Sheboygan North High School

Algebra Course Syllabus


Teacher: Mrs. Damrow Phone: 920-803-7715

Email: Room: 107


Course Content

Chapter 1: Uses of Variables Chapter 7: Slopes and Lines

Chapter 2: Multiplication in Algebra Chapter 8: Exponents and Powers

Chapter 3: Addition in Algebra Chapter 9: Quadratic Equations & Square Roots

Chapter 4: Subtraction in Algebra Chapter 10: Polynomials

Chapter 5: Linear Sentences Chapter 11: Linear Systems

Chapter 6: Division in Algebra Chapter 12: Factoring

Course Expectations

A) Be Prepared

Come to class on time, with all of your materials, and your assignment completed.

You must bring the following materials everyday:

1) Covered UCSMP Algebra Book

2) Notebook or loose leaf paper

3) Pencil

4) Scientific Calculator/Graphing Calculator

5) Folder

6) Planner

B) Assignments

You will have an assignment almost EVERDAY! Assignments are to be completed by the time you arrive to class. You will earn points for completion. If assignments do not show work where appropriate, you will be asked to re-do them and turn it in late for half credit.

Late assignments will be accepted for 60% of what is worth. Late assignments must be turned in before the end of the current chapter.

C) Tests & Quizzes

One or two quizzes and one chapter test will be given each chapter. I will tell you when there is a quiz or test coming up. We will always review for a test, either as a class or as an individual assignment.

If you are absent for a quiz or a test, you may make it up in class or outside of class the day you return, depending on the situation.

Algebra students are allowed two test re-takes per semester. A test review must be completed. The grade received on the test re-take is the one that will count.

D) Tardy Policy

See planner for school policy regarding tardiness.

E) Success

Mrs. Damrow wants you to succeed. Therefore, I am here to help you! I am here before school, after school, 1st, 4th, or 7th hour, and during late lunch. If those times do not work for you, let me know and we will work something out. Get help early and often – do not get behind!

All of my notes will be posted onto my website along with other helpful tools.

My website is:

F) Grades

Parents and students will be able to access grades using <>. If you forget or lose your password, please see me.

Grades –

Tests/Quizzes 80% Homework (Includes Participation) 20%

Final Exam is approximately 15% of your semester grade

Grading Scale

A 90 – 100

A- 85 – 89

B+ 81 – 84

B 76 – 80

B- 72 – 75

C+ 68 – 71

C 64 – 67

C- 60 – 63

D+ 57 – 59

D 53 – 56

D- 50 – 52

F 0 – 49

G) Classroom Policies

Students and teachers have the right to learn and teach without interference and distractions.

1. Respect each other, the teacher and our classroom property. This includes proper appropriate language and questions.

2. Be responsible.

- Be on time.

- Bring materials.

- Turn in assignments, make up missing work, monitor your grade

- COMMUNICATE with parents (if you don’t, I will), classmates and me.

3. Maintain a safe environment.

4. No cell phone use. You can use my classroom phone at any time. Just ask.

5. No mp3 players.

6. Passes will be limited.

7. Food and drinks are acceptable as long as they are not a distraction and you clean up after yourself.

8. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a zero. See wall on cheating procedure.