Errata from the First Printing

Chapter 1:

Substantive errors:

p. 8: “and high pe (high e– activity)” should be “and high pe (low e– activity)”

Minor errors:

p. 7: “acid/base” and “oxidation/reduction” should be “acid-base” and “oxidation-reduction”

p. 7 footnote: “SillÈn” should be “Sillén”

p. 8: “acidic.” should be “acidic conditions.”

p. 9: “Section 1.41” should be “Section 1.4.1”

p. 9: “each Section of each chapter” should be “each section of each chapter”

p. 10: “acid/base” should be “acid-base”

Chapter 2:

Substantive errors:

p. 19: The ammonium example uses the incorrect molecular weight of ammonium. The corrected example is:

For example, suppose the personnel at a wastewater treatment plant wish to determine if the measured effluent ammonium (NH4+) concentration of 2.3 mg/L NH4+ violates the discharge limit of 1.7 mg NH4+-N/L. The ammonium concentration is

[NH4+]= (2.3 mg/L NH4+)(10–3 g/mg)/(18 g NH4+/mol NH4+)

= 1.3×10–4 mol/L NH4+

This is equivalent to (1.3×10–4 mol/L NH4+)(14 g N/mol N)(103 mg/g) = 1.8 mg NH4+-N/L; in violation of the discharge limit. See also Example 2.6.

p. 24: Table 2.2 should be numbered Table 2.1

Minor errors:

p. 17: Footnote should be full-justified

p. 18: “you are using that the molecular weight” should be “you are using the molecular weight”

p. 21: “respectively)” should be “respectively),”

p. 25: “(ppmv =” should be “(ppmv) =”

p. 25: “first Section of this chapter” should be “first section of this chapter”

p. 25 to rest of chapter: paragraphs indented too far

p. 27: “equivalence/L” should be “equivalents/L”

Chapter 3:

Substantive errors:

p. 45: “dG ≤ 0 always, and:” should be “dG ≤ 0 for all spontaneous processes, and:” and “The test: dG ≤ 0 for all reactions” should be “The test: dG ≤ 0 for all spontaneous reactions”. Also, “dG≤ 0 for all reactions” in the Key Idea should be “dG≤ 0 for all spontaneous reactions”. In addition: “Similarly, dG < 0 is” should be “Similarly, dG ≤ 0 is”.

p. 51: In Table 3.3 and Example 3.5, the partial molar enthalpy, entropy, and Gibbs free energy of formation should not have deltas in front of them

p. 59: In the two Key Ideas and in the text at the bottom of the page, the equilibrium constant should be the product of the product concentrations (activities) divided by the product of the reactant concentrations (activities), each raised to their reaction stoichiometric coefficients.

p. 60: In Example 3.6, the partial molar Gibbs free energies of formation should not have deltas in front of them

p. 61: See comment on p. 59. Also “ΔGorxn < 0” should be “ΔGorxn ≤ 0” and the partial molar Gibbs free energies of formation should not have deltas in front of them

p. 62: See comment on p. 45 for correction of the Key Idea in the Key Idea summary

p. 63: See comment on p. 59 for correction of the Key Ideas in the Key Idea summary

p. 64: In Problem 3.6, “H2SO4 and HSO4– equal” should be “HSO4– and SO42– equal”

Minor errors:

p. 33: “section” should be “Section 3.1.1”

p. 35: “Intensive Property” column header misaligned in Table 3.1

p. 57: Eliminate extra space after “0.082057 L-atm/mol-oK”

Chapter 4:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 68: In Key Idea, “relationship” should be “relationships”

p. 70: Font size on last line of footnote is incorrect

p. 72: “In this Section” should be “In this section”

p. 73: Last line of Example 4.4 should be “1.76×10–7” not “1.76×0–7”

p. 79: Space missing before “2H+”

p. 80: Partial molar Gibbs free energies of formation should not have deltas in front of them (also in Key Idea)

p. 81: Equations misaligned

p. 82: Partial molar Gibbs free energies of formation should not have deltas in front of them

p. 83, 84: See Key Idea errors on pp. 68 and 80

Chapter 5:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 95: “and loss if its beneficial effects” should be “and loss of its beneficial effects”

Chapter 6:

Substantive errors:

p. 110: In Section 6.4.4, after “activity of water = 1” add: “(i.e., mole fraction = 1)”. Also, after “If a pure solid exists, it has unit activity.” Add: “(i.e., mole fraction = 1)”.

p. 113: “signed charges” should be “signed equivalents of charge is zero”

Minor errors:

p. 97: “section” should be capitalized throughout the page

Chapter 7:

Substantive errors:

p. 123: Add “(mole fraction = 1)” after “Activity of H2O = 1”

p. 129: In Example 7.2: “With NaT = AcT = 7×10–4 M” should be “With NaT = AcT = 7×10–3 M”

p. 139: In Problem 7.5, AcT should be 7×10–3 M

Minor errors:

p. 123: “one selects” should be “you select”

p. 123: “(acid/base)” should be “(acid-base”)

p. 124: In Step 2: Delete “let us”

p. 125: In Step 4: “one” should be “you”. Also, numeral subscripts on equilibrium constants in Example 7.1 should not be italicized

pp. 128 & 133: “acid/base” should be “acid-base”

p. 140: In Problem 7.13, “maleic” should be “malic”

Chapter 8:

Substantive errors:

p. 142: In the Key Idea, “upward to the left” should be “upward to the right”

p. 166: “are larger in the low pH” should be “are smaller in the low pH”

Minor errors:

p. 141: “section” should be “Section” and “3.7×10–4 M” should be “3.6×10–4 M”

p. 144: “acid/base” should be “acid-base” and “one moves” should be “you move”

p. 145: In the second footnote, “slope, meaning” should be “slope meaning”

p. 147: “Two species with pC one unit” should be “Two species with pC values one unit”

p. 152: In Example 8.3, “you developed” should be “you can develop”

p. 160: “we” should be “you”

p. 161: In Example 8.5, “If enough sodium” should be “If the sodium”. Alos, in the Key Idea, “with deficient protons” should be “with the number of deficient protons”

p. 164: The Section 8.6 title should be “SUMMARY” not “CONCLUSIONS”

p. 166: Zn(Ac)42– should be Zn(OH)42–

Chapter 9:

Substantive errors:

p. 176: In Figure 9.3, cell E15 should be “=C10+C11” and cell D19 should be “=C8-C9-C10”

p. 182: The XTX and (XTX)–1 matrices should be XTX = , and (XTX)–1 = , respectively

p. 184: [Ac–] should not be part of TOTH2O

p. 185: In the tableau, The coefficients for HAc with components H+ and HAc should be 0 (blank) and 1, respectively (not 1 and 0 [blank], respectively)

p. 186: In the tableau, The coefficients for Ac– with components H+ and Ac–should be 0 (blank) and 1, respectively (not 1 and 0 [blank], respectively). Also, [Ac–] should not be part of TOTH2O

Minor errors:

p. 172: Delete “can be found in”

p. 174: Section 9.3.3 heading and first line should not be indented

p. 176: “Mineql” should be “MINEQL”

p. 177: Footnote symbol should be outside period. Also, on last line of page, “pC-pH” should be in quotation marks

p. 183: “and1 part” should be “and 1 part”

p. 187: The K in “log K” should be italicized

Chapter 10:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 198: Figure 10.1 caption should be centered

p. 200: “and/or” should be “or”

Chapter 11:

Substantive errors:

p. 209: “HA + H2O = HA– + H3O+” should be “HA + H2O = A– + H3O+” (also in Key Idea). Also in Key Idea, “HA = HA– + H+” should be “HA = A– + H+”.

p. 214: In Example 11.4, “into the charge balance” should be “into the proton condition”. The final pH should be 8.26, resukting in the following concentrations: [H+] = 5.50×10–9 M, [OH–] = 1.82×10–6 M, [H2CO3*] = 1.08×10–5 M, [HCO3–] = 9.80×10–4 M, and [CO32–] = 8.94×10–6 M. Also in Example 11.4, “10–16.2/2” should be “10–16.6/2” and “at pH 8.26” should be “at pH 8.3”.

p. 217: After item 3 near the top of the page, add: “(parallel to the [OH–] line)”

p. 218: “HiA” should be HiAi–n” throughout. Also in Step 2, “–i” should be “i”

p. 221: In the first αiequation in Section 11.5.3, the exponent on [H+] in the denominator should be “n – j”. In the second αiequation in Section 11.5.3, the [H+] term should be divided by the product term, not multiplied by the product term. Also in the product term, k starts at i + 1, not 1. The revised equations are:

p. 223: The unknowns should be: [H2O], [H+], [OH–], [H2CO3*], [HCO3–],

[CO32–], and [SO42–], [NO3–], and [Cl–]

Minor errors:

Throughout chapter: Some numbers in subscripts are italicized and should not be italicized

p. 203: “section” should be “Section”

p. 204: “ionic theory” should be italicized

p. 205: Insert paragraph break after “… such as ammonia and sodium carbonate.”

