Summer Summit

June 16-17th, 2016

Stevens Institute of Technology - Hoboken, NJ

Thursday, June 16th: Bissinger Room (4th Floor Howe Center)

10am / Executive Board Meeting
12pm / Lunch
1:30pm / Leadership Council Meeting
3pm / Old Business
3:30pm / Committee Meetings
5:30pm / Dinner
8pm / Social Justice Discussion (optional)

q  Executive Board Call to Order (10am)

q  Review and Approve April Meeting Minutes

q  President call to order,

q  Review of February Minutes, by attendees

q  -one correction

q  Minutes approved, no objections to approval

q  Introductions around the room

q  Annual Conference 2017 Bid Presentation

(University of Maryland, College Park)

FYI – changed budget or bid

Laura Tan and Jacklyn Gentile (UMD) will present bid for 2017 MACUHO conference The Peoples Conference

First time in greater DC area in years, perhaps 1994

Use of DC area, with options to get into the city as it is fantastic for visitors

2 hotel options:

One at UMD (brand new); Nov 14-17 is what is being discussed

Close to local metro stop

Strengths: brand new, close to metro stop, interesting amenities

Challenge: not yet open, waiting for prices, unable yet to walk floor plan since under construction

Enough meetings and break out rooms

Hotel two, backup – Marriott on campus:

Part of University College, recent renovation

Same floor for activities, negotiate down to $169.00/room per night

Separate ballroom to provide enough space, with conference rooms on same floor

Value added conference package offered for MACUHO

Experienced conference center, shuttle to / from metro station

Budget – parking included, many / all conference rooms comped

NOTE: CVS conference and visitor services on UMD, CP office on site – logistics and negotiations ($4000 covered by Director at UMD)

NOTE: Conference may qualify to be tax free due to way it is being organized/budgeted

Due to DC location, overall cost will be a little higher than other locations

Still in process about campus partners to financially support or outreach to other corporate sponsors

q  Q&A and Bid Vote

o  Recognition that this is our own bid option

o  Discussion is still on-going in regard to A/V and tech needs at each location

§  The HOTEL – taken care of

§  Marriott – still in negotiating

o  This, because of being located in DC, will be a slightly more expensive location

o  Want to go to the HOTEL location, but a bit of a concern in regard to square footage – may need Marriott for comfort with space

o  Critical to have space for nearly 60 vendors (had to turn away vendors in past 2 years)

o  Dates differ between facilities

o  Questions / feedback in regard to the program schedule

o  Vote – are we voting on bid packet versus hotel? Voting for host to move forward, not for the exact hotel site.

o  Motion to approve this host committee , in general DC area – Conal Carr, for 2017

§  Actually, based on suggestions provided, no need to vote just yet (due July 31, 2016)

§  Proposed for conference call to move forward with approval, in July

NOTE: open to all feedback!!!

Recess at 11:12am for lunch break, until 1:30pm

q  Break for Lunch (noon)

q  Leadership Council Call to Order (1:30pm)

o  Thanks to Steven Couras and Stevens Institute for hosting, welcome from Dean

o  Reconvened @1:33pm

q  Review Approved February and April Minutes

o  February minutes approved in April. April minutes approved earlier during E-board meeting.

q  Committees, Coordinators, and Director Reports with Introductions

o  Annual Programs Debbie Scheibler

§  MAPC Jess Lanciano

·  49 more candidate, 197 attended

·  10 more employers, over 800 interviews (49 positions listed)

·  10% from outside of MACUHO region

·  New communication / mail system, under review for future

·  Interest in conducting pre-scheduled interviews

·  Space is now outgrown, employers need more. Looking at new venues moving forward.

§  Program Committee Sarah Martin and Genicka Voltaire, co-chairs

·  Keynote – Prentis Dantzler

·  EIR - Anne Marie Klotz, confirmed

·  EIR – still in process of being confirmed

·  70 program submissions, will be reviewed shortly

·  Moving forward to transition to using the Body of Knowledge (ACUHO-I), and back to CIR structure moving forward

§  Exhibits and Displays Christopher Willis, will be here tomorrow

·  Please remember to support the Exhibits and Displays, they fund our organization. We need to remember that as we work with those relationships and try to extend those relationships.

§  Host 2016

·  Sarah Yencha, Chris Ottey

·  Kicked up movement this spring

·  Vendor registration in May and general registration open now (17 already registered)

·  Walls to Halls potentially at LVC, Milton Hershey School, E-town

·  Updates in regard to socials , inclusive of election results

·  Water park being constructed next to hotel, potential entertainment location

·  Working with Hershey Food Bank – philanthropy, basket raffle, etc.

o  Shameless plug for donating items for basket raffle

§  Host 2017 Heard the bid earlier from UMD/CP.

o  Business Operations and Communication Conal Carr

§  Housing & Facilities Operations Siobhan Skerritt

·  Hosted the Walls to Halls Tour in Seton Hill University, 17 in attendance. Took a different stance, toured older buildings with today’s students (electricity, IT, etc).

·  Meeting again in July, to plan Walls to Halls in Hershey area during MACUHO

§  MACUHO Magazine Don Brennan

·  Great response to call for article in spring magazine, still need articles for summer edition. Thanks to all involved in assisting with this first publication under Don’s


▪ Social Media Steven Couras

Making things more interactive by using Group Me or Snap Chat

Migrated photos taken at annual conference and published in the magazine to be showcased.

§  Sponsorships

o  Membership Development Jacklyn Gentile

§  Central PA Michael Diesner

·  FSLA discussions

·  Social in the plans

·  Excited to be in host area of annual conference

·  Looking for new RC

§  DC Metro (vacant)

·  working with DE/MD to combine for social in the area

·  then to planning annual conference

§  Delaware/Maryland Katie Buehner

·  Working with MCPA to plan social

§  New Jersey Jovin Fernandez

·  Inclusion Summit hosted at Rutgers New Brunswick – free event with panelist; success

·  Meals on wheels was a success = 200 meals to distribute

·  Fun in the sun BBQ at Montclair State University

·  NJ Core update – locked in maybe at Seton Hall , still working out details – needs help for subcommittees (Thursday august 4th)

·  September serving up Words of Wisdom Panel, hosted by TCNJ

§  Northeast PA (vacant)

§  Southeast PA – no report

§  West PA – no report

§  West Virginia

·  Not much luck planning things – monthly “chat and chews” have not been as successful as hoped – some interest to start

·  Created a Facebook group for WV

·  Looking for any/all input to help get people connected – schools are very far apart – low budget helps as well

·  (Crystal added that impact of FLSA could impact pro devo funds – be prepared for the future and how the association looks – what it means to individuals)

o  Strategic Initiatives Natalie Liston

§  Archives Laura Tan, had to leave

·  Moving forward want to be transparent + showcase the past

·  If you have additions to the Archives, please let us know

§  Max Shirey & Tory Rowlands

·  looking for past VIP names which are missing

·  vote early and vote often

§  Recruitment and Retention

§  Strategic Planning

o  Training and Development (Rosemary Padilla absent)

§  Diversity

·  gender inclusive restrooms at Hershey moving forward

·  looking to produce a diversity logo

·  want to update the website, but be professional

·  looking to increase social media presence

·  will be working with Program Committee

·  Later tonight conversation in Calder Room, in regard to Social Justice

·  Looking for ideas to use in Common Ground Room during annual conference

§  Personal and Professional Development Gina Kiefer

·  January hosted fireside chat

·  Partnered with MAPC to prep candidates

·  Continuing webinar topics, need to re-start this process

·  Looking to re-engage members later this summer

§  Recognition, Education, and Connections Nicole Clemson

·  Very active committee, always looking for new folks to participate

·  Academic Excellence Awards – over 750 recognized (3.7 – 3.9999) and 4.0

·  International RA Appreciation Day – thanks to those that celebrated

·  For annual conference, making plans to use there and LINK program

·  SSLI – received 4 proposals total so very lucky!! For 2016 location!!

o  WVU – REC selected this bid

o  York

o  Montclair State University

o  Muhlenberg College

NOTE – feedback requested….see if other 3 locations can host for the future, see if they are willing / interested to host for another event (social, drive-in, etc.)

o  Technology Initiatives Dillon Eppenstein

§  Systems Administration (Nick Gramaccioni absent)

·  Updating system or archives

·  Explanation of this area, what their over site is, how they can help members/leadership

§  Website (Jim Clagg absent)

·  Will work with you to update the site as needed, but give 48 for Jim to do so

·  Can pre-program all emails, to set up series of emails to be triggered. Just need planning time in advance for that to go smoothly.

