Iron Springs Christian Reformed Church
August12, 2018
Summer Pastor Administrator: April Hubers
George VinkChurch Phone: (403) 738-4433
Phone: (616) 808-6062E-mail:
ulletin Deadline: Thursday noon
Iron Springs CRC Vision Statement
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be a caring, Christ centered community of believers, nurturing spiritual growth and sharingGod’s love at home, work and abroad.
Welcome to our worship service at Iron Springs CRC.Please join us for coffee and juice in the fellowship hall after the service.
Birthdays this Week:
Iron Springs Christian Reformed Church
Order of WorshipAugust 12, 2018
Greeting & Welcome
Call to WorshipPsalm 134
*Opening SongsCornerstone
Blessed Be Your Name LUYH 343
*God’s Greeting
*Silent Prayer-Concluded inLord, I Need You
Call to ConfessionRomans 6-Selections
Song of Confession Eternal Spirit, God of Truth LUYH 641
God’s Guide for LivingDecalogue for Children
*Song of CommitmentJesus Loves Me- LUYH 709
Congregational Prayer
Offering Pastor Church Resources
Children’s Message & Prayer
*Song of PreparationSpeak, O Lord LUYH 755
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture ReadingsGenesis 2: 18-25 & Galatians 3: 26-28
Prayer of Application
*Song of ResponseWhen We Walk With the Lord LUYH 327
*God’s Parting Blessing
*Moment of Reflection
*If able, you’re welcome to stand
Church Calendar
TodaySunday School during the service for pre-school-entering Grade 2
Mon: Consistory Meeting 7:30 pm
Tues: Profession of Faith Class at church 7:30 pm
Sun: Church Service in the Park (no service at Iron Springs CRC) 11:00am
Aug 12 / Aug 19 / Aug 26Serving Elder / Art D / Gys V / Delbert V
Ushers / Melissa V
Esther R / Church in the Park at Lion’s Park in Picture Butte / Mike V
Karen K
Greeters / Aaron & Marian E / Henry & Arlene
Coffee / Joe & Teresa B
Annie V / Audrey K
Leighton & Elinor K
Nursery / Nancie, Ethan, Noah, Paige / Elinor, Emily, Rik, Choloe
Sunday School
(Pre-school - Gr. 2) / Mike & Andrea / Rodney & Nancie
Library / Candace / Chris
Children’s Message / Helen
Alberta Rose / Bill & Alina S
Tony & Karen K
Piyami Lodge / Dronkelaar Family
Church Family
God calls us to help and encourage people that cross our paths in our daily lives.
Keep Jordon V.S. and his family in your prayers as Jordon goes for Surgery Friday August 17th in Calgary. Pray also for Martin Vandiemen who is in hospital with gall bladder complications. Pray for people who are struggling as they age, with health and mobility.
August 12: Pastor Church Resources
Pastor Church Resources supports congregations and their leaders in times of transition and discernment by providing consultations and resources that foster personal and communal health.
August 19: CRC Annual Day of Justice
As designated by Synod 2017, August 19 marks a denomination-wide Day of Justice across the Christian Reformed Church in North America. As Christians we are called to a lifetime of justice and righteousness. Today on this Day of Justice let us reflect on justice and what it means for our lives. Let us live out Jesus’ call to stand up, be kingdom workers extending the gospel to all people and caring for the “least of those” among us. May we lament the injustices in our world and commit to the transforming work of standing alongside people whom society oppresses.
August 26: Faith Formation Ministries
Donations collected today will go to Faith Formation Ministries. A ministry that provides resources and coaching to support CRC churches as they help people grow in faith. Faith Formation Ministries creates and curates helpful faith formation resources for growing faith in children, teens, and adults. Your support to this growing ministry is greatly appreciated.
Building fundraiser
The church is currently fundraising for a new tin roof and some fellowship hall upgrades.
Thank you to everyone who has already donated.
Just a reminder, all donations should be in a sealed envelope with “building fund” in the memo of the cheque. Pledge forms and envelopes are on the table by mailboxes. The envelopes can be put into any offering.
Thanks - Building committee
Iron Springs News
Church in the Park-As our church will be hosting Church in the Park this year, wewould like to invite you for a time of worship and fellowship at the Elk's Park in Picture Butte on Sunday, August 19 at 11:00 am. The offering taking place will be for the Food Grains Bank. We would also invite you to stay after the service for lunch and fellowship. If you plan on staying we would ask you to bring a salad to share;hamburgers, hot dogsand dessert will be provided!Bring along a chair to sit on too.
Kids Bulletins are available in the back targeted for ages 7-12. If you use a pencil from the cup please return it for next week.
