Student Christian Solidarity Project Report
“And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you
did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’” (Matt. 25:40)
To be filled out by student:
Student Name: ______Grade: ______
1. What activity/event did you participate in? ______
2. What organization sponsored this activity/event? ______
3. Adult supervisor at this activity/event: ______
4. Phone number for adult supervisor (non-JPII events): ______
5. Dates you participated in this activity/event: ______/ ______/ ______
6. Describe your activity/event duties:
7. Answer the reflection question on the back of this form. ___
To be filled out by Adult Supervisor:
Number of Solidarity Hours Completed for this Project: ______
Printed Name:______Signature: ______
For Office Use Only Date Submitted: ___ / ___ / ___ Received by: ______
Verification ____ Date Received: ___ / ___ / ___ Received by: ______
Ø Summarize what you did.
Ø What did you learn from the people you helped / served?
Ø In what ways were you challenged to move beyond your comfort zone?
Ø What did this project teach you about your strengths & weaknesses?
Ø How did you see Christ in others during this solidarity project?
Ø Circle all works of mercy involved in your work:
† Feed the hungry
† Give drink to the thirsty
† Clothe the naked
† Shelter the homeless
† Welcome the stranger
† Visit the sick & imprisoned
† Bury the dead
† Instruct the ignorant
† Counsel the doubtful
† Warn the sinner
† Bear wrongs patiently
† Forgive
† Comfort the afflicted
† Pray for the living and the dead
100 WORD MINIMUM…______