Dental Clinical Audit
Orthodontic Patient Satisfaction Audit
Audit start date:
Completion date:
Dental Clinical Audit report (tick) check listAll sections need to be completed and included when returning your report:
- Completed Data capture sheet with percentages
2. Completed information on audit findings
3. NHS England Area Team Mandatory Aims & Objectives
3.1 NHS England Area Team MandatoryAction Plan
3.2 NHS England Area Team Mandatory Feedback section
(how useful you found the audit)
4. DeclarationTick confirmation box and Date
Structured Dental Clinical Audit
Orthodontic Patient Satisfaction
Orthodontic Patient Satisfaction Audit
Clinical Audit of OrthodonticPatients' Perception of Quality of Care
Aims and Objectives
Patient satisfaction surveys are an important component in monitoring your practice's quality of care in relation to costs and services. By understanding and identifying the principle drivers to patient satisfaction (and dissatisfaction), a dental practice can develop improvement programmes in relation to patient expectations and improve the level of care.
So the aims are:
- To monitor your practice's quality of care in relation to:-
- Patient perceived visit to practice
- Patient perception of treatment
- Patient perception of information
- To identify the principle drivers to patient satisfaction (and dissatisfaction).
And the objective is:
- To enable the practice to develop programmes to improve the level of care.
- Patients appreciate being involved and like to think that their voice is being listened to.
A questionnaire(pages 3 to 9 of the structured audit)is to be filled out by 100 randomly selected patients (or over a 6 week period if difficult to get 100 patients) following their visit. So that the patients have confidence in their anonymity, they should be supplied with an envelope for their questionnaire.
This audit is not designed as a test which has to be passed but as a tool to help identify areas of practice that can be improved.
After receiving the completed questionnaires we suggest that you compile a data sheet (an example is attached) so that the results can be easily interpreted. A report page has been supplied to give a comment on each question. A practice meeting is probably the best way to involve all the staff in deciding whether and what changes should be made.
Following the patient survey and analysis write a brief report on the response to each question and describe changes, if any, that your practice made as a consequence of this survey. Send your report including the completed NHS England Area Teammandatory page to the Panel within 3 months of the start date.
If more than one dentist in the same practice completes the same audit, each dentist must complete their individual audit, data and feedback sheets.
Sources:BDA Website, Clinical Governance in General Dental Practice by R.Rattan, R. Chambers
and G. Wakeley.
Patient Satisfaction Audit
Dear Patient,
This is a short questionnaire about your orthodontic treatment. We will ask questions about your time within the surgery, your actual treatment and also access to appointment clinics.
All responses are confidential. Responses will be used to improve the quality of care to our patients.
On completion of the form, please place it into the envelope provided.
Many thanks for your help.
A: First we would like to find out about you.
A1)How old are you?
A2)Are you male or female?
Please tick one box
Male Female
B: We would like to ask about your brace.
B1)What sort of brace have you got on your top teeth?
Please tick one or more boxes
A removable brace (can take in and out)
A glued-on brace ("train- tracks")
Headgear (a head brace)
I do not have a brace on my top teeth
B2)What sort of brace have you got on your bottom teeth?
Please tick one or more boxes
A removable brace (can take in and out)
A glued-on brace ("train- tracks")
I do not have a brace on my bottom teeth
B3)When did you first start wearing the brace you have now?
Please tick one box
Less than 6 months ago
Between 6 and 12 months ago
Between 12 and 18 months ago
More than 18 months ago
C: Visiting the Orthodontist
In this section we are asking questions about your visits to the orthodontic clinic.
C1)How easy is it to book a convenient appointment to see your orthodontist?
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Very Easy Easy OK Difficult Very Difficult
C2)Is the receptionist (the person who greets you at the front desk) friendly to you?
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Always Most of the time Sometimes Hardly ever Never
C3)What do you like about the waiting room?
Please write your answer in this box
C4)What could be better about the waiting room?
Please write your answer in this box
C5)The length of time you generally have to wait in the waiting room before your appointment is
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Too long About right Too short
C6)I usually come to the orthodontist
Please tick one box
By myself
With my parents or guardians
With someone elseWho?
C7a)Does your parent, guardian or friend come into the surgery with you?
Please tick one box
Yes, on every appointment
Just for the first appointment
When the orthodontist wants to talk to them
No one comes with me
C7b) If your parent, guardian or friend comes into the surgery with you how do you feel about this?
Please tick the box closest to your experience
I like it I do not mind I do not like it
C8)How do you usually feel when you are sitting in the orthodontist’s chair?
Please tick one box
I like it
It is okay
I feel embarrassed
I do not like it
D: Having treatment
D1)The orthodontist is friendly.
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Always Most of the time Sometimes Hardly ever Never
D2) The nurse is friendly.
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Always Most of the time Sometimes Hardly ever Never
D3) The orthodontist answers my questions.
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Always Most of the time Sometimes Hardly ever Never
D4)I understand the answers given by the orthodontist.
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Always Most of the time Sometimes Hardly ever Never
D5)The orthodontist explains any treatment before he or she begins.
