Part A- Chris Little

Create a Visual Timeline

Purpose of the lesson:

  1. To activate the visual/spatial/logical/verbal intelligences
  2. To chronologically record and visualize the events of the story The Pigman as well as the corresponding feelings and attitudes of John and Lorraine.


  1. Two colors of tag board cut into 4 x 6 inch rectangles or another shape with enough surface area to write 3-4 sentences.
  2. Length of lightweight rope or clothesline to stretch from one point to another in the classroom.
  3. Yarn or string to tie tag board notes to the clothesline.


As students complete each chapter, discuss as a group the summary of the section. In two to four sentences write the brief summary on one of the colors of tag board. With the string or yarn, hang the summary from the clothesline.

Discuss the feelings that Lorraine and John had in connection to each event. Write these on the second color of tag board and hang them from the clothesline beside the corresponding event.


Student participation and ability to contribute to class discussions and later writing assignments

Part B-Chris Little

What Would You Do?


  1. To provide students with the opportunity to think introspectively and to compare themselves with a character in the novel


  1. The Pigman
  2. T-chart as graphic organizer


  1. Label column one of the t-chart with the name of a character from the book.
  2. In column one, describe an event from the novel and the way in which the character behaved. For example, you might choose either John or Lorraine and the party they held at the Pigman’s house while he was out of town. In this column, discuss the events from the chosen character’s viewpoint.
  3. In column two, discuss what you might have done if you were in the same situation. Include your feelings and reasoning in your writing.

Part C- Chris Little

Vocabulary Pyramids

Ideas enhanced with information from


  1. To develop spoken, written and visual vocabulary of struggling readers.
  2. To provide at-risk students with a vocabulary learning strategy to use learning new vocabulary in any subject area. (Benchmark 4-7, item F.)
  3. To enhance student understanding and appreciation of The Pigman by developing concepts related to the vocabulary


  1. Teacher or class selected vocabulary list.
  2. Pyramid pattern.
  3. Dictionaries


  1. Use an enlarged version of the pattern below as a template for the pyramids. Students will need one pyramid for each word.
  2. Students write the vocabulary word on one side of the pyramid. They may enhance this with color or a small illustration, being careful to keep the word easy to read.
  3. Using dictionaries and/or technology, students develop and write a working definition of the unknown word on the second side of the pyramid. (Grade level indicators 7, number 8.)
  4. Students write an original sentence on the third side of the pyramid.
  5. Glue the tab to the inside of the pyramid.
  6. Display by placing on a shelf or table or by stringing pyramids and hanging on a display line.