Dress Code: The school dress code reflects both halacha as well as a judgment regarding what is appropriate for a serious academic setting. Just as the workplace establishes certain norms for the dress of its employees in order to create the right work atmosphere, so, too, our school has established a uniform (and dress code for non-uniform days) designed to set the tone for serious commitment to Torah learning and secular study. Chitzonius Mashpeah Al Hapnimius – Our outer appearance and actions affect our inner core.
Please be advised, the following paragraphs apply both in and out of school:
Mesorah students are ambassadors and represent Mesorah, and therefore we trust and expect that their actions and manner of dress will exemplify the religious philosophy of the school not only during the school day, but at all times. This means that skirts must be at least three inches below the bottom of the knee and cover the knee both standing and sitting, tops must completely cover collar bones and elbows, and no article of clothing may be tight or form fitting.
No code can be all encompassing. The code includes guidelines that are also meant to convey a spirit. We expect that students will abide by the letter, as well as the spirit, of these guidelines. It is important to shop with these guidelines in mind.
Dress Code Guidelines
· Students are to wear the school uniform every day, unless otherwise specified.
Uniform items should be chosen from the following list of approved items:
- long or ¾ sleeve white or light blue oxford button down collar blouse (required)
- blue and white pinstriped long sleeve oxford button down collar blouse from Parker Uniform only (not required)
Blouses must be worn tucked in at all times, unless the bottom of the blouse is squared. School Uniform Long Sleeve or ¾ sleeve Oxford Shirt (not button down collar) in white or blue from Lands’ End is preferable and will not have to be squared or tucked in.
- a uniform sweater or vest, or white shell is required every day
- navy blue sweater or vest with Mesorah logo purchased only from Parker or Lands’ End (not required)
- gray or navy pleated skirt purchased only from Parker (required)
- closed shoes (no Crocs, slides) or boots (with approval)
- black, navy (dark blue), white or gray stockings or knee-socks (no anklets or sport socks)
· Uniform Compliance: Students who do not come in uniform on regular days or dressed according to the Non-Uniform Day Guidelines on approved days, will be required to call a parent to bring them appropriate clothing.
Our uniform code for Parker is DA022169 and our uniform code for Lands’ End is 900054321.
All uniform items are interchangeable. No item may be added to the uniform (belts, decorative pins, shirts or T-shirts under blouse, etc.).
· Blouses should be worn tucked in at all times, unless the bottom of the blouse is squared (or the blouse is from Lands’ End).
· All parts of the uniform must be in good condition (ex. hems in, buttons attached, no tears or holes, free of graffiti).
· No non-uniform shirts, sweaters, vests, sweatshirts, jackets, leg coverings, sweatpants, pajamas of any type, or coats may be worn inside the building.
We have as an expectation: Students will arrive at school in the proper uniform.
General Guidelines
· Jewelry, make-up, hairstyles, and hair adornments must be understated and appropriate to the uniform and proper deportment. Earrings or ear clips, limited to one pair, should be simple and small. No hats or caps may be worn inside the building at any time. Nail polish may only be clear or in the red (pink) family. No black or other colors. Hair may not be colored or highlighted, other than natural color.
· Collarbones must be completely covered at all times.
· Tight fitting clothing may not be worn.
· All skirts must be at least three inches below the bottom of the knee and cover the knee while standing and sitting. No pants or leggings may be worn under skirts.
Non-Uniform Day Guidelines
· Rosh Chodesh dress will be regular uniform (white blouses preferable) with any solid color cardigan if the student so chooses. On all other non-uniform days, the regular uniform must be worn, along with any socks, shells and sweaters, unless otherwise specified.
Parents are encouraged to call the school 214-420-1990, ext. 103 or Mrs. Rich if there are questions regarding the uniform.