INQUIRERS' CLASS/PROFESSION OF FAITHWe've had only one session. If you're interested, come Tuesday at 7.30pm to the church's Council room. We meet from 7.30 until 9pm. No later! Promptness, preparedness, politeness, perseverance, and prayerfulness matter. If you have questions or would like an advance copy of the material we're covering, please contact me. Pastor George Vink
Church Database we’ve started a new database for tracking contact information, family details, and dates of birth, marriage, baptism, and profession of faith. Check your mailbox today for a sheet with your information. Please confirm the details we have or make corrections/additions and return the sheets to box 92 or slide under the office door downstairs.
If you don’t have a mailbox and/or information sheet to check and would like these things, please email or talk to your elder!
WALKING IN THE WORD-Day to day reflections on the Christian Journeyis a yearlong devotional book with monthly themes, Bible readings and questions. It includes several expansions of previous TODAYs that I'd written. I have a few copies with me. ($25Cdn) If interested in an autographed copy, let me know. - George Vink
Area News
You are invited to a concert onSaturday August 18that 7pmat Maranatha CRC to hear the music of Jeremy Benjamin. An offering will be taken to support both World Renew and the Canadian Food Grains Bank.Tell your friends and neighbours! If you have anyquestionsplease
The Bits & Bytes Classic–a fundraiser for updated technology at Immanuel Christian Schools will take place September 8 at 9:00AM. The entry fee is $125 and includes 18 holes of golf, a power cart, a great gift package, 2 mulligans and a fantastic steak dinner. Come for special prize competitions at every hole, door prizes, and the chance to win $10,000 in cash! Register online, email or phone 403-634-7297 with your name and average score. Email if you would like to be a sponsor and improve the technology used by our children. We have planned this year's tournament to be a rain free event.
Last Sunday we gotthe first of more to come, I’m sure. Terri, our oldest granddaughter Face-timed with an unusual level of excitement, “Oma, I’m engaged!” Although we’d been expecting it, I still reacted with limited enthusiasm, “Already?” I remember my similar response when her parents announced her anticipated arrival. Such occasions elicit feelings of my getting old and things going too fast. In addition, being in Southern Alberta now, it doesn’t seem that long ago when I faced Dad Pool to ensure his approval of what we were planning.
I asked the excited Terri to check if Jake, now her fiancé, had asked formally for the apt approval from Dan, our son and his now-to-be father-in-law. I was assured he’d done so! Shirley followed my question with numerous inquiries as to how the proposal itself had transpired. Imagine! I’m sure she was hoping that it had been infinitely more romantic than my most unimaginative proposition that she’d be a pastor’s perfect partner.
Reflecting on marriage proposals, residing near Iron Springs, and reminiscing regularly with folks here brings to mind my father-in-law. I think of him also whenever I’m instructed to, “Name someone who has influenced you!” If “Heit” Pool were alive, he’d be turning 112. Old enough to know a few things! Wise enough to have something to share! There are still times I’d love to talk with him, disagree with him, and then together we’d upset my mother-in-law.
If he were to visit like Jethro visited Moses, he’d observe closely. I’d hope his words would not be Jethro’s, “The thing you are doing is not good….” How would I feel about that kind of observation? I realize Jethro wasn’t judging Moses’ work, but his being too busy. Moses thought he had to do it all himself! I know that I’ve succumbed to similar such disillusionment.
Dad may not have succeeded at farming, but he had discernment. He read extensively and engagingly. He made dinner-time devotions an occasion for learning, frightening an eager suitor who wasn’t used to such engagement. I appreciated his deep interest in the affairs of the church. As I’ve indicated, our conversations were lively, occasionally incurring Mom’s wrath. He engaged intently, causing inability to sleep later. But, I’d gladly do it again. I think he would too. Quoting the scriptures, Dad gave good advice about ministry that I’ve tried to apply.
So did father-in-law Jethro. Moses applied it, added help and achieved time for his family. We’re not all blessed with wise fathers-in-law, but if you’re blessed with one, listen and appreciate him, or your mother-in-law. An applicable admonition I read recently leaves little to be added!
A prayer to be saidwhen the world has gotten you down and you feel rotten,and you’re too doggone tired to pray and you’re in a big hurry,and besides, you’re mad at everybody: HELP!”
Good advice we resist because we’re proud. Too often our lives are filled with anger, impatience, irritation, and just plain frustration. We’re busy. A note I kept at my office desk reminded me:
“If you’re too busy to pray, you’re too busy!”
Why avoid Jethro’s advice? Is it pride or stubbornness? Is there a difference? Sometimes it’s our insecurity. Then, praying, “Help!” may be the wisest things to do. God didn’t design us to do it alone! Let’s remember, we’re in this world “together.” Anyhow, that’s how I see it.
Pastor George Vink