The Gilbert School ~ Girls Tennis Team

Guidelines and Rules 2016

As a member of The Gilbert School’s Girls Tennis Team, I pledge to respect and follow the guidelines set forth in this contract:

  • I must maintain a 2.0 GPA and have no Fs in any subject from Q2 and Q3 to be eligible to play for the team.
  • I will attend all practices and games. I will schedule medical appointments, college trips, etc. outside of practices and games. I understand that a player who misses a practice or a match for an invalid reason will not play in the next match. If I am in school, I should be at the practice/match. I must be in school by 7:45 am to be eligible to play a match. The only exception is with a doctor’s or legal note.
  • Spring vacations do not constitute an excused absence unless the trip is school related or with your family and they require that you attend.
  • If I am going to be absent, I must notify my coaches in advance and receive their approval. Even if I am sick, I must email my coach. There are exceptions that can be made in extreme cases, such as a family emergency.
  • Continued tardiness and absence will result in a parent conference, benched practice/matches, and may result in dismissal from the team.
  • I will attend all team study halls.
  • I will participate in at least two acts of community service.
  • I will treat myself, teammates, parents, school community, coaches etc. with respect. I will respect the decisions of the coaches and captains.
  • When asked by a coach or team captain I will assist with duties such as picking up balls, setting up score cards, cleaning up after a match, etc.
  • I will not participate in any hazing, taunting or harassment of my teammates.
  • I understand basic tennis etiquette and I will exhibit good sportsmanship every time that I step on the court to represent The Gilbert School.
  • Players must wear the team uniform and NIKE sneakers in order to compete.
  • Inappropriate language - in any dialect and/or inappropriate gestures is not permitted. Cursing/racket abuse/ball abuse during a match will result in a point penalty and possibly a forfeiture of the match. I will behave like a lady on and off the court. The use of profanity demonstrates a loss of composure and will not be tolerated.
  • During a match, I will listen and try to incorporate the suggestions being made by the coach. I am only allowed to talk to the coach - no parents, pros, or other teammates.
  • I will report my scores to my coach as soon as the match is over.
  • During matches I must support my teammates by spreading out to cover all the courts when I am not playing. I must stay back 8- 10 feet from the fence at any facility to show respect to the players.
  • When competing against another school, I will stay until the end of the last match in order to support my teammates.
  • I will ride to and from matches on the team bus. Few exceptions may be made for special circumstances - these must be approved by my coaches/Athletic Director upon receiving a written request (Travel Release Form) by the morning of the match.
  • Cell phones may be used before practice, after practice, and on the bus ride to and from away matches. All other times, my cell phone is to be turned off.
  • Homework can be done on the bus to and from away matches. It is not allowed to be done until all matches are completed. There may be exceptions to this and will be determined and announced by the coaches.
  • In the event of poor weather no decisions will be made before 2:00 p.m. At that time, players will be notified and it is their responsibility to notify parents of practice/match changes.
  • I understand that the tennis team has a zero tolerance policy for alcohol, drug and tobacco use. I understand that by violating any of the rules above that I may be penalized under the policies outlined in the student handbook.
  • If I am not playing in the spot I think I deserve, I will not take it personally. I will trust that my coach is trying to do what is best for the team. There exists the possibility of challenge matches as determined by the coaches throughout the season.
  • I will have a good time while working hard to improve myself and my teammates. I will practice with the intensity I need to maintain a tough tennis match. I will not distract others as they focus on their play.
  • The coaches hope to have a very open and honest relationship amongst the team and would appreciate hearing your thoughts, concerns and feedback throughout the season. The coaches will attempt to be as fair and respectful as possible.
  • Just because a specific rule does not appear here, it does not mean it does not exist. I will use my common sense and adhere to the team expectations. I will listen to the coaches and ask questions when necessary.
  • If I have an issue pertaining to the team I will follow the chain of command (Captains, Coach, Athletic Director, Administration) to resolve the issue.



I, ______have read and agree to comply with the rules for The Gilbert School’s 2015 Girls Tennis Team.


Player Signature Parent Signature

Important Facts for Parents


  • Weather Updates:
  • Go to
  • At top of screen select updates
  • From here you can choose to receive emails or texts on whichever you choose (schedule changes, postponements and cancellations, etc).


  • Conduct during matches:

I ask that you do not talk to your daughter during the match. If you have concerns, please approach me with them. You should only cheer at appropriate times and for both teams. You must stand back 8-10 feet from the fence. Your daughter needs to talk to me first immediately following her match. Your daughter needs to stay and cheer on her fellow teammates until the conclusion of match play. If you need to take your daughter home from an away match, myself and the athletic director would need notice via e-mail or a note by the morning of the match.

Coach: thletic Director: