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Balasubramanyan R (1964) - Technological characteristics of wood as a building material for fishing boats Processing Indo-Pacif.Fish.Coun.Occ.Pap.64/9

Balasubramanyan R (1965) - Aluminium alloy as sheathing material for the wooden hulls of fishing boats, Res. Ind. 10[6]:163-165

Balasubramanyan R (1965) - New record on the unusual boring activity of the Pholadid Martesia in the port of cochin, Science Culture 31[3]:155

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Balasubramanyan R (1967) - Experiments and experience with fibre glass reinforced plastics as a protective sheathing material in fishing boats Symposium on Fibre glass Reinforced Plastics,Madras,1967

Balasubramanyan R (1967) - Indigenous substitutes for imported natuural resin, `dammar batu', Res.Ind. 12[3]:165-167

Balasubramanyan R (1967) - On the occurence of Palinurid spiny lobster in the Cochin backwaters, Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 9[2]:435-438

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Balasubramanyan R (1968) - Studies on the pholadid marine wood borer Martesia striata (Linnaeus) Presented at the Symp. on Mollusca, Marine Biological Association of India, Ernakulum, Jan., 1968

Balasubramanyan R (1969) - Biological evaluation of antifouling paints, Paintindia 19[7]:19-24

Balasubramanyan R(1964) - Protection of wooden hulls of fisning boats against marine borersProcessing Symposium on Marine Paints, New Delhi, Defence R D Organisation

Balasubramanyan R, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G(1969) - Investigations on the utility of cashew nut shell liquid as a surface coating material on wooden fishing boats Seminar on the Cashew nut shell liquid organized by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade and Cashew Export Promotion Council,Ernakulam,21-22 February,1969

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Balasubramanyan R, Ravindran K, Unnikrishnan Nair N, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G(1968) - Proctection against borers foulers and corrosion through the use of aluminum alloy sheathing in marine environment Presented at the Second International Congress on Marine Corrosion and fouling, Athens, Greece, Sep. 1968

Balasubramanyan R, Satyanarayana A V V, Sadanandan K A(1960) - Preliminary account of the experimental rock lobster fishing conducted along the south-west coast of India with bottom set gill nets, Indian Journal of Fisheries vol.407-422

Balasubramanyan R, Satyanarayana A V V, Sadanandan K A(1961) - Further account of the rocklobster fishing experiments with bottom set gill nets, Indian Journal of Fisheries vol.8(1) : 269-290

Balasubramanyan R, Unnikrishnan Nair N(1968) - Fouling by oysters and their prevention presented at the Symp. on Mollusca, Marine Biological Association of India, Ernakulam, Jan., 1968

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Cyriac Mathen, Choudhury D R (1965) - Factors influencing colour production from sugar medium used for rapid approximation of bacterial counts in fishery products, Fishery Technology 2[1]:144-150

Cyriac Mathen, Choudhury D R (1965) - Quality of commercial frozen lobsters in relation to standards Nineth Indian Standards Convention, 1965

Cyriac Mathen, Choudhury D R, Pillai V K(1966) - Use of different glazes in frozen oil sardines, Fishery Technology 3[1] :30-37

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Deshpande S D, Sivan T M (1969) - On the troll line investigations off Cochin during five fishing seasons - I - Investigations during 1960 -61 and 1961-62 seasons, Fishery Technology VI [1 :26-35

Deshpande S D, Sivan T M(1962) - On the effect of tickler chain on the catch of a 10' beam trawl net, Indian Journal of Fisheries 9[2] B :91-96

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Govindan T K (1966) - Some common defects in prawn processing - Their source and remedies, Fishery Technology 3[1]:10-15

Govindan T K (1967) - Salience of sardine, Science Reporter 562-564

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Govindan T K (1969) - Frogs fetch foreign exchange, Seafood Export Journal 1[8]:29

Govindan T K (1969) - Further studies on ice stored prawns, Indian Food Packer XXIII [2] :37

Govindan T K (1969) - Irradiation and its scope in fish preservation, Seafood Export Journal 1[5]:7

Govindan T K (1969) - Our fish curing industry, Indian Food Packer XXIII [1]:13

Govindan T K (1969) - Preservation of fish in refrigerated sea water, Seafood Export Journal 1[9]:29

Govindan T K (1969) - Studies on salting and drying of fish with special reference to changes in nitrogenous constituents, Indian Food Packer 23[4]:18

Govindan T K (1969) - The Bombay Duck, Science Reporter 6[3] :143

Govindan T K (1969) - The pink gold, Seafood Export Journal 1[6] :25

Govindan T K(1969) - Government policies and their effect on the development of fishing and fish processing industries in India All India Seminar on Food Industries, New Delhi, December 1969

Govindan T K, Ayyappan Pillai S, Charles Gordan Tucker (1969) - Freeze drying of fishery products Part I.Drying characteristics of some common Indian food fishes, Res.Ind. 13[4]:1969

Ismail P K, Madhavan P ,Pillai V K(1969) - Studies on the preparation of fish protein concentrate, Fishery Technology 5[1] :53-59

Iyer T S G, Chaudhuri D R(1969) - Studies on technological problems associated with the processing of cooked frozen prawns.II.Hygienic condition in relation to bacteriological characteristics, Fishery Technology 6[1] :59-65

Iyer T S G, Chaudhuri D R, Pillai V K (1969) - Studies on technological problems associated with the processing of cooked frozen prawns.I.Pre-process storage conditions of the raw material with relation to quality, Fishery Technology 6[1]:42-48

Iyer T S G, Choudhury D R(1965) - Investigations on sanitational aspects [microbiological] off prawn processing factories, Fishery Technology 2[1] :133-138

Iyer T S G, Choudhury D R, Pillai V K(1966) - Studies on the possible sources of microbial contamination of processed fishery products, Fishery Technology 3[1] :44-51

Iyer T S G, Pillai V K (1965) - Relationship between product quality and bacterial load in frozen prawn products Nineth Indian Standards Convention, 1965

Iyer T S G,Choudhury D R(1966) - Influence of ice on the bacteriological quality of the processed fishery products , Fishery Technology 3[2] :113-117