HPC User Forum Mission:

To Improve The Health Of The High-performance Computing Industry Through Open Discussions, Information-sharing And Initiatives Involving HPC Users In Industry, Government And Academia Along With HPC Vendors And Other Interested Parties

Are You Concerned About:

What other HPC users are doing

The future of high performance computing

Your ability to procure the systems you need: e.g. procuring systems at a more optimal price and ways to save on power and cooling costs

Being able to discuss with peers similar HPC issues and find out how they overcame their obstacles

Selecting the right architecture for your applications -- improving your ability to compare different HPC architectures and computers to meet your unique requirements

Selecting the right OS: UNIX, LINUX, Windows, others?

HPC User Forum Goals:

Assist HPC users in solving their ongoing computing, technical and business problems

Provide a forum for exchanging information, identifying areas of common interest, and developing unified positions on requirements

By working with users in other sectors and vendors

To help direct and push vendors to build better products

Provide members with a continual supply of information on:

Uses of technical computers, new technologies, best practices, market dynamics, computer systems and tools, benchmark results, vendor activities and strategies

Provide members with a channel to present their achievements and requirements to interested parties

Steering Committee Members:

Steve Finn, BAE Systems, Chairman

SharanKalwani, KAUST, Vice Chairman

Earl Joseph, IDC, Executive Director

Vijay Agarwala, Penn State University

Alex Akkerman, Ford Motor Company

Doug Ball, The Boeing Company

RupakBiswas, NASA Ames Research Center

Paul Buerger, Avetec

Steve Conway, IDC Research Vice President

Jack Collins, National Cancer Institute

Jeff Broughton. NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Merle Giles, NSCA/University of Illinois

Chris Catherasoo, HPC Consultant

James Kasdorf, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Doug Kothe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Paul Muzio, City University of New York

Michael Resch , HLRS, University of Stuttgart

Vince Scarafino, Industry Expert

Allan Snavely, San Diego Supercomputer Center

2011 HPC User Forum Meetings:

April 5 to 7, Houston, Texas

September 6 to 8, San Diego, California

October 3/4 CEA in France and 6/7 at HRLS in Germany

You Can Download Meeting Presentations At:

(under "Download Presentations")

Check Out The New HPC Innovation Award Program At: