Romeo and Juliet

Paper: Who is responsible for the deaths of Romeo & Juliet?

(50 points)

Besides the Friar, which character in the play is mostly to blame for the deaths of our beloved characters, Romeo and Juliet? Describe this characterand give three detailed reasons (cited from the play) why they are to blame. Also discuss how this character could have prevented certain situations from occurring.

You will need to:

  • Fill out a Quote-Note-Thought Chart (5 points)
  • Fill out an outline (5 points)
  • Write a three paragraph essay (40)


You must hand this outline in for credit toward the paper.
Who is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s Death? Complete the Quote-Note-Thought chart in order to pull out 5 quotes from the play that you can use in your paper to support your position.

Sentence(s) from the text that supports your opinion. Include in-text citation / Note
What does the quote mean in your own words? / Thought
How will you use this quote in your paper? Why does it support your opinion?
“Hie to your chamber. I’ll find Romeo to comfort you; I wot where he is. Harke ye, your Romeo will be here at night” (3.2. 143-145). / Example:
Hurry to your room. I’ll find Romeo and bring him here to you make you feel better. I know where he is. He will be here tonight. / Example:
The Nurse encourages Juliet’s relationship with Romeo, even when she knows that it is not possible for them to be together. I will use this in my paragraph about the Nurse’s poor judgment.

Outline for Romeo and Juliet Paper

(5 Points)

You must hand this outline in for credit toward the paper.

Introduction Paragraph
I. Topic Sentence: Catch our attention by providing some background information about Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, one of the greatest tragedies in literature. / ______
Describe how many characters could be responsible for the deaths of R & J, but the one who is most to blame is ______. / ______
Thesis (The ______is mostly to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, because he/she ______, ______and ______. / ______
Body Paragraph
II. Topic sentence: Describe the person thatis most to blame for their deaths. / ______
1st reason why: You must cite an example from the play. Your citation must be followed by the Act, scene, line(s).
Example: (II.i.74) or (2.1.74) / ______
2nd reason why: You must cite an example from the play. Your citation must be followed by the Act, scene, line(s).
Example: (II.i.74) or (2.1.74) / ______
3rd reason why: You must cite an example from the play. Your citation must be followed by the Act, scene, line(s).
Example: (II.i.74) or (2.1.74) / ______
Conclusion sentence to summarize why this character is to blame. Be sure to connect this paragraph back to the thesis statement. / ______
Conclusion Paragraph
V. Thesis reworded (look back at your thesis from the introductory paragraph) / ______
  1. Briefly describe the character who is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet
/ ______
  1. Concluding
statement that
summarizes the paper and leaves the reader thinking about the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. / ______

Rubric for Romeo and Juliet Essay

Domains / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
FOCUS / Distinct controlling point made about a single topic with awareness of task / Apparent point made about a single topic with sufficient awareness of task / Evidence of a single controlling point but no apparent topic / Minimal evidence of controlling topic
CONTENT / Substantial, specific, and illustrative content demonstrating strong development of ideas / Sufficiently developed content / Significantly limited content with inadequate elaboration or explanation / Severely limited content
ORGANIZATION / Sophisticated arrangement of content with evident transitions / Functional arrangement of content that sustains a logical order / Confused or inconsistent arrangement of content without attempts at transition / Minimal control of content arrangement
2 / 1.5 / 1 / .5
STYLE / Sophisticated arrangement of content with evident transitions / Functional arrangement of content that sustains a logical order / Confused or inconsistent arrangement of content without attempts at transition / Minimal control of content arrangement
CONVENTIONS / Illustrative use of a variety of words used to create writer’s voice and tone appropriate to audience / Functional use of a variety of words and sentence structures that may or may not create tone/voice appropriate to audience / Generic word choice and limited control of sentence structures that inhibit voice and tone / Minimal control of word choice and sentence structures
Focus, Content, Organization, Style, Conventions = / _____/16
Paragraph 1- Introduction
____Introduction/explanation of topic (2 pts)
____Brief description of contents of the essay (4 pts)
____Thesis (2 pts) / _____ /8
Paragraph 2 – Essay Details
____Introduction of topic (2 pts)
____AT LEAST 2 direct quotes with explanation from the play (4pts)
____Conclusion (2 pts) / _____/8
Paragraph 3 – Conclusion
____Restate thesis from first paragraph (2 pts)
____Brief synopsis of essay details (4 pts)
____Concluding thought/message about the topic (2 pts) / _____/8
Quote-Note-Thought Chart and Outline / _____/10
TOTAL: / _____/50