Holding it all together; ancient and modern approaches to joining, repair and consolidation

21st and 22nd Feb 2008

Provisional Program - Poster submissions

M.F. Ali and S. Abdelslam / New treatment in consolidation and injection of over-wall paintings
E. Asderaki-Tzoumerkioti / Ancient joining techniquesused in a bronze Hellenistic urn versus the modern ones applied for its exhibition
M. Azadi Boyaghchi / The introduction of Ghalablab for conservation purposes
G. Campo, A. Nualart, S. Garcia, N. Flos, MA. Antona Heredero, C. Ramells, M. Mestre, M.Oriola, M. Alcobéand C. Ruiz / Identification of pathologies caused by adhesion conservation treatments involving PVAc.
C. Chadefaux, C. Vignaud, M. Menu and I. Reiche / Multianalytical study of effects of diagenesis and consolidation treatments on Palaeolithic reindeerantler
I. Coutinho, A. M.Ramos, A. Lima and F. Fernandes / Studies on degradation of epoxy resins used for conservation of glass
R. Dooijes and O. P. Nieuwenhuyse / Ancient repairs in archaeological research – a Near Eastern perspective
S. V. Gheorghe / Ethnographic ceramics (joins and repairs)
S. Hill / Original construction methods and new repair and consolidation work in the Great Bass Rock Diorama
R. Horton, E. Duggan, I. Miles and J. Langfeldt / Approaches to the conservation of objects with ‘Doped’ surfaces on display at the ScienceMuseum, London
E. Huber, A. I. Idelson and C. Serino / A reversible assembly of a terracotta art work
R.J. Jaeschke and H. F. Jaeschke / Reshaping cartonnage- some ethical considerations
S. Leukumaavaara / Unusual material in a wooden polychrome sculpture
H. B. Madsen / Repairs in Antiquity illustrated by examples from the prehistory of Denmark
W. A. Mohamed / Reconstruction of archaeological metal fragments
V. McGuinness / Earthquake engineering: modern techniques for ancient material
B. Niemeyer / The Hildesheim Roman silver treasure: Ancient joining techniques – late 19th century repairs – early 21st century assemblages.
C. O'Grady / Investigation and analysis of historic early 20th century Mexican fills/repairs on Casas Grandes ceramics at the ArizonaStateMuseum
S. Rapti, A. Haratsi-Makri, E. Apostolakopoulou and E. Malea / A 19th century multi component chest: Ethical considerations on conservation and restoration
A. Shackle, D.Sully. R. Peters and C. White / The use of indigenous pottery repair techniques by Native American groups of South-Western Arizona and museum conservators
L-A. Skinner / Ancient repairs and construction of a Bronze Age dagger from Central Norway
N. Stahl and I. Freestone / Investigation of the properties of wax as conservation material.
T. Sweek, P. Higgs, N. Lee, M. Hercules, T. Munden, P. Fletcher,
A.Middleton and M.Hacke / Europa and the Bull, a Path of Discovery
Y. Tiamiyu / Traditional textile conservation among Yoruba people of West Africa
C. Ward, J. Ambers and J. Cook / A 12,500 year old repair: New observations on a Late Madelenian spear thrower from Montestruc, Tarn-et-Garonne, France
D. Watkinson and P. Manti / “A hundred ways to repair your helmet”; Ancient and modern repairs on bronze helmets