Corporation of the Township of Lucan Biddulph
Council Minutes
February 17th, 2015
The Corporation of the
Township of Lucan Biddulph
Council Minutes
Present: Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson, Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel, Councillor
W. Hall, Councillor D. Manders and Councillor A. Westman.
Also Present: R. Reymer-CAO, L. deBoer-Clerk, D. Kester-Manager of Public Works, K. Smith-Treasurer and J. Boyer-Manager of Parks & Recreation.
Call To Order
Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Township Office.
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Nature Thereof
CFDC/The Business Help Centre
Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson welcomed C. Finn and P. VanGeleuken to the meeting to provide an overview of the programs and services of the CFDC. Discussion arose regarding the number of business loans, operational funding and the re-establishment of the Main Street Middlesex Program.
BM Ross – Draft Development Charges Study
M. Pearson presented the Draft Development Charges Study to Council for their comments prior to the public meeting and provided background on how the study was developed. Projects were reviewed, eligibility criteria, parkland dedication and compared the proposed fees as compared to the current rates. M. Pearson requested Council’s direction on a target amount for the new fees so that they can prepare the draft report and by-law for the public meeting.
1/ Draft Development Charges Fees
Moved by A. VanGeel
Seconded by W. Hall
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph agrees to set the target fees to be included in the Draft Development Charges Study at $6400 (Lucan), $5200 (Granton) and $2200 (all other).
2/ Minutes – February 2nd, 2015
Moved by D. Manders
Seconded by A. Westman
Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph meeting minutes and Public Meeting minutes for February 2nd, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
Business Arising
Lottery Licence Fee
Staff surveyed local municipalities and on average they charge 3% of the prize value and discussion arose regarding the collection of those fees and the impact on local services club. General consensus for it to remain as is for this year but revisit in 2016 budget discussions.
Communications Report
Middlesex Centre Resolutions (Tourism & SWIFT)
Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson noted that the province will not be putting any money towards SWIFT program regarding high speed fibre optic and Middlesex Tourism will not be funded through the County anymore.
MTO Default Speed Limit
D. Kester brought forward the information from the MTO regarding the setting of a default speed limit (50km). Discussion arose regarding the suggestion and there was general consensus that the Township would maintain their current speed limits as set and D. Kester will responds to the MTO.
Committee Reports
Fire Boards
R. Reymer noted that both Boards have meetings this month and that the Lucan Bidddulph Fire Department is investigating the idea of carry defibrillators in their trucks. Costs, response times and liability will be discussed.
Recreation Master Plan
J. Boyer reported that the Committee met last week and finalized the RFP, which will be advertised in the LFP and online this week. The RFP will close on April 8 and the committee will select 5 companies to interview.
New Business
R. Reymer presented his report on the Main Street Middlesex Program and the documentation required by the CFDC to confirm the Township’s participation in the program. R. Reymer provided a summary of the proposals for the auctioning off of the current municipal office property and discussion arose regarding zoning, advertising and the survey.
3/ Main Street Middlesex
Moved by A. VanGeel
Seconded by W. Hall
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph ratifies the new downtown vision statement and colour map as presented by the CAO on February 17th, 2015 showing the location of the designated downtown area regarding the Main Street Middlesex Program.
4/ Auction Proposals
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by D. Manders
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph accepts the proposal from
T. Shoebottom for auctioneer services for the current municipal office.
R. Reymer provided an update on new municipal office building and he will make arrangements for Council to have a walk-through in the next couple of weeks.
Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel exited the meeting at 8:34pm
K. Smith provided her Year-End Surplus report and recommendations for transfer as well as presented an amended drain billing policy for Council’s consideration and approval. The budget meeting was set for Wed. March 4 at 8:15am.
D. Kester reviewed the tender results for dust suppressant and gravel and provided his recommendation for approval.
J. Boyer reported that a one-time grant was received towards the salary of the Community Events Coordinator and that the Ridge Crossing advertising sign is up. J. Boyer presented information on the RESPECT program that was initiated by Middlesex Centre. Council discussed the policy and J. Boyer identified the next steps if Council wishes to pursue this further. Council directed J. Boyer to move forward with obtaining more information on how to adopt this program.
Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson noted that the Middlesex Municipal Day has been rescheduled for April 23, 2015 in Glencoe.
5/ In Camera
Moved A. Westman
Seconded by W. Hall
Resolved that Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole in camera at 9:21 pm in regards to a personnel matter, legal matter and property matter with R. Reymer and L. deBoer.
6/ Rise from In Camera Session
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by A. Westman
Resolved that the Committee of the Whole in camera does now rise and Council reconvene at 10:04 p.m.
Report from In-Camera
7/ P. Smith Employment
Moved by A. Westman
Seconded by D. Manders
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph accepts the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation Manager to offer a full-time position to P. Smith.
8/ Union Gas
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by A. Westman
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph accepts the proposal from Union Gas for the purchase of a small parcel of land at the Industrial Park. AND FURTHER that the CAO be directed to set the purchase price at $10,000.
9/ Year-End Transfers
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by D. Manders
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph approves the recommendations of the Treasurer for the Year-End Surplus Transfers as presented on February 17th, 2015.
10/ Drain Billing Policy
Moved by A. Westman
Seconded by W. Hall
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph approves the recommendation of the Treasurer to replace the current Municipal Drain Billing with the amended policy as presented on February 17th, 2015.
11/ Dust Suppressant Tender
Moved by A. Westman
Seconded by D. Manders
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph approves the recommendation of the Public Works Manager to accept the tender from Den-Mar Brines for the supply of dust suppressant and road stabilization products at a tender price of $62,150.00 (including HST).
12/ Gravel Tender
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by D. Manders
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph approves the recommendations of the Public Works Manager to accept the tender from E.W. Blane Trucking for the supply, crushing, weighing, hauling and spreading of Granular M gravel at a cost of $10.34/tonne for approximately 15,000 tonnes.
13/ AMCTO Course
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by A. Westman
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph authorizes L. deBoer to enroll in the AMCTO Employment Law & HR Certificate Program at a cost of $1,146.95 (HST included).
14/ P. Smith ORFA Course
Moved by D. Manders
Seconded by W. Hall
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph authorizes P. Smith to attend Ice Making & Painting Technologies certificate course through ORFA in Guelph from April 27-30, 2015 at a cost of $925.00 (plus HST).
15/ AMCTO Conference
Moved by D. Manders
Seconded by W. hall
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph authorizes R. Reymer to attend the AMCTO Conference in Thunder Bay, June 7-10, 2015 at a registration cost of $802.30.
16/ Accounts as Paid
Moved by A. Westman
Seconded by D. Manders
That the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph approves the accounts in the amount of $447,582.71.
17/ By-law - First, Second and Third Reading
Moved by W. Hall
Seconded by A. Westman
Resolved that if no one cares to speak to these By-laws on their First, Second and Third Reading, that they be considered to have been read a First time and Passed, read a Second time and Passed, read a Third time and Passed, that they be numbered:
· By-law No. 10-2015 Appointment By-law
· By-law No. 11-2015 Confirming By-law
18/ Adjournment
Moved by D. Manders
Seconded W. Hall
Resolved that the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:10 p.m.