Intercultural Theatre Practices (level 3)
Dr. Yvette Hutchison
Timetable: Two hour seminar on Tuesday 11:15-1.15, G56
Assessment:One essay (3000 words) – 20%Class attendance & contribution: 10%
Research presentation – 50% (exam equivalent)Critique -20%
This module sets out to look at the implications of contemporary intercultural performance practice in the context of globalisation in terms of form and focus. It aims to investigate the relationship between theatre and culture in relation to identity construction and how it has been affected by contemporary mobilities. It will consider:
- Culture, and how is it constructed, particularly in relation to globalisation?
- Dramatic and theatrical strategies as means of deconstructing cultural stereotypes, and challenging conventional definitions of national cultures.
- How context affects issues of language, identity, and reception of performance.
- The implications of the way groups are represented – either as an essentialist discourse (exclusively) or as a constructivist discourse (inclusively).
- If we are working across cultures, languages and contexts, how the issues of translation, exploitation, and representation affect performance practices between and across cultures,
- The relationship between the postcolonial and intercultural in the context of globalisation and media.
Students will be introduced to a variety of dramatic and theatrical works that could be described as intercultural, through analyses of examples of interactions between Asia, Africa and Europe in twentieth century film and theatre.The module will offer interdisciplinery theoretical frameworks to analyze these issues in and through theatre.
The learning outcomes of the module
On successful completion of the module students should be able to:
* demonstrate a critical analysis of cultural differences and to examine the processes of their mediation through the various cultures;
* articulate an understanding of the concepts of (1) cultural in relation to identity and aesthetics, (2) the difference between inter- and multiculturalism, and (3) the impact of cultural imperialism and globalisation in relation to theatre production
* analyse how theatre can both reflect and challenge ideas of cultural representation and expression
* engage in research-led investigation of these ideas in both primary and secondary material and communicate their findings both orally and in writing.
We will explore the course through
- focussed reading of primary and secondary material for each tutorial session
- Group discussion and presentation, including visual material and textual analysis
- Research in small groups for presentation in class, with some practical class work.
Prescribed texts:
Pavis, P. (ed.) 1996. The Intercultural performance Reader. London/ NY: Routledge.
Knowles, Ric. 2009. Theatre & Interculturalism. Palgrave.
David Henry Hwang 1989. M. Butterfly. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Gilbert, Helen (ed.) 2001. Postcolonial Plays: an anthology. Routledge