St. Pauls High School
648 N Old Stage Rd
St. Pauls, NC 28384
(910) 865-2978
6810 / Agriscience Applications / Jason Bullock / Room 314Course # /
Course Title
/ Teacher / LocationCOURSE DESCRIPTION
This course provides instruction that focuses on integrating biological/physical sciences with technology as related to the environment, natural resources, food production, and science and agribusiness. Topics of instruction include agricultural awareness and literacy, leadership and FFA, employability skills, introduction to all aspects of the total agricultural industry. Skills in biology, language, writing, computers, math, and physics are reinforced in this course. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course are: field trips, shadowing, agriscience projects, and supervised agricultural experience. Supervised agricultural experience programs and FFA leadership activities are integral components of the course and provide many opportunities for practical application of instructional competencies.
- Each student must complete a Supervised Agricultural Experience of a minimum 15 hours. This project will be due January 8, 2016. I will be available to advise or assist students when asked. In most cases, this program will be conducted outside of school time. Some programs can be conducted on the job, at other people’s farms or businesses, or with any adult willing to help. Many opportunities are available on campus with the greenhouses, animal science facility, and the community garden. More details will be discussed later.
- Each student must participate in at least oneof the following Career Development Event.
- Forestry – September 29th
- Poultry Judging – October 8th
- Truck/Tractor – October 8th
- Land Judging – October ___
- To maximize your success in an agriculture class, each student is encouraged to be a FFA Member.
- 2” or larger, 3-ring binder - Notebook checks will occur periodically.
- Sheet dividers (to help stay organized)
- College Ruled paper
- Pencil/Pen
Tests 35%
Classwork 30%
Daily Participation 20%
SAE/Leadership Project 15%
Total 100%
Obj # / Objective
1.00 / Understand leadership opportunities and SAE related to the agriscience industry.
1.01 / Understand the history, opportunities and structure of organizations related to the agriscience industry.
1.02 / Understand effective leadership and communication skills.
1.03 / Understand the importance of SAE to work-based learning.
2.00 / Understand global agriculture.
2.01 / Understand the history of global agriculture.
2.02 / Compare the current and future issues in global agriculture.
3.00 / Understand the plant industry.
3.01 / Remember careers in the plant industry.
3.02 / Understand biotechnology in the plant industry.
3.03 / Understand basic horticultural (ornamental, fruit and vegetable) and agronomic principles and practices.
3.04 / Remember tools and their safety practices related to the plant industry.
4.00 / Understand the animal industry (large animal, equine and aquaculture).
4.01 / Remember careers in the animal industry.
4.02 / Understand biotechnology in the animal industry.
4.03 / Understand basic animal principles and practices.
4.04 / Remember tools and their safety practices related to the animal industry.
5.00 / Understand the environmental science industry (water, soils, wildlife and forestry).
5.01 / Remember careers in the environmental science industry.
5.02 / Understand biotechnology in the environmental science industry.
5.03 / Understand basic environmental principles and practices.
5.04 / Remember tools and their safety practices related to the environmental science industry.
6.00 / Understand the agricultural engineering industry.
6.01 / Remember careers in the agricultural mechanics industry.
6.02 / Understand basic agricultural engineering principles and practices.
6.03 / Remember tools and their safety practices related to the agricultural mechanics industry.
The nature of this class will require students to participate in outside lab activities that will require manual
labor. On these days, designated by the teacher, students may want to bring additional clothes that they do not
mind getting dirty. Students also have the option of storing work clothes/shoes in the classroom, however the teacher
is not responsible for any stolen items.
The leadership project is designed to promote leadership development, personal growth, community service,
and career success to all agriculture students. Agriculture Education is a unique area of education and includes
three integral parts: Classroom Instruction, SAE, and FFA. For a student to maximize his/her success in an
agriculture class it is imperative that he/she is successful inside the classroom as well as with the SAE and FFA
components also.
Many of the topics covered in this class will be emphasized through contests and activities that they willbe encouraged to participate in. Dues are $25.00 and there are payment plans and opportunities for students toraise money to pay for their dues.
Students will be required to plan and implement a Supervised Agricultural Experience during their enrollment in Agriscience Applications. This SAE is any work or activity done outside of class time that relates to agriculture. Examples include landscaping their home, mowing lawns, conducting an experiment related to agriculture, and many more. More information will be provided.
I understand fully the requirements and expectations for being enrolled in Agriscience Applications. I understand that FFA is an integral part of the Agriculture Education class and I will strive to join this leading youth organization. I understand that SAE is also an integral part of an agriculture education course and will strive to complete the SAE portion to the best of my ability.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
I understand fully the requirements and expectations for my student being enrolled Agriscience Applications and will do my best to support the policies for this class. I also will support my student by encouraging and providing support to join the St. Pauls FFA Chapter and complete his/her SAE project.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Rev. 8/17/15