Dean, School of Human Ecology
University of Wisconsin, Madison
2135 Nancy Nicholas Hal|1300 Linden Drive|Madison, WI 53706
Updated December 5, 2016
Dr. Soyeon Shim assumed her current position as the Dean of the School of Human Ecology (SoHE) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2012. On arrival, Dean Shim has initiated a school-wide strategic plan to leverage the grand opening of the School’s new Nancy Nicholas Hall and the School’s considerable human resources toward meeting the needs of the 21st century. Dean Shim’s ultimate goal is to transform the SoHE into a hub for interdisciplinary research, education, and outreach at UW-Madison, nationally and globally. She is currently leading a $50-million-dollar comprehensive campaign for the SoHE. In three years, she and her team met 55% of the campaign goal (~$28M), including 12 endowed chairs and professorships and 10 new graduate fellowship endowments.
Dr. Shim’s scholarly research focuses on consumer decision-making and has won competitive grants totaling more than $1.5 million from federal agencies and private foundations. In 2007, serving as the Principal Investigator and Founder, Dr. Shim launched APLUS (Arizona Pathways to Life Success for University Students), a major longitudinal study monitoring young adults’ formation of financial attitudes and behaviors. Her longitudinal study, APLUS, which is the first of its kind, has gained national recognition from the President’s Council of Financial Capability, the US. Treasury Office, and several national news outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Chronicle oh Higher Education, and CNN. She and her research team are currently working on Wave 4 data collection. Dr. Shim has received numerous teaching, research, development, and leadership awards, both at the university and state/national level. She has authored or co-authored over 100 scholarly articles in refereed journals, including Journal of Retailing, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, and Family Relations.
Born and raised in Seoul, Dr. Shim obtained two degrees (B.S. ‘81 and M.S. ’83) from the College of Human Ecology at Yonsei University, followed by a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1986. After a short stint as an assistant professor at Colorado State University, she was recruited to the University of Arizona, where she spent 22 years. In her previous role as the director of the Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences at the UA, she led a $25 million capital campaign to build a new facility, McClelland Park. She also raised more than $30 million to create an endowment fund and name the School in honor of John and Doris Norton, and established several named centers and institutes in partnership with private sectors and individual donors.
In Press or Published (Select since 1995)
1. Friedline, T, West, S., Rosell, N., Serido, J., & Shim, S (in press). Do community characteristics related to young adult college students’ credit card debt? The Hypothesized role of collective institutional efficacy. American Journal of Community Psychology.
2. Bosch, L. A., Serido, J., Card, N., Shim, S., & Barber, B. L. (in press). Predictors of Financial Identity Maturation in Emerging Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood.
3. Serido, J., Curran, M. A., Wilmarth, M., Ahn, S. Y., Shim, S., & Ballard, J. (2015). The unique role of parents and romantic partners on young adults’ financial attitudes and behaviors. Family Relations, 64(5), 696-710.[Best Paper Award by the Family Economics Focus Group of NCFR, 2016]
4. Shim, S., Serido, J., Tang, C., & Card, N. (2015). Socialization processes and pathways to healthy financial development for young adults. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 38, 29-38.
5. Serido, J., Shim, S., Xiao, J. J.,Tang, C. & Card, N. (2014). Financial adaptation among college students: Helping students cope with financial strain. The Journal of College Student Development, 55(3), 310-316.
6. Xiao, J. J., Ahn, S.Y., Serido, J., Shim, S. (2014). Earlier financial literacy and later financial behaviour of college students. International Journal of Consumer Studies. Online First.
7. Serido, J., Shim, S., & Tang, C. (2013). After the Global Financial Crash: Individual Factors Differentiating Young Adult Consumers’ Trust in Banks and Financial Institutions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 26-33.
8. Shim, S., Serido, J. Tang, C., & Bosch, L. (2013). Financial Identity Styles: A Longitudinal Study of Socialization Factors and Consequences on Financial Capabilities among Young Adults. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 47(1), 128-152.
9. Serido, J., Shim, S., & Tang, C. (2013). A framework for promoting financial capability among emerging adults. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 37 (4). 287-297.
10. Xiao, J., Serido, J & Shim, S. (2011) Financial Literacy of First-year College Students. Book Chapter in D. Lamdin (Ed.), Financial Decisions Across The Lifespan: Problems, Programs, And Prospects
11. Xiao, J., Tang, S. Shim, S. & Serido, J. (2011). Antecedents and Consequences of Risky Credit Behavior Among College Students: Application and Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing: Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 239-245.
12. Shim, S., Serido, J., & Tang, C. (2011). The ant and the grasshopper revisited: The present psychological benefits of saving and future oriented financial behaviors for tomorrow. Journal of Economic Psychology. 33(1), 155-165.
13. Shim, S., Serido, J., & Barber, B. (2011). A consumer way of thinking: Adding a marketplace perspective to adolescent development. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 21(1), 290-299.
14. Serido, J. Tang, C., Mishra, A. & Shim, S. (2010). Family environment and its impact on college students’ well-being. Family Relations. 59 (October), 453-464.
15. Xiao, J. J., Serido, J., & Shim, S. (2010). Financial education, financial knowledge, and college students’ risky financial behavior. In D. Lamdin (Ed.), Financial decisions across the lifespan: Problems, programs, and prospects. New York: Springer.
16. Shim, S., Barber, B., Card, N. Xiao, & Serido, J. (2010). Financial socialization of young adults: the role of family, work, and education. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 39(12), 1457-70.
17. Serido, J. Tang, C., Mishra, A. & Shim, S. (2010). Family environment and its impact on college students’ well-being. Family Relations. 59 (October), 453-464.
18. Xiao, J. Tang, C., & Shim, S. (2009). Acting for Happiness: Financial Behavior and Life Satisfaction of College Student. Social Indicators Research, 92(1), 53-68.
19. Shim, S., Xiao, J., Barber, B., & Lyons (2009), A. Pathways to life success: A model of financial well-being for young adults. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 30, 708-723.
20. Xiao, J., Shim, S., Barber, B., & Lyons, A. (2008). Financial behaviors and life outcomes of young adults in transition. Report: National Council on Family Relations. 53(2), 14-16.
21. Gehrt, K. C, & Shim, S. (2007). Situational segmentation in the International Marketplace: The Japanese snack market. International Marketing: Modern and Classic Papers in Paliwoda, S., & Ryans, J. Jr. UK: J.K. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. [Reprint of Gehrt & Shim, 2003]
22. Hartman, J., Shim, S., Barber, B., & O’Brien, Matthew (2006). Adolescents’ utilitarian and hedonic Web-consumption behavior: Hierarchical influence of personal values and innovativeness. Psychology & Marketing, 23(10), 813-840.
23. Shim, S., Gehrt, K. & Siek, M. (2005). Attitude and behavior regarding pleasure travel among mature consumers: A socialization perspective. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 18(2), 69-81.
24. Shim, S. & Maggs, J. (2005). A Cognitive and Behavioral Hierarchical Decision-Making Model of College Students’ Alcohol Consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 22(8), 649-668.
25. Shim, S. & Maggs, J. (2005). A psychographic analysis of college students’ alcohol consumption: Implications for prevention and consumer education. Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 33(3), 255-273.
26. Gehrt, K., Lotz, S., Shim, S., & Sakano, T. (2005). Overcoming informal trade barriers among Japanese intermediaries: An attitudinal assessment. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 21(1), 53-63.
27. Shim, S. Eastlick, M. A., & Lotz, S. (2004). Search-Purchase (S-P) Strategies of Multi-Channel Consumers: A Segmentation Scheme. Journal of Marketing Channels, 11(2/3), 33-54.
28. Xu, Jing, Shim, S., Lotz, S. & Almeida, D. (2004). Ethnic identity, socialization factors and cultural-specific consumption behavior. Psychology & Marketing, 21(2), 93-112.
29. Kim, H.S., & Shim, S. (2003). Gender-based approach to the understanding of leadership roles among retail managers. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14(3), 321-342.
30. Gehrt, K. & Shim, S. (2003). Situational segmentation in the international marketplace: The Japanese snack market. International Marketing Review, 20(2). 182-194.
31. Lotz, S., Shim, S. & Gehrt, K. (2003). A value-attitude-behavior hierarchical model of Japanese fruit consumption in the context of gift-giving. Psychology & Marketing, 20(1), 59-86.
32. Watchravesringkan, K. & Shim, S. (2003). Information search and shopping intentions through Internet for apparel products. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 21(1), 1-7.
33. Shim, S., Lusch, R. & O’Brien, M. (2002). Personal values, leadership styles, job satisfaction and commitment: An exploratory study among retail managers. Journal of Marketing Channels, 10(1), 65-87.
34. Gehrt, K. & Shim, S. (2002). Situational influence in the international Marketplace: An Examination of Japanese gift-giving. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(1), 11-22.
35. Shim, S., Lusch, R., & Goldsberry , E. (2002). Leadership style profiles of retail managers: Personal, organizational and managerial characteristics. The International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 30(4), 186-201.
36. Shim, S., Eastlick, M., Lotz, S., Warrington, P. (2001). An online prepurchase intentions model: The role of intention to search. Journal of Retailing, 77, 397-416. (Best Paper Award: Sixth Triennial AMS/ACRA Retailing Conference)
37. Shim, S., Gehrt, K., & Lotz, S. (2001). Export implications for the Japanese Fruit Market: Fruit-Specific Lifestyle Segments. The International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29, 300-316.
38. Shim, S., Eastlick, M. & Lotz, S. (2000). Assessing the impact of Internet shopping on store retailing among mall shoppers and Internet users. Journal of Shopping Center Research, 7(2), 7-44.
39. Shim, S., and Cho, P. (2000). The Impact of life events on perceived stress, clothing-specific lifestyle and retail patronage: The recent IMF event in Korea. Family and Consumer Science Research Journal.
40. Warrington, P. & Shim, S. (2000). An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Product Involvement and Brand Commitment. Psychology & Marketing, 17(9), 761-782.
41. Shim, S., Eastlick, M. A. & Lotz, S. (1999). Examination of US Hispanic-Owned, small retail and service businesses: An organizational life cycle approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 7(1), 19-32.
42. Shim, S., Goldsberry, E. & Gehrt, K. (1999). Socialization-based approach to predicting retail career preference and choice: College Students nationwide. The Journal of Marketing Education, 21(1), 14-24.
43. Kwon, Y. H. & Shim, S. (1999). Structural models for body consciousness, self-consciousness and women’s attitudes toward clothing practices. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 17(4), 203-212.
44. Shim, S., Warrington, P. & Goldsberry, E. (1999). A personal value-based model of college students’ attitudes and expected choice behavior regarding retailing careers. The Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 28(1), 28-51.
45. Gehrt, K. & Shim, S. (1999). The Magnitude and Nature of Situational Factors on Japanese Snacking: The role of fruit. Agribusiness, 15(1), 119-136.
46. Goldsberry, E., Gehrt, K., H. Sun., & Shim, S. (1999) Career preference for retail formats among college students: A socialization perspective. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 17(1), 36-46.
47. Shim, S., Gehrt, K.& Holikova, S. (1998). Shopping orientation-based segmentation of U.S. grocery shoppers. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 5(2), 1-19
48. Gehrt, K & Shim, S. (1998). Japanese gift giving: The role of fruit in a situationally defined market. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 14(5), 389-402.
49. Gehrt, K. & Shim, S. (1998) A shopping orientation segmentation of French consumers: Implications for Catalog Marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(4), 34-46.
50. Eastlick, M. A. Lotz, S. L., & Shim, S. (1998) Retail-tainment: Cross shopping in regional malls. The Journal of Shopping Center Research, 5(1), 7-31.
51. Shim, S. & Eastlick, M. A. (1998) Characteristics of Hispanic female business owners: An exploratory study. Journal of Small Business Management, 36(3), 18-34.
52. Shim, S. (1998). Changing marketplace in a global economy: Implication for future research. Family and Consumer Research Journal, 26(4), 444-461.
53. Shim, S. & Eastlick, M. A. (1998) The Hierarchical influence of personal values on mall shopping attitude and behavior. Journal of Retailing, 74(1), 139-160.
54. Shim, S., O’Neal, G. & Rabolt, N. (1998) Research attitude and productivity among four-year institutions: A socialization perspective. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 16(3), 134-144.
55. Shim S. & Koh, A. (1997). Profiling adolescent consumer decision-making styles: Effects of socialization agents and social-structural variables. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 15(1), 50-59.
56. Shim, S. & Gehrt, K. (1996). Hispanic and Native-American Adolescents: An exploratory study of their approach to shopping. Journal of Retailing, 72(3), 307-321.
57. Shim, S. (1996). Adolescents’ consumer decision-making styles: The consumer socialization perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 13(6), 547-569.
58. Shim, S. & Chen, Y. (1996). Acculturation characteristics as predictors of apparel shopping orientation: Consumers from the People's Republic of China. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 14(3), 204-215.
59. Goldsberry, E., Shim, S. & Reich, N. (1996). Women 55 years and older: Part II. Overall satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the fit of ready-to-wear. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 14(2), 121-132.
60. Goldsberry, E., Shim, S. & Reich, N. (1996). Women 55 years and older: Part I. Current body measurements as contrasted to the PS 42-70 data. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 14(2), 108-120.
61. Eastlick, M. & Shim S. (1995). Ethnic differences in shopping center patronage: A comparison of Hispanic- and Anglo-Americans. Journal of Shopping Center Research, 2(1), 27-46.
62. Shim, S., & Dubey, S. (1995). Conceptualization and measurement of perceived consumer knowledge and skills in apparel products: An exploratory study among college students. Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 23(3), 227-248.
Soyeon Shim Curriculum Vitae
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