Survey of Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Management Area (LUB GWMA)

The purpose of this survey is to document the level of adoption of management practices and strategies that reduce the leaching of nitrate to groundwater. The goal of the 1997 LUB GWMA Action Plan is: by December of 2009, 95% of irrigated acreage is implementing an accepted system of BMPs or are covered by an implementation plan and the recommendations are in place and being used. Practices are being evaluated and further improvements have been identified that would further improve and optimize management plans for groundwater quality protection.

This survey is about acres that you managed in 2008 and 10, and 20 years ago (acres that you had direct control of how the crop was raised). Remember 20 years ago was pre Hermiston foods

How many acres of irrigated cropland, within the GWMA, did you manage in 2008?

As a grower

As a crop consultant

What type of grower are/were you? (Circle all that apply)

Fill out a separate survey for Re-use, CAFO and remaining acres.

Re-use waters


Row crop

Alfalfa/cereal/grass seed

Other - List

What are the crops that you managed in 2008? (Circle all that apply)

Potatoes Hay, alfalfa or grass Vegetables

Cereals Grass Seed Pasture

Corn, sweet or field Legumes Other (list)

Onions Melons

What irrigation systems are used on the acres you managed in 2008? (More/ Less/ Same)

20 yrs ago / 10 yrs ago / 2008
Wheel line or hand line
Solid set

Please indicate the Best Management Practices that you use in your normal farming operations

Water Management

Irrigation System Management

Best Management Practice / 20 yrs. ago / 10 yrs ago / 2008
What do you do to determine water applications are applied accurately?
Flow meter
Power monitoring
Soil moisture monitoring
Rain gauges
Compare different measurements (e.g. rain gauge / run time / what is in soil / power consumption
Other - list
What do you do to determine water applications are applied uniformly?
Inspect irrigation system and repair regularly
Perform “can” test
System uniformity checks

Other - list

What do you do to check irrigation system?

Ensure the system hardware is in good operating condition
Irrigation system is designed to match site/soil conditions
Check and maintain appropriate backflow prevention safety devices for irrigation system
At the well
At the injection points
Take an aerial photo once a year to determine uniformity
Maintain system to operate as designed
Check that pressure regulators are working properly
Check that end guns are working properly
Other - list
What do you do to minimize drift and off-target water applications?
Is your system designed for your soil characteristics to prevent runoff?
What do you do to reduce the detrimental effects of wind on application uniformity?
Installed low pressure system
Installed drop nozzles
Update nozzles based on some uniformity measurement
Other - list

Record Keeping

Best Management Practice / 20 yrs ago / 10 yrs ago / 2008
Do you keep records of:
Uniformity test results
Crop grown
Water applied
Predicted ET
Rain gauge
Soil Moisture
Irrigation Scheduling
How do you determine crop water need for irrigation scheduling by field?
ET prediction
NIN/other prediction method
Beginning soil moisture
Soil probe
Neutron probe
Hand “grab” sampling
Soil depth monitored:
First foot
Second foot
Third foot
Fourth foot
Fifth foot
Adjust for particular crop/field based on:
Field specific variability
Individual field rainfall

Other Reasons to Irrigate

Wind erosion control – more/ less/ same
Salt accumulation

Application Practices

Do you choose irrigation amounts that will minimize surface runoff?
Do you assure that sprinkler application rates are below the soil infiltration rate in order to prevent runoff and accumulation of water in lower areas, which may result in excess infiltration and leaching?
Do you incorporate appropriate backflow-prevention safety devices if a chemigation system is used?


On-Farm Storage and Containment

Best Management Practice / 20 yrs. ago / 10 yrs. ago / 2008
Do you store chemicals /fertilizers near wellhead?
Are existing bulk fertilizer storage areas located a safe distance from residential water wells and public water supply wells?
Fertilization Practices
What depth do you soil sample to for a pre-plant soil test?
First foot
Second foot
Third foot
Fourth foot
Fifth foot
Do you use in-season soil samples?
First foot
Second foot
Third foot

Do you use in-season plant analysis?

Fertilizer Recommendations

Sources of recommendations used to make fertilizer decisions:
Crop consultant
OSU fertilizer guide

Nutrient Credits

Do you take credit for N supplied by:
Irrigation water
Organic matter
Manure/ crop residues/ compost

Nitrogen Management Practices

Best Management Practices / 20 yrs. ago / 10 yrs. ago / 2008
Do you use less nitrogen today compared to previous years? Yes / no
Are yields: higher/ less/ same
Is quality: better/ less/ same
Do you use cover crops?
Do you use split N applications?
Do you use nitrification inhibitors (agrotain)?
Do you use controlled release fertilizers?
Do you apply most nitrogen at planting?
Do you manage nitrogen based on crop demand curves?
If you use less nitrogen today, is it because of: (circle those that apply)
Better efficiency
Higher prices
Better crop use curves
Environmental concerns
Do you use other special management practices to minimize nitrate losses to groundwater?
Do you use special management practices on sandy soils and in groundwater sensitive or wellhead protection areas?
Do you less nitrogen fertilizer today when raising:
Soft white wheat

Record Keeping

Do you maintain record of soil test reports and quantities of nutrients applied to individual fields?
Do you maintain record of regularly calibrated chemigation equipment?

Fertilizer Application Equipment

Do you check all fertilizer application equipment for proper adjustment to the desired rate of application and placement?
Do you check that all fertilizer application equipment is in proper working condition?