Level 19, 55 Market Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

On Wednesday, 4 November 2015 at 10.00am


(DAY 1)

Before the Commissioner: The Hon. John Dyson Heydon AC QC

Counsel Assisting: Ms Sarah McNaughton SC

Instructed by: Minter Ellison

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1 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, Ms McNaughton?


3 MS McNAUGHTON: Would you like to take appearances first,

4 Commissioner?


6 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, perhaps that is a good idea.

7 I see Mr Boulten is here.


9 MR P BOULTON: Yes. I seek authorisation to appear for

10 Paul Gibson.


12 THE COMMISSIONER: We have granted that, but you can have

13 it again.


15 MR BOULTEN: I seek leave to appear.


17 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, certainly.


19 MR A JOSEPH: If the Commission pleases, my name is

20 Joseph, initial A. I seek authorisation, along with my

21 friend, Ms Lin, to appear for the National Union of Workers

22 New South Wales and also for the following witnesses:

23 Mr Wayne Meaney, Mr Nick Belan, Mr Terry McQuillan,

24 Mr Mark Ptolemy, Mr Charlie Morgan, Mr Bruno Mendonca and

25 Ms Marilyn Issanchon.


27 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, that is granted.


29 MR P E BLACKET: Commissioner, Blacket is my name. I seek

30 leave to appear for Lincoln and Michael Hudson.


32 THE COMMISSIONER: Thank you. That is granted. Yes?


34 MS M GERACE: Commissioner, I seek leave to appear for

35 Derrick Belan. My name is Ms Gerace - G-E-R-A-C-E.


37 THE COMMISSIONER: That is granted.


39 MS GERACE: By Andrew Lloyd, Solicitor.


41 MR J LOCKHART SC: Commissioner, I seek authorisation to

42 appear for Mr Rixon, Mr Shrimpton and Mr Jenkins.


44 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, that is granted. No more

45 appearances? Very well. Ms McNaughton?


47 MS McNAUGHTON: The hearings commencing today and

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1 scheduled to conclude on Friday concern the NSW Branch of

2 the National Union of Workers or NUW. This is the second

3 Case Study the Commission has considered concerning the

4 NUW.


6 In September 2014, the Commission examined the

7 activities of two relevant entities associated with the NUW

8 in Victoria.


10 In opening the 2014 hearings, Counsel Assisting noted

11 the long history of the NUW and the breadth of

12 representation the NUW offered to workers across a wide

13 range of industries, including warehousing, distribution,

14 storing and packing. Those matters will not be repeated

15 today.


17 The NSW Branch of the NUW, which I will refer to as

18 "the Branch", operates under both Federal and State

19 legislation.


21 Federally, the NUW is an employee association

22 registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations)

23 Act 2009. Under that Federal legislation, the Branch does

24 not have any legal status independent of the Federal

25 organisation. However, the Branch is also registered as an

26 employee organisation under the Industrial Relations Act

27 1996 of New South Wales.


29 The effect of State registration is to incorporate the

30 Branch as a body corporate with its own legal status under

31 the laws of New South Wales. This dual legal personality

32 is not uncommon for employee associations in States which

33 retain a registration regime independent of the Federal

34 regime.


36 In 1992, the New South Wales State registered Branch

37 of the NUW reached an agreement with the federally

38 registered NUW that dealt with membership and assets. In a

39 letter dated 17 February 2015 to the Fair Work Commission,

40 the then Secretary of the Branch confirmed that all funds

41 are held for the benefit of the New South Wales State

42 registered Branch and the NSW Branch of the Federal

43 organisation jointly.


45 The late Mr Frank Belan became the State Secretary of

46 the Storemen and Packers Union in 1983 and then following

47 amalgamation of the NSW Branch of the NUW until his death

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1 in October 2001.


3 His son, Darack, generally known as Derrick, was

4 elected as his father's replacement and was elected

5 unopposed at every subsequent Branch election.


7 A summons to appear before this Commission was served

8 on Derrick Belan on Friday, 16 October 2015. In the

9 following week, he resigned his position as State Secretary

10 of the NUW New South Wales and on Friday, 23 October 2015

11 at an Extraordinary Committee of Management meeting,

12 Mr Wayne Meaney was appointed to fill the casual vacancy of

13 State Secretary.


15 In the period of time being considered by the

16 Commission, Mr Belan's niece, Ms Danielle O'Brien,

17 May Belan, was the Accounts Manager of the Branch.

18 Mr Belan's brother, Mr Nicklouse, or Nick Belan, was a

19 Branch organiser.


21 This hearing will canvas a range of issues associated

22 with the financial governance of the Branch. The

23 Commission's investigations have focused on the period from

24 1 January 2010, which I will refer to as the relevant

25 period.


27 The issues under investigation include:


29 1. Use of Branch credit cards;

30 2. Possible defalcations of Branch funds:

31 3. The relationship between Mr Belan and

32 Action Workforce;

33 4. Branch funding of the Ultimate Training Centre;

34 5. The use of a fund known as the "Derrick Belan Team

35 Campaign Fund";

36 6. Payments to Mr Paul Gibson; and

37 7. Mr Belan's severance terms.


39 I will now briefly address each issue in turn.


41 Use of Branch credit cards:


43 Investigations by the Commission have identified a

44 large number of suspicious transactions on Branch credit

45 card statements.


47 The Branch utilised American Express Corporate cards

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1 since at least December 2009 and also Commonwealth Bank

2 Mastercards since October 2010.


4 Account statements reviewed by the Commission record

5 $494,751.77 in transactions on Mr Belan's American Express

6 Corporate card in the period 19 December 2009 to 24 October

7 2015. Account statements for Mr Belan's Commonwealth Bank

8 Corporate Mastercard record $84,287.18 in the period

9 17 October 2010 to 18 March 2015.


11 The Commission does not suggest that all of the

12 expenditure on Mr Belan's corporate credit card is

13 suspicious or potentially improper, but the transaction

14 records do disclose significant expenditure which, on its

15 face, appears to be for personal benefit. This includes

16 over $39,000 in purchases from the website

17 Purchases from this website

18 include ostensibly personal items such as clothing,

19 electric blankets, manchester and bed linen, cutlery sets,

20 cameras, rugs, skateboards, Lego toys, kitchen appliances,

21 sunglasses, children's toys, iPads, Easter eggs, make-up

22 and beauty care products, Tiffany & Co jewellery, perfume

23 and other obviously personal items. Almost $12,000 in

24 iTunes purchases, $2,271.70 in fees for dating websites;

25 payments for entertainment, holidays and accommodation

26 apparently unconnected with Union duties, and the purchase

27 of a tattoo.


29 A significant issue for investigation is whether

30 Mr Belan or others, with or without his knowledge or

31 permission, obtained the benefit of the purchases on his

32 corporate card or cards.


34 Ms O'Brien's access to and possible use of the

35 Branch's Corporate cards card as Accounts Manager will be

36 part of the investigation.


38 The Commission is also inquiring into the corporate

39 governance arrangements concerning the use of the Branch's

40 Corporate cards, including the processes and procedures for

41 supervising and approving credit card expenditure.


43 The Commission has also identified suspicious

44 transactions on the Corporate cards of other current and

45 former Branch officials and employees. In at least one

46 case, a significant number of suspicious transactions have

47 been incurred on the Corporate credit card of a Branch

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1 organiser after he left his employment with the Branch.

2 That organiser is expected to give evidence that he

3 returned the relevant credit card on ceasing employment

4 with the Branch and has not utilised it after that date.


6 The Commission's investigation seeks to identify who

7 is responsible for the suspicious transactions on these

8 various Corporate credit cards.


10 One of the issues the Commission will also need to

11 investigate is the extent of any reimbursement of personal

12 expenditure to the Branch. To date, the Commission has not

13 identified any reimbursement of personal expenses in the

14 Branch's financial records.


16 The next topic: Possible Defalcations of Branch

17 Funds.


19 An analysis of the Branch's financial records by the

20 Commission's financial investigators has identified a

21 series of suspicious payments from Branch funds to various

22 personal accounts of Ms O'Brien under the guise of wage

23 payments to Union officials and employees.


25 In the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2015 these

26 suspicious payments totalled $68,395.56. The Commission is

27 investigating the circumstances surrounding these payments

28 and what became of the funds. Ms O'Brien has been

29 summonsed to give evidence before the Commission.


31 Relationship between Mr Belan and Action Workforce is

32 the next topic.


34 Action Workforce is a labour hire company. It has a

35 relationship with the NUW because it supplies labour to

36 many employers the subject of enterprise bargaining

37 agreements with the NUW.


39 The Commission has received statements from the

40 following officers of Ashley Services Group Limited, the

41 holding company of Action Workforce: Mr Ross Shrimpton,

42 Mr Paul Rixon and Mr Gregory Jenkins.


44 The Commission has identified that in 2014,

45 Action Workforce, at the request of Mr Belan, paid for a

46 private investigator to undertake surveillance of someone

47 domestically connected to Mr Belan. The Commission has

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1 also identified accommodation for Mr Belan paid for by

2 Action Workforce and other contributions by that company to

3 NUW fundraising events.


5 Mr Shrimpton is expected to give evidence that he

6 personally funded the private investigator after it was

7 passed through the books of Action Workforce and that he

8 regarded it as a personal loan to Mr Belan. The Commission

9 is investigating whether there has been any conduct which

10 may constitute the giving of any corrupt commission or

11 award to Mr Belan for the purpose of section 249B of the

12 Crimes Act 1900 (New South Wales).


14 The Commission is also investigating the circumstances

15 in which Action Workforce employed Mr Ian Dalziel and his

16 relationship with the Branch at the time.


18 The next topic is the Ultimate Training Centre.


20 The Ultimate Training Centre, UTC, is a gym at

21 St Mary's in western Sydney. Its website says that it is a

22 fully equipped gym and one of the best combat sports gyms

23 in New South Wales.


25 The Commission is investigating the relationship

26 between the Branch and UTC, including the payment of over

27 $200,000 by the Branch to Elite Fight Club Pty Ltd, trading

28 as the Ultimate Training Centre, in the period July 2013 to

29 May 2015.


31 The sole Director and Secretary of Elite Fight Club

32 Pty Ltd is Mr Michael Hudson. However, his father,

33 Mr Lincoln Hudson, is closely involved in the operation of

34 the business.


36 The Branch has produced to the Commission a letter

37 from July 2013 outlining the terms of an agreement between

38 the Branch and UTC. The recitals to the agreement record

39 that the Branch agreed "to sponsor UTC by paying the rent

40 for the premises and other amounts (sponsored amounts)

41 subject to you", being the UTC, "Providing the credits and

42 benefits to us as set out below."


44 UTC's obligation under the agreement was to allow the

45 Branch to place NUW logos, posters and promotional material

46 in the gym, to place NUW logos on the helmets of UTC

47 fighters, and to offer all members of the Branch discounted

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1 membership rates to join the UTC.


3 Records produced to the Commission show that the

4 Branch has paid UTC's rent, information technology costs,

5 and other expenses. The UTC offers a 30 per cent discount

6 off each membership category to members of the Branch.


8 The UTC's records indicate that it currently has

9 68 members receiving the Branch discount. The Commission

10 has not identified any approval of the sponsorship

11 agreement by the Branch Committee of Management.


13 The next topic is: The Derrick Belan Team Campaign

14 Fund.


16 In the relevant period, the Branch collected money

17 from officials for a campaign fund. The collections are

18 recorded in the Branch's financial records in a dedicated

19 ledger account.


21 From September 2007 until October 2013, there was a

22 bank account operated with the Commonwealth Bank of

23 Australia in the name "The Derrick Belan Team". The

24 persons authorised to operate that account were

25 Mr Wayne Meaney, Mr Ronald Herbert and

26 Ms Marilyn Issanchon. Until his recent appointment as

27 State Secretary of the Branch, Mr Meaney was the Assistant

28 Branch Secretary. Mr Herbert is a Branch organiser and

29 Ms Issanchon is the Branch President.