Ms. MackenzieFeminella
April 15, 2015
1990s (1999 & 2000)

1999 - 2000 Historical Events:
Keywords for 1999:

Y2K Bug; Cuba – U.S. restrictions; Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary – NATO; Jack Kevorkian -- assisted-suicide; Columbine High School; John F. Kennedy Jr. – Martha’s Vineyard; House of Representative – President Clinton; President Nelson Mandela -- South Africa; Northern Ireland – government; NASA – Spacecraft – Mars; Lance Armstrong; Beef exports – hormones; Australian Voters – Queen of England; Russia –Chechnya;Mattel'sBarbie Doll;Boris Yeltsin--Vladimir Putin -- Russia Presidency; Napster; Genetic Code – human chromosomes;
My Space; The Euro;

Keywords for 2000:
CB Sullenberger--U.S. Airways--Hudson River; Supreme Court—Bush/Gore Election; Concorde Jet—Paris; Vladimir Putin—Russia; Microsoft—anti-trust ; Elian Gonzalez; U.S.S. Cole—Yemen; Vermont—same-sex; Summer Olympics; Hillary Rodham Clinton—Senate; Condolezza Rice; Venus Williams—Wimbeldon; International Space Station; Human Genome; NASDAQ; Russia—Chechnya; Tobacco; President Slobodan Milosevic; Dot-com bubble; Turkey—Russia —United Arab Emirates--Nuclear Treaty Ban; Clinton—China—Trade;

**ALL of the following resources, listed below, are located on theMTHS’ Media Center Website.

MLA Format (MTHS Media Center Website)

The following MLA guidelines are located on the Media Center’s Website under “Research.”

  1. The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University and;
  2. The C.W. Post Campus' B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library, are sites that will provide citation formatting information when working on note cards, source cards and works cited pages.

Print Materials

The MTHS Library Catalog “Destiny is located on the MTHS Media Center Website

Digital Resources: The EDS, Databases, & Reference eBooks
These digital tools are located on the Research Page on MTHS Media Center Website.

  1. The EDS is a digital tool that allows the user to search “ALL” books and databases, at one time. It is a “one search” solution.
  2. All of our REFERENCE eBook shelves are useful, depending on your topic. Our REFERENCE eBook shelves include:

Ebsco's eBook Subscription: Includes over 200,000 eBooks.
Gale Virtual Reference E-Library- Includesover 600multi-volumespecialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research and 24/7 access.

Salem Press eBooks: Salem History, Salem Health, Salem Science, Salem Literature.

InfoBase Learning eBooks
Marshall Cavendish eBooks

**REMEMBER you will need the Remote Access Codes to use the digital resources from HOME

  1. All of the DATABASES are also useful, depending on your topic and are located on the Research Page on MTHS Media Center Website.

The DATABASES that are highlighted are recommended for researching criticisms:

ABC-CLIO: Includes:World History (Modern), World History(Ancient& Medieval),American History, The Latino American Experience: is a full-text digital resource exploring the history and culture of U.S. Latinos, The African American Experience:is a full-text digital resource exploring the history and culture of African Americans, as well as the greater Black Diaspora.

EBSCO’s EBSCOhost Web:Provides more than 23 full-text periodical databases.

These include: Arts/Architecture Databases,Business/Economics Databases,Computer Science/Engineering Databases, Earth/Environment Databases, eBooks, Education Databases, General/News Databases, Health Sciences Databases, History Databases, Law/Political Science Databases, Life Sciences Databases, Literature Databases, Philosophy/Religion Databases, Psychology/Sociology Databases.

In addition to the EBSCOhost Web, there are also 14 other separate databases accessible from EBSCO’s main portal.These include: Points of View,Referencia Latina, Literary Reference Center, AP Images, Poetry & Short Story, Science Reference Center, Novelist Plus, Small Business Reference Center, etc.)

GALE Resources :Provides direct Access to ALL of our Gale Databases listed below.
1) Gale Virtual Reference E-Library - Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
2) Gale's Global Issues In Context - Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.

JSTOR: A Digital Archive that provides full-text searches of digitizedback issues ofover one thousandjournals, dating back to 1665 for some. Articles can be searched by discipline, title or publisher. Use the Advanced Search and select your discipline/topic.

AP Images (Photographic Resource)

Facts On File- InfoBase Publishing: Includes databases on: World History-Modern, World History-Ancient and Medieval, American History, African-American History, Curriculum Resource Center, American Women's History, American Indian History, Career Guidance,World Geography and Culture, Bloom's Literary Reference, Health Reference, Science, Today's Science, Issues and Controversies).

Proquest'sSIRS Knowledge Source

Includes Renaissance, Researcher and WebSelect.

Searching & Validating Websites (using WebSelect and WebPath Express)
Some of the basic techniques for searching the WEB include: Domain, Boolean and Phrase searching. All websites must be validated, using the basic criteria for validation, located on the Research page, in the Media Center’s website. To locate sites that are already validated, use Proquest SIRS “WebSelect” or Destiny’s “WebPath Express.”


General Web Sites for the year 1999

News and Events Year by Year

1990s Timeline

HistoryOrb by Dates

Best Books of the Decade (1999 & 2000)

History of American Journalism: 1990s

American Fact Finder: U.S. Census

Provides a full overview of what happened during this last decade of the 20th Century.

American History Timeline 1780-2010

7 Fantastic Fads of the 1990s

America’s Best History 1990s

Environmental Timeline of the 1990s

Milestones in Environmental Protection


What happened in the year 1999

General Web Sites for Year 2000:
IMBD Movies


General Sites for Year 2000
CNN: Year in Review

Year in Review: 2000

Year in Pictures: 2000

IMBD: 2000

What happened in the year 2000: Pop Culture, Prices, Events

2000 Major World Events

HistoryOrb by Dates

Top Ten News Stories 2000

History USA 2000-2009

News and Events Year by Year

American History Timeline 1780-2010

Environmental Timeline 2000

Milestones in Environmental Protection

News Sites:

Search archives

This Date In History

On This Day

U.S. News Archives on The Web


BBC News

Google News

Fox News

The Guardian