St Gregory’s CE Primary School
“Where learning has no limits”
12th December 2016
Dear Parents / Carers
I am sorry if it seems a long time since I last wrote a newsletter and so much has taken place. I thought it would be useful to put out a few reminders for events this week and also some updates for you.
Monday 12thChristmas Performance:
KS2 will be presenting ‘Hosanna Rock’ at 2pm + 6pm
Tuesday 13th Christmas performance:
KS2 will be presenting ‘Hosanna Rock’ at 6pm
Children need to be back in school for 5.30pm
Wednesday 14th Santa Walk and Carols in Church:
We will be having our Santa walk around the village, followed by a carol service in the church. All welcome to walk with us and then have a sing with us. The PTFA will be providing refreshments in the church after the service. We will be leaving school at 1.30pm and hope to get back to church for 2.15pm. Children can dress up in Christmas outfits or wear Christmas jumpers on this day.
Wednesday 14th Owls / Squirrels Pantomime visit:
Unfortunately as you are aware the above classes were unable to join us on our Pantomime visit last week due to a miscommunication with the bus company. I have managed to make arrangements for them to go on this day. I appreciate it conflicts with the Santa walk but I really had no option, no other dates for the number of children I needed were available. If you do not want your child to go to the pantomime please let their class teachers know. We will use the permission slips from last week. If any contact numbers have changed – again please let teachers know.
Thursday 15th Christmas Gift Shop:
The PTFA are organising this event so please see their notices.
Friday 16th Term ends
Parent Forum information:
We had a very successful meeting back in November. Thank you to those parents who attended.
Items discussed:
Car Parking – this is an ongoing issues and I totally understand the viewpoints which are being expressed to me. Since the meeting I have met with the local police who have said that they will set up a meeting with myself and Highways early Spring term. Unfortunately I am unable to enforce any parking that is done on the zig zags but the police advise that parents DO NOT park there and are courteous and thoughtful to others users. Once I have met with the Highways and police we will be issuing a statement to keep you completely in the picture and any way forward. I cannot promise a total solution to all the issues but at least things should be clearer. In the meantime if there are any parents who would like to set up a walking bus from The Crown or by the Spa shop please let your representatives know.
Netball – I understand there were some questions raised as to whether we should have attended the Netball tournament as the children had only limited practise. It was a decision I made in consultation with Mrs. Mogg our PE co-ordinator and Rosie Thomson from the High school, both felt that it was an opportunity for the children to get experience, have fun and meet with other teams. Having asked the children if they wanted to take part it was an unanimous ‘yes’ and on returning they did say they had enjoyed the experience despite their losses.
PGL –I confirmed my reasons for going back to Barton Hall as it had been questioned by a parent as to going somewhere different. I feel that there is still a great deal to be had from returning as the children will be participating in different activities, working with different adults and it provides an extremely safe and secure environment. The majority of feedback was that the children had loved the experience and are looking forward to going this year.
End of day organisation –this was discussed and the suggestion of possibly putting in a small gate next to the large metal gate on the playground, to enable parents and children to leave from that exit and not get caught up with classes coming out etc. This something I am looking into and will get costings for this in the new year. For the present please can parents not wait outside the lobby entrance but go right onto the playground so that teachers can bring their classes out and make sure children are safely handed over.
Whole school themes –I was pleased to hear the positive feedback on these and that children are enjoying the launches and the fact that all classes are doing the same theme.
Visits – much positivity was fed back on our school visits. I can assure you that these will continue in many forms.
General –there is an air of confidence in staff and it was expressed that certain classes teachers are really inspiring your children and having an impact on their attitude to learning. This for me as headteacher was good to hear.
I look forward to our next meeting which will be on Tuesday 31st January at 2pm – please could all representatives attend and if unable to do so make arrangements for your year group to be represented. Thank you.
Half term update:
Our year 5/6 children experienced an amazing visit to Parliament / Westminster Abbey and to see Buckingham Palace. What an amazing day was had – it was a privilege to see the children’s faces when they went inside Westminster – a truly WOW moment! My thanks to Mr Hoare and his team who gave up their time to show us around.
4 classes attended the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ at Poole – it was hugely successful (apart from having to leave Owls / Squirrely behind) – we had front row seats and a number of children were invited onto the stage. Thank you to the PTFA who covered the cost of this.
OFSTED – As you are aware we had a visit from Ofsted x2 weeks ago. This inspection took place just over 4 years from the last one which was in 2012. As soon as the report goes ‘live’ I will be letting you know and sending out the report to you all. I must say how proud I was of the children during our visitors’ time in school.
Spring Term: – starts Wednesday 4th for children.
Friday 6th January – our top secret launch of the new theme ‘FROZEN!!’ I promise this is going to really excite the children – I can say no more!!!
May I take this opportunity to wish you and your family a
MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Healthy and Happy New Year
Debbie Field
“I have come that they may have life, life in all its’ fullness” John 10:10