Present perfect: affirmative

1Underline the correct words.

My teachers has / have decided to reduce our waste. They (1) has / have bought special bins for the school. Our teacher (2) has / have put four bins in our classroom. I (3) has / have thrown my old clothes in the brown bin. My best friend (4) has / have thrown her old books in the blue bin. We (5) has / have also recycled our old pens and pencils.

2Complete the sentences with the present perfect affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.

I have turned off (turn off) all the lights.

1We ______(buy) local food.

2My brother ______(recycle) his old school books.

3My best friend ______(try) Fair Trade chocolate.

4They ______(open) a new recycling centre in our town.

3Look at the pictures and write sentences using the present perfect affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.

(fall) They have fallen / 1(eat) ______/ 2(cut) ______
3(buy) ______/ 4(have) ______/ 5(break) ______

Present perfect: negative

4Rewrite the sentences in the present perfect negative.

I have bought an expensive laptop.

I haven’t bought an expensive laptop.

1We have eaten food from all over the world.


2They have had a terrible holiday.


3I have seen Brad Pitt in the supermarket.


4My best friend has visited all the capital cities in Europe.


Present perfect: questions and short answers

5Complete the questions with have or has. Then write the short answers.

Have you ever climbed a mountain? ()

Yes, I have.

1______your teacher ever taken part in a sports competition?()


2______you ever ridden a tiger? ()


3______your mum ever used your mobile phone? ()


4______your friends ever had dinner in your house? ()



Materials and containers

1Find 14 materials and containers in the word snake.

2Label the containers with some of the words in exercise 1.

jar / 1______/ 2______
3______/ 4______/ 5______

Endangered animals

3Complete the words with the vowels.

elephant / 1l ____ p __ rd / 2t __ rtl __
3p __ l __ r b ____ r / 4t __ g __ r / 5d __ lph __ n
6p __ nd __ / 7sn __ k __
8__ r __ ng- __ t __ n / 9rh __ n __ c __ r __ s

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