Dear Parents,
We welcome you to the exciting world of third grade!
We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to come and share the evening with us. Our goal is to inform youof the many facets of your child’s education.
HOMEWORK: Center Grove Corporation believes that homework is an integral part of the instructional process. Homework helps students to work independently and to become more responsible for their own achievements. Students are required to record his/her Armor/Assignment Log.
Students are required to make up any work missed during an absence and return it to the teacher by the date requested. Cooperation by parents is a necessary factor for homework to be meaningful. It is crucialfor parents to support the teacher, and instill in the child an attitude that homework is an IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY part of the learning process.
STUDY HABITS: To assist your child’s growth and independence with homework, please encourage the following at home.
Set aside a special time in which to do the assignment.
Find a quiet organized place free from excessive distractions.
Carefully check the completed assignment.
GREEN FOLDERS: Every student will have a special green folder that is to be used for homework and communication between the teacher and the parent. It will be sent home daily and may contain special information or notes for the parents. Armor Reports (Behavior & Assignment Log) are sent home daily. Weekly newsletters will be sent through skyward on a regular basisto keep you informed of what we are studying, important dates, and other pertinent information. Please use this folder or teacher emails to send replies, special information, or questions that you may have for your child’s teacher. If you do not have access to a computer or email, please let us know and we will send a paper copy home with your child.
SPELLING: Spellingtest will be given weekly. Spelling grades will be based on the weekly test score, practice pages and other specific assignments. Spelling tests will include weekly word list of 15 words with a common focus and five high frequency words (word wall words).
GRADING: Your child will bring home graded papers regularly. Assignments/assessments with percentages or letter grades will be included in the grade book. If papers do not have a percentage/letter grade or have a “T”, we have used them as a class review. This is a valuable learning tool since students are able to see their own mistakes, ask questions and correct problems immediately. Below is the corporation grading scale.
Lang. Arts, Reading, Spelling, Math ,Science/ Health, Soc. Studies, Citizenship
100-90% A/S+ Superior
89-80% B/S Satisfactory
79-70% C/S Average
69-60% D/S- Below Average
59%-0% F/U Unsatisfactory
REPORT CARDS: Report cards and midterms will be available on Skyward at the end of each midtermand nine weeks. You may also access your child’s grades regularly on Skyward.
Students are expected to follow the CGES Creed/Armor Awards:
- Be a good friend
- Always do your personal best
- Be honest
- Be a good listener
- Do not put down others
- Respect others and their property
- Daily Armor/Behavior Reports marked
- Loss of recess time
- Class privilege taken away
- Notes or emails sent home to parents
- Phone call to parents
- Visit the school counselor or principal
Individual / Class Rewards:
- Positive notes/phone call to parents/praise
- Marble jar for incentives
- Special class privileges designated by teacher (computer time, sit by a friend, extra recess, lunch in the classroom, etc.)
- Choose from Prize Box
- Armor Tickets Ie: 30 tickets= Armor Band
- Bonus Bucks (Mini-Economy)
- Special movie, or celebrations
SNACKS: Third graders love to have a snack in the morning to help them survive until our late lunchtime schedule. Popular snacks are graham crackers, fruit snacks, granola bars, pretzels or other healthy snacks. Students are responsible for bringing in their own snack. Due to the new corporation regulations, we are unable to allow students to bring in birthday treats anymore.
We know that this is going to be a great learning year for your child in third grade. Our hope is to provide your child with the best possible education and to foster independent learning for the development of a healthy, happy child. We look forward to you helping with special projects, station activities and/or field trips.
Thank you for your support!
Third Grade Teachers