For use with online submission of assignments
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Your assignments must be submitted as Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents as specified in the Student Assessment Guidelines and assignment specifications in the relevant Unit Information Guide. If you wish tosubmit in any other file format please discuss this with your lecturer well before theassignment submission date.
Student Name: / Chaopeng Li / Student ID No.: / 22559416Unit Name: / Language and learning in your discipline / Unit Code: / EDU10010
Lecturer: / Assignment No.: / 1
Assignment Title: / Due date: / 20/03/2016
Date submitted: / 22/03/2016
Assignment checklist:
Place an X in the relevant boxes before submission:
- Completed and attached electronic cover sheet
- 12 point font in Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman
- 1.5 lines spacing
- Header with name and assignment title
- Footer showing page numbers
- Margins justified on both sides (left and right)
- APA referencing 6th edition
I have read and understand the Rules relating to Awards (Rule 3.17) as contained in the University Handbook. I understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. Except where appropriately acknowledged, this assignment is my own work, has been expressed in my own words, and has not previously been submitted for assessment in this or another unit.
Signed:(please type your name) / Chaopeng Li
Date: / 22/03/2016
Learning Plan – Assessment1
My learning reflection
Learning Needs / Goals / Strategies and Resources / Constraints and EnablersTo attend classes on time / -to arrive in class as the first person
-make the attendance 100% / -do not stay late night and get up early
-arrive in class 30 minutes prior the classes start
-get a very specific everyday timetable for public transport / -the efficiency of completing work is low
-putting too much effort into one thing, and leave no time for the rest
-go to bed too late[MG1]
To submit well-planned assignments, and do not leave until the last day / -to get HD scored assignment
-submit assignments on time
-try to gather all the information learned from classes and use it in assignments / -use the database of SCU as reference
-avoid plagiarising
-assignments need time to complete, never rush and complete it roughly / -lack of vocabulary to write long paragraphs
-usually leave assignments until the last three days
To improve social ability through studying in SCU / -try to go to every social activities as many as I can
-ask many questions in classes
-Make friends, that we can study and hangout together / -by attending workshops
-to post and read more in discussion area
-go to see the posts in portal, and see daily happens
-do not hesitate to talk to classes mates and teachers / -too shy to talk to strangers
-too much self-protection
-low ability in communication, such as nearly no sense of humour
To be concentrated and overcome anxiety in classes / -do not be distracted by video games in smartphone, or other relevance, and focus in class
-overcome anxiety and nervous when oral presentation / -try not to chat with class mates when tutor is talking
-turn off smart phone in class time
-Eat, sleep well, and sometimes go to do excises to improve body function
Well-prepared before go into a speech / -too easy to be distracted by interesting things[MG3]
increase knowledge by reading in library [MG4] / -try to learn more and new things apart from university
-be very familiar with SCU database and library / -go to the library after classes each day [MG5]
-browse more academic websites, such as Wikipedia, and to gather new knowledge
-borrow books from library, and read books at home after homework / -too lazy and have no patient to stay in library
-lack of experience with browsing online database
As a new student in Southern cross university, I would like write about my learning needs. In my first objective, I strongly encourage myself to have better efficiency of working in which I can improve my timing and arrive classes on time. [MG6]However, the hardest part of this goal is I was never able to balance my biological clock, so I will give myself more pressure in the following time and try to go bed early[MG7]. Secondly, I want to write a perfect assignment that can achieve high marks. Since it is new for me to be in university, I am still not familiar with plagiarizing. Thus, in the future I will learn how to write a formal assignment with references. Moreover, my social ability is one of my worst skills. To meet my objective, I must learn to talk to people, by going to workshops or gatherings. Overcoming anxiety is not hard for some people, but it is a challenge to me. Because I am easily distracted by video games, I must quit or play less games. Finally, I would like to increase my knowledge by going to library as many times as I can. (202)[MG8]
EDU10010 Language and Learning in your Discipline
Assessment 1: Short Written Response
(Total: 200 words; Value: 15%; Due: Sunday, 20 March 2016)
Grade / Description of GradeLearning Plan / Paragraph
High Distinction (HD)
13-15% / Excellent identification of practical and realistic learning needs. Goals and strategies are clearly aligned to learning needs. Strategies and resources are appropriate. Constraints and enablers to learning are very well thought out. / Ideasarewellconsideredandlinkedtounitcontent.Thisparagraphhasastrong central focusandis wellorganised.Sentencesareclearandvariedwithcorrectsentencestructures.There arenospellingorgrammaticalerrors. It is within the stipulated word length.
