Parish Ministry Rosters
Servers Readers Rounds
June 22
6pm J Moriarty, M O’Neill 1. N & G Marland
8am J McKeon C Lyons, N Marland 2. V Candy
9.30 A Corne E Alipalo 3. B Clark
5pm C Reynen J Crocombe, L Reynen 4. N & G Marland
NO Childrens Liturgy: 5. C Eadie
Music Ministry : 6pm J Napier, M Carlos; 11.30 Miracles Youth band
June 29
6pm J Moriarty, L Dell 1. L Atton
8am V Prossvale J Moss, K Naa’ti 2. B Clark
9.30 T Dunn 3. C Adams
5pm L Reynen J Crocombe, C Reynen 4. J Tarrant
NO Childrens Liturgy 5. C Eadie
Music Ministry : 6pm J Napier, M Carlos; 8am L Enriquez, S Inkpen, F Cadavero Jr;
9.30 Acquaintance Choir
Church Cleaning: H Black
Servers, Reader & Communion Rounds Draft Roster July – December is in the priests sacristy. Please review & contact the parish office if you have any changes by June 26. Thank you for all your support.
Education & Formation Opportunities : Please see noticeboard for details :
The Parish Support Unit offers courses to all and are free of charge (unless stated otherwise)
Registration essential phone 4332 9825 or email
Vinnies Community Sleepout 26 Jul Sat – 9am Sun Waitara rsvp
Why Bother Praying ? Fr Richard Leonard Tue 8 Jul 7-8pm Waitara
The Art of Deep Listening Sat 23 Aug 9.30-3.30 Mt St Benedict Centre
Public Lecture Fr Paul Turner Mystery through Participation Fr 15 Aug Pennant Hills
Torah Study for Christians Pennant Hills Jun/Jul/Aug
Broken Bay Bible ConferenceThe Gospel of John – Joy Made Complete 12-13Sep Pennant Hills
Weekend Seminar Jesus Light of the World Communities 12-13 July Rockdale
PROCLAIM Conference on the New Evangelisation Living the Joy of the Gospel in Parishes
21-23 August The Concourse Chatswood
The annual overnight vigil of the Sacred Heart at Holy Cross Church , Humphreys Rd., Sth Kincumber from 6pm 27 June-6am 28 June. Mass will be celebrated at 7pm followed by Benediction & contemplative prayer before the Exposed Eucharist. Tea & Coffee provided. Holy Cross Church is heated. Bring a cushion & torch. Enquiries Paul Salmon 0407 100 540
Do you have an emergency? Need a priest after hours? Call 1300PRIEST (1300774378). Available 24hrs a day 7 days a week, contact with a local Catholic priest in times of need.
WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday: Vigil 6:00pm.
Sunday: 8.00am, 9.30am, and 5.00pm
WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday 9.15am; Tuesday 9.15am
Wednesday 7.00pm,
Thursday 8am, Friday 11.00am
First Friday of Month - Anointing Mass
Tuesday 8.30am; Friday 10.30am.
RECONCILIATION: Fri Sat 5.00pm -5.30pm.
MARRIAGE: By Appointment – Please Contact Parish Office
At least six months notice is required.
FUNERALS: Please Contact the Parish Office
BAPTISMS: Baptism Preparation: 10:30am First Saturday of Month
Sacrament of Baptism: 11:00am Second & Third Sundays
PRESBYTERY & OFFICE: 92 Glennie St Nth Gosford NSW 2250
OFFICE HOURS: 9:00am -3:00pm Mon-Fri
PHONE: 4324 3962, 4322 2856
Fax: 4324 8415
Website :
22nd June, 2014
Corpus Christi Year A
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
Corpus Christi - June, 2014 – Year A
Entrance Antiphon : He fed them with the finest wheat and satisfied them with honey from the rock. .
First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16
Response to Psalm: Praise the Lord, Jerusalem
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord: whoever eats this bread will live for ever. .Alleluia !
Gospel: John 6:51-58
Communion Antiphon : Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him, says the Lord
This Week
SUNDAY: The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
11.30am First Holy Communion Mass
4pm Sacred Hearts Novena
MONDAY: 8.15am Sacred Hearts Novena 9.15 am Mass
TUESDAY: The Nativity of St John the Baptist 8.15am Sacred Hearts Novena 9.15 am Mass;
WEDNESDAY: NO Nursing Home Mass ; 6pm Sacred Hearts Novena ;
6.30 pm Mass – (change of time for this week only );
THURSDAY:9.15 Sacred Hearts Novena ; 10am Mass (change of timer this week only
FRIDAY: Sacred Heart of Jesus 10.30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Reconciliation &Rosary ; 11am Mass
SATURDAY: Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 9.15am Mass and
Rosary ; 5pm Reconciliation; 6pm Mass
Please note the change of Mass times for Wednesday 25th June 6.30pm and Thursday 26th June 10am . (for this week only)
Childrens Liturgy – We need more helpers for this Ministry at the 9.30am Masses on Sunday mornings. If you are able to help please contact Patrick Webb on
0439 495 786 or parish office .
Let us offer our prayers for all those members of our families that we remember especially at this time and also for those whom masses have been requested:
Recently Deceased: Pat Escott , Genevieve Shaw, Fr David Hume Dr Chris Shaw ; Anniversaries: Edward Zapolski, Ernest Crosbie,Ellen Tarrant, Pat Bowman . We also pray for: David Payne , Jan Vrchota, Helen Vrchota , Elizabeth Estacio, John Alyanak, Bruce Cameron, Wilf Jones, Hamilton family, Forsyth family, Theo Vandermeel, Tereso Osio Ave , Kingsley John Ritter, Neil Cook, Laurie & Pat McNamara, Joan Coppa, Mick Jackson, Frank Kraus, Phemister family, Mary Harvey, Frank Tarrant . Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen
Let us offer our prayers for those members of our families, and our parish community, who are sick at this time, especially: Vicki Carlson, Adrian Carlyon, Phyllis Archer, Frank Coppa Ann Durnford, Damian Vane Tempest, Kay Sella, Robert Crosbie, Wal & Yvonne Smith, Wilfred Solomon, Lydia Madriaga, Norma Ley, Daniel Holt, Damien Bridges, Elaine Gosper, Lesley Ann Hutton, Kary & Jack Sims, Dorothy Wallings, Judy Sherwood, Noeleen Westerman, Adrian Carlyon, Pat Walsh, Noni Dowsett, Numeriana & Alfredo Madriaga, Lydia Solomon, Mons. John White, Jack McArdle, Andrew Martin & Family, Margaret Cook, Carmel Devir, Aileen Robinson, Irene Gormley, Peter Costello, Dot Wilcockson, Thelma Metcalfe, Mark Smith, Neil Robertson, John Bubear,.
Congratulations to 41 young parishioners who make their First Holy Communion this weekend. Please keep these children, and their families in your prayers and pray that they will come to know and love Jesus more deeply and receive Him regularly in Holy Communion throughout their lives. A big Thank You to parents for preparing your children. Today you are fulfilling the words of Sacred Scripture: “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them : for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Mk 10:14) Dear parents please keep these words of Jesus close to your heart and allow your children to experience the love of Jesus, by bringing them to Mass and Holy Communion on a regular basis. We also thank the Sacramental Team for your faithful dedication and support of the parents and children of our parish, in facilitating their preparation for this most wonderful sacrament . Your support is most appreciated and the programme could not run without you. Thank you so much.
Planned Giving Envelopes - Please collect your Planned Giving Envelopes for July 2014-June 2015 from the boxes at the back of the church. New Givers are welcome to take a set of envelopes from the sets not labelled, please complete your details on the form next to the appropriate number. Please note that the last weekend for 2014 financial year’s planned giving will be 21/22 June.(this weekend)
Our Lady of the Rosary Family Statue – 22nd June Glen & Rosemary Ewing .
29th June John & Ladd Harriott. Please contact the parish office if you would like to add your family to the roster.
Volunteers Please – Transport is required to help an elderly lady to attend the 9.30am Mass each Sunday (with the exception of the first Sunday of the month).
A second lady needs transport to any Mass except 6.00pm (with the exception of the first Sunday of the month). Both ladies live close to our Parish Church.
If there are several volunteers we can arrange a roster. Please contact the Parish office.
Thank You to the parishioners who have donated dresses to our parish collection for First Holy Communion . It is very much appreciated.
Help Support a young parishioner : 450 science students Australia wide were invited to submit applications to attend 8 international science programs. Courteney Patonwas one of 32 selected to attend andis one of 6 students travelling to Canada. Courteney is the 2nd person from St Joseph's Catholic College, the last applicant was 10 years ago.A raffle will be run as a fundraiser to help with the cost of this as the program costs $10,500.The raffle will run until mid July for a variety of gift cards. Tickets on sale after all Masses.