·  Example: update for MAPC process, to be updated like TPE style, or not? Question.

·  Do have Go-To-Meeting capability, so reach out if you need this service.

·  CHO listserv, set up by Jay Tifone, able to use program to expand to multiple list serves with current process – Crystal Lopez brought this up for discussion.

q  Executive Officers with Introductions

o  Secretary

§  Awards

·  Mid-level Professional Award

·  David Butler Distinguished Service Award

o  Long term service

·  James Hurd Outstanding Service Award

o  Over annual period, exec board or leadership council member

·  Ann Webster New Professional Award

o  4 years or under

·  Vendor of the Year

o  Recognize contributions of outstanding

·  Commitment to Social Justice Award

·  Excellence in Operations Award

·  Joanne Goldwater Distinguished Service Senior Level Service Award

o  Min 8 years Full Time

§  Minutes

§  Secretary, Susanne Ferrin, will be the one who coordinate swag purchases – pins, polo shirts

o  Treasurer Derek Smith

§  Updated payment, request form, for use when needing to be reimbursed. Allow few weeks to process.

§  Budget process for upcoming year is approaching. This will be coming up shortly.

o  Past President Brooke Clayton

§  Step back, serve as mentor

§  Lots of background work

§  Works through future of Exec Board recruitment process

·  Nominations for VP, Treasurer and a number of director positions

·  This process is live as of today ( for reference)

o  Nominate others

o  Can nominate self

·  Tech needs at annual conference

·  Historical context provider

o  Vice President/President Elect Olan Garrett

§  Shadow and support the President (Brian Medina)

§  Help leadership with various events

§  Assist with upcoming recruitment for 2017 annual conference

§  Appoints members and co-chairs moving forward

·  We all can assist with this process, and sell others on being involved

·  July 5th there will be a link on the website where you can nominate others

·  Will talk with folks involved and how they may want to shift / grow their involvement

o  President Brian Medina

§  RELI took place, 19th annual, hosted by Rowan University using the ACUHO-I Body of Knowledge put into action

·  Joanne Goldwater has been co-teamed with Jon Conlogue

§  NEACUHO attendance at Westfield State University

·  Looking at shift to similar program like VIP program

·  40 members of case study process, Brian was one of the judges

·  One idea to consider – legacy store, profit goes towards less funded members

§  Fireside chats – 5 were presented by Brian Medina

§  Sends pretty regular updates with the membership, to communicate out better

§  Gearing up for the annual conference – in his comments at conference there will be an opportunity to share your identities / how has your involvement in MACUHO impacted you personally / show how so many identity groups are represented in MACUHO. Brian will communicate via email about this.

q  Old Business

o  CAACURH Collaboration Brian presenting

§  Possible ART sessions to be provided at MACUHO (per certification), which typically take place at CAACURH or NACURH

§  Currently exploring a potential articulation agreement / closer agreement

o  Regional Affiliation Task Force Presentation Olan presenting

§  Olan is appointed on the Task Force, part of ACUHO-I and regional leadership

§  Each region has two reps, Katie Boone is the 2nd representative

§  Retreat in Tampa (spring 2016) to make plans, monthly meetings, then follow up at ACUHO-I in Seattle

§  Task Force is assessing the partnering of the association – 3 questions

·  What are we providing?

·  What is needed over the next 20 years?

·  What is needed to get from here to there?

§  Number of organized meetings , with Task Force as well as Regional Leadership

§  Areas to assess / move forward on:

·  Internal relations

·  Best practices

·  Competencies

Brian Medina and Olan Garrett will work on moving forward

Adjourned meeting at 3:41pm

q  Committee Meetings

q  Dinner at the Madison Bar & Grill (5:30pm)

q  Social Justice Activism Discussion (optional) – Calder Room