Distinction (D)
11.5-12.5% / Very good identification of practical and realistic learning needs. Goals and strategies are clearly aligned to learning needs. Strategies and resources are appropriate. Constraints and enablers to learning are well thought out. / Ideasarethoughtfulandclear.Theparagraphhasa clearandrecognisablefocus.Sentences make senseusingcorrectsentencestructures.Thereareminorspellingorgrammaticalerrors. It is within the stipulated word length.
Credit (C)
10-11% / Good identification of practical and realistic learning needs. Goals and strategies are aligned to learning needs. Strategies and resources are mostly appropriate. Constraints and enablers to learning are satisfactory. / Ideasarestraightforwardandclear.Thisparagraphhasarecognisablefocus,thoughthere maybesuperfluousinformationprovided.Mostofthesentencestructuresmake sense,butarelessimaginative.There aresomespellingorgrammaticalerrors. It is within the stipulated word length.
Pass (P)
7.5-9.5% / There is some identification of practical and realistic learning needs. Some of the goals and strategies are aligned to learning needs. Some of the strategies and resources are appropriate. Constraints and enablers to learning are limited. / Thisparagraphissatisfactory.Itdemonstratesanadequateresponsetothetopic.Sentence structuresarelengthyandideaslackcohesion.Thereareseveralspellingorgrammaticalerrors. It may exceed or be below the stipulated word length.
Fail (F)
<7.5% / There is little or no identification of practical and realistic learning needs. Most of the goals and strategies are not aligned to learning needs. The majority of the strategies and resources are not appropriate. Constraints and enablers to learning are missing or not well thought. / Thisparagraphdoesnot respondsatisfactorilytothetopic.Ideasareelementaryandmay notbeclear.Thiswritinglacksfocusandcoherence.Thereareahigh numberof spellingorgrammaticalerrors. It may exceed or be below the stipulated word length.
COMMENTS: Chaopeng Li, although you have made an attempt at this assessment task it is far from satisfactory. You learning plan does not identify realistic learning needs and lacks sincerity. Have you attended any classes on the Melbourne campus – if you had you would know that there is no library to visit -it is all online. Your goals of writing a `perfect assignment’ are not realistic. Your paragraph lacks genuine reflection and no real understanding of what you need to do regarding your learning.Some of your learning needs can be modified to learning needs such as ‘Time Management’ and ‘Academic Integrity’ based on yours paragraph. You will have the opportunity to resubmit this assignment.
I am giving you the opportunity to re-submit this assessment. It is due onMonday 11 April 11pmin the sameTurnitinlink where you previously submitted it. Remember it will now take 24 hours to generate your Originality Report. The most you can obtain is a borderline Pass (50%). I encourage you to re-submit this assessment as your learning plan forms the basis of your final assessment (Assessment 3). It is important that you get it right from the beginning so you can work towards your goals throughout the rest of the session and then reflect/evaluate on your progress and success in the final assessment.
[MG1]This is not a learning need please redo
[MG2]See comments above
[MG3]PLEASE SEE COMMENTS ABOVE.I suggest that if you are not going to come to class that you at least listen to the online lectures so that you are familiar with the content of this subject and the context of the assessment task.
[MG4]Not really a specific learning need
[MG5]There is no library to go to it is all online
[MG6]You have not attended ONE class
[MG7]This is simply going to bed on time
[MG8]There is no library at SCU Melbourne campus- it is online perhaps you would be better of going here than playing online video games