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Always Most of the time Sometimes Hardly ever Never
E: Information about your treatment
E1) Before my treatment started I was told about:
Please tick one or more boxes
The type of brace I would need
How long my treatment would take
Wearing retainers
Keeping my brace clean
Foods and drinks to avoid
I did not get any information
I can not remember
E2) How was this information given to you?
Please tick one or more boxes
I was given a leaflet
I watched a video
My orthodontist talked to me
Someone else at the clinic talked to me
My orthodontist showed me photographs
Someone else at the clinic showed me photos
I was shown models demonstrating appliances
I did not get any information
I can not remember
E3)Did you understand the information given about braces?
Please tick the box closest to your experience
All of it Most of it Some of it Hardly any of it None of it
E4)Where did you learn the most about wearing braces?
Please tick one box
From my orthodontist
From leaflets
From videos
From friends
From family
From the internet
E5)Does your orthodontist ask you about what you are eating and drinking?
Please tick one box
Yes, every visit
Yes, most visits
Do not know
E6)Does your orthodontist talk to you about your tooth brushing?
Please tick one box
Yes, every visit
Yes, most visits
Do not know
E7)Does your orthodontist ask you how you are getting on with your brace?
Please tick one box
Yes, every visit
Yes, most visits
Do not know
E8)Do you follow the instructions you were given about your brace?
Please tick the box closest to your experience
Yes, all of it Most of it Some of it Occasionally No, never
Orthodontic Patient Satisfaction completed Patient Questionnaire Data Capture SheetA1 / <9 / % / 9-14 / % / 14-17 / % / >18 / %
A2 / Male / % / Female / % / %
B1 / Removable / % / Fixed / % / Headgear / % / No Brace / %
B2 / Removable / % / Fixed / % / No Brace / %
B3 / <6 Months / % / 6-12 Months / % / 12-18 Months / % / >18 Months / %
C1 / Very Easy / % / Easy / % / OK / % / Difficult / % / Very Difficult / %
C2 / Always / % / Most Time / % / Some
Times / % / Hardly Ever / % / Never / %
C3 / Waiting Room Likes
C4 / Improve Waiting Room
C5 / Too Long / % / About Right / % / Too Short / %
C6 / Myself / % / Parent
/Guardian / % / Someone Else / %
C7a / Yes / % / 1st Appointment / % / Orthodontist
Talk / % / Never / % / No one / %
C7b / Like It / % / Don’t Mind / % / Do Not Like It / %
C8 / Like It / % / OK / % / Embarrassed / % / Do Not Like it / % / %
D1 / Always / % / Most of the Time / % / Sometimes / % / Hardly Ever / % / Never / %
D2 / Always / % / Most of the Time / % / Sometimes / % / Hardly Ever / % / Never / %
D3 / Always / % / Most of the Time / % / Sometimes / % / Hardly Ever / % / Never / %
D4 / Always / % / Most of the Time / % / Sometimes / % / Hardly Ever / % / Never / %
D5 / Always / % / Most of the Time / % / Sometimes / % / Hardly Ever / % / Never / %
E1 / Type of Brace / % / Treatment length / % / Retainers / % / Foods to Avoid / % / No Information / % / Can Not Remember / %
E2 / Leaflets / % / Videos / % / Orthodontist
Told Me / % / DCP Told Me / % / Orthodontist Photos / % / DCP Photos / % / Demonstration Models / % / No Information / % / Can Not Remember / %
E3 / All / % / Most / % / Some / % / Hardly Any / % / None / %
E4 / Orthodontist / % / Leaflets / % / Videos / % / Friends / % / Family / % / Internet / %
E5 / Every Visit / % / Most Visits / % / Sometimes / % / Never / % / Do Not Know / %
E6 / Every Visit / % / Most Visits / % / Sometimes / % / Never / % / Do Not Know / %
E7 / Every Visit / % / Most Visits / % / Sometimes / % / Never / % / Do Not Know / %
E8 / Yes / % / Most / % / Some / % / Occasionally / % / No / %
Orthodontic Patient Satisfaction
Audit findings- Discuss the audit findings of each response from the Patient’s Questionnaires with your colleagues and team members and decide on any necessary actions.
Report Page
OrthodonticPatient Satisfaction Audit
Clinical Audit of Patient Satisfaction Auditfeedback:
Were the following AIMS & OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED / Yes / No
Were the AIMS met? They were:
- To monitor your practice's quality of care in relation to:-
- Patient perceived visit to practice
- Patient perception of treatment
- Patient perception of information
- To identify the principle drivers to patient satisfaction (and dissatisfaction).
Was the objective met? It was:
- To enable the practice to develop programmes to improve the level of care.
Action Planto include changes implemented as a result of your Clinical Audit:
How useful did you find thisDental Clinical Audit?
Please circle one of the following: No use Useful Very Useful
Any comments on this Structured Dental Clinical Auditespecially if you ticked no use:
I confirm that I have completed the enclosed Dental Clinical Audit activity