Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care

Convener / Vice-Convener / Secretary
Michael McMahon MSP / Jamie McGrigor MSP / Patricia Wallace

There will be a joint meeting between the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care and the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on International Development

Wednesday 09 September 2009 at 5.45 pm, Committee Room 5, Scottish Parliament Headquarters, Holyrood, Edinburgh (Refreshments available from 5.30 pm)


1. / Welcome, introductions and apologies: Michael McMahon MSP, Convener of Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care
2. / There will be a series of 15 minute presentations on the topic:
What can we learn from international development work in palliative care?
Presentation 1:
An Indian perspective on community involvement in palliative care
Dr Tom Middlemiss, Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Dr Middlemiss has just returned from eight months based in Trivandrum, Kerala, working for Pallium India. The Kerala model of palliative care has won global recognition, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) promoting it as a model for developing countries. Dr Middlemiss will reflect on some of the personal learning gained from his time spent in India, particularly focusing on the similarities and differences between his experiences of community involvement in palliative care in Scotland and in Kerala.
Presentation 2:
Palliative Care Education in Zambia
Helen Dryden, Palliative Care Clinical Lead, Angus Community Health Partnership, NHS Tayside.
In July this year, Helen spent two weeks teaching palliative care in Lusaka, Zambia, alongside two Palliative Care Consultants from the UK and a GP from the Netherlands. The trip was organised by PRIME (Partnerships in Medical Education) and hosted by Chainama college and the Palliative Care Association of Zambia (PCAZ). Helen will update the group on current happenings in Zambia, reflect on what she has learnt from the experience and suggest how this might be of benefit to health services in Scotland.
Presentation 3:
Insights gained from a decade of visits to Samara, Russia
Dr Bruce Cleminson
Dr Bruce Cleminson was an NHS GP principal for 29 years and GP Trainer for 22 years in Scalloway, Shetland. He is now a Sessional GP, a GP Appraiser and Macmillan doctor. He has designed and run palliative care palliative care courses for GPRs in Inverness, and the multi-agency three day palliative care course that has run in Shetland for many years.
Samara is a city of 1.2 million people and is the capital of the Samara Oblast (Region) which has about 4 million residents, in the European part of Russia, just west of the Ural Mountains which are the divide between European and Asian Russia. Dr Cleminson has been involved with palliative care education in Samara for the past 11 years, going there as part of a team of doctors and nurses for about two weeks each year. Dr Cleminson will draw on this experience to discuss what learning he has gained and how this is of relevance to health services in Scotland.
There will be an opportunity for general group discussion of this topic and of other issues raised by the presentations.
3. / Any other competent business
4. / Future meetings
The next meeting of the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care will take place on Wednesday 9 December 2009 at 5.45 pm

Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care

Secretariat: Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care

1a Cambridge Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2DY Contact: Patricia Wallace

Tel: 0131 229 0538 Fax: 0131 228 2967 Email: