21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education
Business and Marketing Cluster
Title: / Keyboarding (WVEIS 1441)Standard Number:
BE.S.KYBDG.1 / Work Habits
Students will exhibit good work habits.
Questions: / Why is it important to practice good work habits?
Objective: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.KYBDG.1.1 / follow oral and written instructions in the completion of assigned tasks and work efficiently to meet deadlines. / Use a wiki for students to obtain assignments. Students will post their assignments to a wiki or website by a designated date. Present information using instructional technology via computer demonstrations, interaction among the class using whiteboards or teacher managed software (i.e. AB Tutor or NetOp School.)
BE.O.KYBDG.1.2 / exhibit the attitudes and work habits necessary for good interpersonal and employee/employer relations in the workforce. / Invite an area businessperson to be a guest speaker to discuss work ethics. Students will create posters to exemplify proper examples of work ethics. Students will blog about effective workplace habits and respond to two other blogs. Classroom teachers should set the standard by modeling good work ethics.
BE.O.KYBDG.1.3 / keep the area in and around the workstation organized by properly assembling supplies and information necessary to complete assigned tasks.
BE.O.KYBDG.1.4 / illustrate desirable work ethics.
Standard Number:
BE.S.KYBDG.2 / Operational Keyboarding Skills
Students will demonstrate proper operational keyboarding skills.
Questions: / Why learn the proper technique and operation of the keyboard?
Objective: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.KYBDG.2.1 / master operation of the alphabet, punctuation, number, and symbol keys by touch. / Students will use interactive software programs and media for practice and drills, such as Micro Type Pro, Mavis Beacon as well as online practice sites
such as Typer Shark and Gamequarium.com.
BE.O.KYBDG.2.2 / exhibit proofreading skills by visually and manually checking for errors utilizing computer proofreading tools. (i.e., spell check, grammar check, and thesaurus) / Use a word wall to post and proofread.
Use interactive media to project typed errors for discussion.
BE.O.KYBDG.2.3 / increase keyboarding speed and accuracy. / Students will use interactive software programs and media for practice and drills, such as Micro Type Pro, Mavis Beacon as well as online practice sites
such as Typer Shark and Gamequarium.com. Create an electronic spreadsheet for students to keep their speeds posted and convert into a classroom bulletin board to use as a competition.
Standard Number:
BE.S.KYBDG.3 / Keyboarding Production Skills
Students will apply production keyboarding skills.
Questions: / How will proper keyboarding skills affect production?
Objective: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.KYBDG.3.1 / apply information processing concepts. / Create a flyer or poster containing keyboarding shortcuts. Prepare and present a presentation on proper keyboarding techniques. Presentation can be given to elementary students as a community service project.
BE.O.KYBDG.3.2 / develop language arts skills such as using correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, number expression and word usage through composition of business communications in mailable form. / Students will create correspondence that could include: e-mails, business letters, and memos for peer review. Utilize online grammar sites for
grammar drills—choosing correct word.
BE.O.KYBDG.3.3 / demonstrate production, formatting, and editing skills in keyboarding, i.e. enumeration, outlines, and formatting copy for short reports, memorandums, personal/business communications from arranged, rough-draft, handwritten, incomplete or unedited copy. / Teacher can use interactive media for demonstration, (i.e whiteboards, ABTutor, NetOP School). Teacher creates daily office task list to include a handwritten letter, retrieval of an electronic file from a wiki, and an unedited short report. Each office task will come with instructions for students to follow to prioritize, format, and edit. Students should submit completed assignments electronically to the teacher. Use proofreading guidelines to edit inaccurate business documents.
BE.O.KYBDG.3.4 / identify and correctly use proofreaders’ marks.
BE.O.KYBDG.3.5 / maintain a minimum speed of 35 words per minute with 3 or fewer errors on a 3-minute timed writing. / Students will use interactive software programs and media for practice and drills, such as Micro Type Pro, Mavis Beacon as well as online practice sites
such as Typer Shark and Gamequarium.com.
BE.O.KYBDG.3.6 / prepare envelopes using usps style and insert correctly folded letters. / Invite a guest speaker from US Post Office.
Research the United States Postal Service website. Create a presentation or poster defining the 50 state abbreviations. Use the APO address style to prepare a mailing for your FBLA chapter, school office, or local civic group. Research and practice the acceptable methods of a folding a letter.
BE.O.KYBDG.3.7 / key bound and unbound reports with and without special features i.e., endnotes, internal citations, title page, and reference page. / Use the Internet to research and practice MLA style of writing. Use interactive media to present and discuss report styles.
Standard Number:
BE.S.KYBDG.4 / Computer Skills
Students will demonstrate basic computer skills.
Questions: / What are the components of a computer?
Objective: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.KYBDG.4.1 / identify hardware components. / Teacher created presentation utilizing interactive media and responders to lead discussion and demonstrate hardware and software care and components. Compare and contrast functions of business software.
BE.O.KYBDG.4.2 / demonstrate the proper care and use of hardware and software.
BE.O.KYBDG.4.3 / demonstrate the functions and common features of business software.
BE.O.KYBDG.4.4 / exhibit an understanding of application processing terminology. / Define specific terminology that relates to a selected application package---use a word wall, crossword puzzles, and online resources. (Discovery School puzzle maker) Teacher created presentation utilizing interactive media and responders.
Standard Number:
BE.S.KYBDG.5 / Participating in a Local Student Organization
Students will participate in a local student organization.
Questions: / What are the benefits of a career, technical student organization?
Objectives: / Students will / Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:
BE.O.KYBDG.5.1 / assess the purposes and goals of the local student organization. / Invite students to participate in an FBLA chapter event. Invite State FBLA Officer to present at a chapter meeting or to a class on the activities, purpose and benefits of membership. Show the FBLA promotional video located on www.FBLA-PBL.org web site. Have students to locate and discuss the FBLA-PBL goals, mission statement, and pledge.
BE.O.KYBDG.5.2 / discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student organization as an adult. / Invite FBLA-PBL alumni members to be guest speakers in the classroom and during chapter events. Coordinate a chapter event with another service organization in the community (such as Lion’s Club, Women’s Club, Jaycees, Rotary, etc.).
BE.O.KYBDG.5.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. / Have the local FBLA officer team to develop a program of work for the school year and form various committees to complete the task using chapter members. Encourage students to actively participate in State, regional, and national conferences and vie for leadership positions.
21st Century Skills / Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies
Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Information and Communication Skills: / 21C.O.9-12.1.TT2 / Student routinely applies keyboarding shortcut techniques and mouse skills with facility, speed and accuracy. / Instruct students on how to maintain their files for a digital portfolio that will be storage for their class assignments. / Completed digital portfolio.
Thinking and Reasoning Skills: / 21C.O.9-12.2.LS1 / Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluation using complex criteria. / Teacher creates and maintains a blog. / Students’ blogged responses will adhere to blogging guidelines.
Personal, and Workplace, Skills: / 21C.O.9-12.3.TT5 / Student models ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, computer etiquette, passwords and personal information and demonstrates an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi-media presentations. Student advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information. / Prepare and present a presentation on proper keyboarding techniques to include computer etiquette and copyright issues. / Presentation will be given to elementary students as a community service project.
Learning Skills & Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity / Evidence of Success
Entrepreneurship Skills: / D / Understands concepts, strategies, and systems needed to interact effectively with others. / Complete a Job Simulation. / Assignments (Jobs) are error free and are in mailable form.
E / Understands concepts and procedures needed for basic computer operations.
K / Understands the concepts, systems, and tools needed to access, process, maintain, evaluate, and disseminate information for business decision-making.
Culminating Assessment:
Culminating Assessment: / You have been recently employed as an administrative assistant for a local business. Your job responsibilities include keying reports, memorandum, e-mail, and letters. Your employer is planning a trip out of town and has given you the following list to key. Double space and center the lines to prepare your employers To Do List.
FBLA Competitive Events Handbook
Links and Other Resources
Links and Other Resources / Gamequarium
Typer Shark
United States Postal Service
Class Chatter
Tonya Skinner Business Education Lesson Plans
Pathways to Success
U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century
Advanced Distributed Learning
America's Career InfoNet
America's Job Bank
America's Service Locator
Employment & Training Administration
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives
http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force
Occupational Information Network
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Office of Disability Employment Policy
Career Voyages
Workforce West Virginia
West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)
West Virginia Career and Technical Education
Contacts: / Business Teachers: Utilize K12 Business Marketing Listserv at
Business Coordinator: Abby Reynolds,
OCTI Assistant Executive Director: Donna Burge-Tetrick
OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson