, David: Industrial Location 2nd Edition.

3.  Conkling E.C. & Yeats, M. (!976): Man’s Economic Environment, McGraw Hill Co.

4.  Conkling, B. and Ray M. (1976): The Geography of Economic Systems, McGraw Hill Co.

5.  Hamilton, F.E.I. (Ed.) (1978): Contemporary Industrialisation, Longman.

6.  Healy, M.J. and Libery, B.W. (1990): Location and change- Perspectives on Economic Geography, Oxford Uni. Press.

7.  Industrial Development Review Series (1990): India- New Dimensions of Industrial Growth, Basil Blackwel.

8.  Isard, W. (1969): Methods of Regional Analysis, MIT, Massachusetts.

9.  Izzard, W. (1972): Location and Space Economy MTI, Massachusetts.

10. Jarret, H.R. (1969):A Geography of Manufacturing, MacDonald & Evans.

11. Kiley, Ray & Marflect, Phil (Ed.) (1998): Globalisation and the Third World, Routledge.

12. Lloyd, P.E. and Dicken, P. (1972): Location in Space, Harper and Row.



GPY : 2106 (OPTIONAL) (03 Credits)


UNIT – I: ( 1 ½ Credit)

Social Geography : Nature, Scope and significance. Approaches & concepts. Relationship with social sciences. Nature and problems of social geographic data with reference to India.

UNIT – II: ( 1 ½ Credit)

Social Evolution in India. The peopling of India (racial and archaeological evidences), The pre-historic and historic perspective with special reference to the Janapadas of ancient India and the regional structure under the Moghals and the British.


1)  Ahmad, A. (1999): Social Geography, Rawat, Jaipur.

2)  Basam, A.L. (Ed.) (1975): A Cultural History of India, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

3)  Census of India, 1974 : Economic and Socio Cultural Dimensions of Regionalisation, Census Centenary Monograph No. 7, New Delhi.

4)  Childe, Vere Golden 1976 : What Happened in History, Penguin, Middlesex.

5)  Hamentt, C. (Ed.) (1996): Social Geography, Arnold, London.

6)  Guha, B.S. (1945): Racial Elements in India’s Population, Oxford, Calcutta.

7)  Hutton, J.H. (1961): Caste in India-its Nature Function and Origin, Oxford Uni. Press, Oxford.

8)  Jackson, Peter and Susen J.Smith (1984): Exploring Social Geography, George Allen and Unwin, London.

9)  Jones, Emrys (1975): Readings in Social Geography, Oxford University Press, London.

10) Jones, E. and Eyles, J. (1979): An Introduction to Social Geography, Oxford Uni. Press, London.

11) Pacione, M. (1987): Social Geography-Progress and Prospects, Croom Helm, London.

12) Pannikar K.M. (1969): Geographical Factors in India’s History, Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, Delhi

13) Subba Rao (1958): The Personality of India, M.S.University of Baroda, Baroda.

14) Singh K.S. (1985): Tribal Society in India- An Anthropo-geographical Perspective. Manohar, Delhi.

15) Singh, Yogendra (1982): Modernisation of Indian Tradition. Thompson Press, Delhi

16) Sopher, D.E. (1980): An Exploration of India- Geographical Perspectives on Society & Culture. Cornell University Press, New York.

17) Srinivas, R. (Ed.) (1977): Social Change in Modern India, Orient Longman, Delhi.



GPY : 2107 (OPTIONAL) (03 Credits)


UNIT – I: (2 Credit)

-  Definition Nature and scope, Relation of Political Geography to Human Geography, Regional Geography, Political Science and Geopolitics.

-  Origin and Development of political geography.

-  Geopolitical modes in Political Geography: Ratzel, Mohan, Mackinder, Haushefer, Spykman, Sewersky, Cohen

-  Indian post world war geopolitical view.

UNIT – II: (1 Credit)

-  Approaches to study Political Geography: A) Functional/Fundamental Approach (Hartshrone)

B) Unified Field Theory (S.B.Jones) C) Political System model by Cohen & Rosenthal.

-  Functions and Methods of Electoral Geography- Areal Association Model, Behavioral Model,