Survey Layout / Maximum Interval / Product /
Right-of-way / At each point of deflection and at sufficient points between as to be continuously visible. / Stake showing station and offset, or flagging.
Clearing and Grubbing / Same as Right-of-way. / Same as Right-of-way.
Grading - Slope Stakes / 10 m in rock cuts;
20 m in all other cases. / One slope stake each side, at top of cut or bottom of fill, showing station, offset, vertical dimension to subgrade, and slope, plus cut/fill transition stake. Non-standard ditches will be staked separately.
An additional slope stake, where applicable, at the top of a rock cut after the removal of overburden.
Grading - Subgrade / 20 m. / One stake at each side of the subgrade, showing station, offset and grade at the stake location, one at each break point, and one at centreline.
Top of Sub-base / 20 m. / One stake at each side of the sub-base course, showing station, offset and grade at the stake location, one at each break point, and one at centreline.
Each Base Course / 20 m. / One stake at each side of the base course, showing station, offset and grade at the stake location, one at each break point, and one at centreline.
Final Base Course only / 10 m. / "Blue tops" at each break point across the base course surface, or final grade stakes.
Culverts / Inlet and outlet. / One stake at each end of the culvert, plus an offset line, showing invert elevation.
Storm Drainage, Subdrain, Watermain or Sanitary Sewer / Stakes showing locations of manholes, catch basins and other structures, and invert locations of pipe inlets and outlets.
Retaining Walls / Not more than 10 m, and at alignment changes. / One stake showing control line location and either the elevation at the top of wall or the elevation at the bottom of footing excavation.
Paving / 100 m on tangent, 20 m on curves, and at each deflection point. / Reference points.
Concrete Barriers / Same as paving. / Same as paving.
Signs / Stake at each sign location.
Curb and Gutter / 10 m and at alignment changes.
Curb returns: 5 m or at quarter points, whichever is less. / Offset hub and nail with cut/fill to gutter grade.
Median/Island Curb / Continuous. / Paint line at face/edge of curb.
Sidewalk or Path / 5 m and at alignment changes.
No layout required if parallel to curb. / Offset stake or nail with cut/fill to grade.
Electrical Pedestal, Junction Box, Sign Structure / Per installation. / Offset stake or nail with cut/fill to top of pedestal, or junction box; with additional stake to show orientation.
Detection Loops / Per installation. / Survey crew will lay out locations of cross walks, lane lines and stop bars; Contractor to derive location of loop.
Irrigation Preduct / Per installation / One stake at each end of the preduct, and offset line showing lowest elevation.
Pavement Marking (temporary and permanent) / at all alignment break points;
100 m maximum on tangent;
20 m maximum on curves;
gores. / Reference points.


/ This table shows layout details for general situations; particular circumstances may require more or less staking.
/ The right-of-way limit will be laid out only where there is work, including utility relocation, to be performed within three metres of it.
/ "Blue top" - a stake driven so that its top surface is at the required elevation for the finished surface of the work.