Project Planning Worksheet

Values/principles surrounding the project

·  Differentiated instruction is needed to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities

·  Diversity is a positive thing

·  Personnel training is a worthy investment

·  Families and other stakeholders (e.g., physicians, community) should be involved in the planning and support process

·  Collaboration is key to successful outcomes

·  School personnel must “buy in” to this model to be successful

·  A wraparound approach would be most successful for this to occur

·  Strong leadership is necessary for this model to be successful

·  Use of PBS part of overall success

·  Data-based decision making

·  Each student’s potential must be maximized

Priorities of the project

·  Provide comprehensive, whole-child support for families and children

·  Create a model of interdisciplinary intervention using the wraparound approach

o  Academic

o  Health

o  Behavior

o  Attendance

§  Responsibility is shared for the education and well-being of all students

·  Increased quality of services

·  Maximize the potential for each student

·  Create/extend a model for data-based decision making

·  Use leadership teams to provide a model of differentiated instruction

Why are we concerned about this problem?

·  Red Clay is eager for a model of support for children with disabilities

·  Models exist, but Red Clay lacks the resources to fully implement the models

·  Gains have been made, but needs-based supports have been reduced over the years

Roles of the stakeholders

·  Bob Andrzejewski

·  Chris Barthold – Leadership, UD

·  Debby Boyer

·  Sarah Celestin

·  Mary Norris

·  Gerri Marshall

·  Linda Smith

·  Irene Hills

·  Pat Tressell

·  Doug Tynan

·  Fred Sears

·  Karen Morris - funder

Goal #1:

Objective 1.a.

In what circumstance?

Who will benefit?

What will they do/accomplish?

Guidelines of how the objective will be reached

Resources needed to accomplish results




How well will they do it?

When should we expect results?

Consequences of positive results

Consequences of negative results

Objective 1.b.

In what circumstance?

Who will benefit?

What will they do/accomplish?

Guidelines of how the objective will be reached

Resources needed to accomplish results




How well will they do it?

When should we expect results?

Consequences of positive results

Consequences of negative results

Goal #2:

Objective 2.a.

In what circumstance?

Who will benefit?

What will they do/accomplish?

Guidelines of how the objective will be reached

Resources needed to accomplish results




How well will they do it?

When should we expect results?

Consequences of positive results

Consequences of negative results

Objective 2.b.

In what circumstance?

Who will benefit?

What will they do/accomplish?

Guidelines of how the objective will be reached

Resources needed to accomplish results




How well will they do it?

When should we expect results?

Consequences of positive results

Consequences of negative results

Facilities and Resources

·  Red Clay school System – Highlands Elementary and Stanton Middle School

o  Strong leadership

o  Capitalize on resources and training to realize gains for students

o  Have the professionals needed to carry out the model – Guidance, Family Crisis Therapist, Title I professionals, Assistant Principal

o  Wilmington – extra time funding for Highlands

o  Student enrollment – Stanton 594, Highlands 363

·  University of Delaware

o  Experienced Statistician

o  Experts in the areas of PBS, RTI and Differentiated instruction

o  Infrastructure to track and report data

o  Ability to provide training and resources to teachers and building staff

Potential Roadblocks to implementation

·  IDEA/504/Title I restrictions

·  Potential buy-in issues hampering implementation

·  Not enough resources/training

·  Complicated model not feasible for implementation

Evidence Base for Model/Procedures