College of Education
Faculty Assembly Minutes

January 26, 2016

BH 21

Dr. Staples called meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Dr. Thurston moved approval minutes of Oct. 27 meeting, seconded by Dr. Zacharakis, minutes approved.

Dr. Thurston moved approval minutes of Dec. 1 meeting, seconded by Dr. Zacharakis, minutes approved.

Standing Committee Reports

A. Academic Affairs

Dr. Burenheide presented the Expedited Graduate Course Change Curriculum and Instruction for revisions in EDCI 830

Dr. Mike Holen moved, seconded by Dr. Zacharakis seconded, motion passed.

Dr. Burenheide presented non-expedited graduate new courses in Educational Leadership: EDLEA 848, EDLEA 928, EDLEA 958, EDLEA 978, and EDLEA 988.

Dr. Mike Holen moved, seconded by Dr. Zacharakis, motion passed.

Dr. Burenheide presented non-expedited revisions for LEAD 945

Dr. Mike Holen moved, seconded by Dr. Zacharakis, motion passed.

Dr. Burenheide presented the non-expedited graduate new program, PhD in Leadership Communication and graduate new certificate in Educational Leadership in the Staley School of Leadership Studies.

Dr. Thompson moved approval, Dr. Zacharakis seconded, motion passed.

B. Faculty Affairs – No report

C. Student Affairs – Dr. Larson

Becky Brady and Kelly Christensen will be recognized at the KEEN Conference for the Teachers of Promise Award.

D. Diversity for Community – Dr. Zacharakis

Appreciation was expressed for the interdepartmental/college collaboration to bring a variety of speakers to campus. Plans on being made to bring an American Indian group to campus.

E. Technology – Dr. Knackendoffel

The next POLL meeting will be held on Feb. 3. The focus will be Discussion Boards on Canvas. Nate Sherman demonstrated an updated Polycom being used at the Olathe campus.

Other Reports

A. Faculty Senate – Dr. Spears

The report will be sent electronically. Dr. Spears shared that the tobacco free resolution passed with a narrow margin. Students appear not ready to move forward.

B. Graduate Council – No report

C. EGSO – Dr. Burden

D. Continuing Education – Rosemary Boggs

The College has 113 course sections in Global Campus with 1200 enrolled. There are professional development opportunities for faculty seeking to enhance their distance teaching. See Rosemary Boggs for details.

E. Education Council – Trina Harlow

The students are very active planning a Valentine Party at Bergman Elementary and other monthly events including a Day of Unplugging. Open House is April 16 with the theme of Rooted in Purple.

F. Center for Student and Professional Services – Dr. David Griffin

Mac Benavides was introduced as the new recruiter.

G. Library – Laura Bonella

The Library and Your Research and Ref Works presentations are currently scheduled and designed primarily for graduate students.


·  Dr. Thurston: Not Just a Year of Social Justice speakers are planned, including Sam Brinton, a KSU alum and current MIT faculty. Fifty individuals completed the Roots of Justice Training.

·  Focus on Funding workshops will be held on Feb. 12 and 19.

·  Dr. Burden shared information on Mary Selke, an expert on rubrics and the schedule for meetings to prepare for the accreditation visit.

·  The MLK Luncheon and Civil Rights Lecture will be held on Thursday.

Dean’s Report

·  Brooks Barta will be the 2016 COE Alumni Fellow. He is a very successful math teacher and coach.

·  Renovation has been approved for work in Bluemont Hall. The HVAC and chill system are being updated.

·  Thanks to Dr. Vontz for his work with the new MAT. The timing seems to be good for this new degree program.

·  A budget update was given with the limited information currently confirmed. The University enrollment is down 600 students which means the budget will be cut to accommodate the lack of dollars from enrollment.

·  Feb. 19 will be the C & I Big Picture Day.

·  Dr. Thompson introduced the 2016 presenter, Dr. Kern Alexander, for the Distinguished Lecture Series.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.