p. 209: In eq. 11.6, “a” should be italicized and “1” should not be italicized

p. 211: Parenthetical statement starting “(the point where…)” should be in square brackets

p. 214: In footnote, “eq. 11.9” should be “eq. 11.10”

p. 219: Add space before “2[H2CO3]”

p. 220: In Key Idea, “vary” should be “range”

p. 223: In the ST equation, the sulfate concentration should be 0.5 mg/L as S

p. 224-225: See Key Ideas changes on p. 209 and 220

p. 225: “mg/as C” should be “mg/L as C”

p. 226: In Problem 11.9, “accidently” should be “accidentally”

p. 227: In Problem 11.10B, “form” should be “species” through and add “the” before “overall neutral”. In Problem 11.11C, “Show that at” should be “Show that”

Chapter 12:

Substantive errors:

p. 233: The formulas in cells C5 through C8 of Figure 12.2 should refer to cells A5 through A8, respectively

p. 234: In second line from the bottom of the page, CB should be 1×10–2 N

p. 249: “(or the negative of the reciprocal of the titration curve if the titration curve is plotted against CA)” should be “(or the negative of the reciprocal of the slope of the titration curve if pH is plotted against CA)”

p. 261: In eq. 12.7, the carbonate concentration should be multiplied by 2. Also, CT,riveris 1.2×10–3 M (not 8.3×10–6 M).

Minor errors:

p. 229: “monitor pH” should be “pH is monitored”

p. 233: “To visualize how equilibrium pH…” should be “To visualize how the equilibrium pH…”

p. 237: “[Ac–]” should be “[A–]”. Also, in Step 2, “an HA and NaA solution” should be “HA and NaA solutions”

p. 239: At very end of Example 12.3, add “, respectively”

p. 245: In Key Idea, “three points” should be “five points” – also on p. 264

p. 247: “a Al3+ salt” should be “an Al3+ salt”

p. 249: “Font for the marginal definition of buffer intensity is too large

p. 261: The subscript r should be removed from the denominator of the expression for CB

p. 264: In Problem 12.1, “is titration” should be “is titrated”

Chapter 13:

Substantive errors:

p. 280: Under “Acidity”, the equation is for Acy, not Alk

p. 289: In Example 13.5, the equation “= (6×10–4 eq/L – 5.14×10–4 eq/L)(120 inches)×(5.14×10–4 eq/L + 1×10–4 eq/L)” should be “= (6×10–4 eq/L – 5.14×10–4 eq/L)(120 inches)/(5.14×10–4 eq/L – 1×10–4 eq/L)”. This makes the rainfall rate “24.9 inches or 63.3 cm of rain”

Minor errors:

Spacing problems on pp. 272, 273, 274, 280, 284, 287, 288, 290, 293, and 294

p. 269: “ANC as” should not be italicized

p. 274: “an Na2CO3 solution” should be “a Na2CO3 solution”

p. 276: Figure 13.4 caption should be for Curves

p. 279: Eliminate “(i.e., hydroxybenzene)” in footnote

p. 286: Add dagger to calcium ion concentration

p. 288: Font too small in “Y” in section title. Add period after “pH 4.5”. Also, add “as C” after “10 mg/L”

Chapter 14:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 299: In Thouhgtful Pause, “list” should be “lists”. Also, “If all electrons involve electron sharing” should be “If all bonds involve electron sharing”

Chapter 15:

Substantive errors:

p. 306: Table 15.1 has been redone as follows:

Table 15.1: Coordination Numbers of Common Metals

in the Environment1

Coordination Number / Example Metals2
1 / H+
2 / Ag+, Au+
4 / Au3+, Cu+, Mn7+
6 / Al3+, Cd2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Ni2+, Zn2+


  1. The coordination number changes with the ligand and environment. Tabulated values are for the most common coordination numbers in aquatic environments (Cotton and Wilkenson, 1988).
  2. The metals are written as ions in this table. The ions represent the oxidation states, of, for example, H(+I), Ni(+II), and Al(+III).

p. 315: In item 2, “stepwise” should be “cumulative”

p. 322 (Example 15.3): last two terms in the cyanide mass balance should be multiplied by 6 and 4, respectively

p. 325-326: Several mistakes in references to column headings:

“columns D and C” should be “columns E and C”

“cell C16 is: =I7*C18*C12^2” should be “cell C22 is: =I7*C16*C12^2

“(cells G12-G15)” should be “(cells D41-D44)”

“(cells F12-F15)” should be “(cells C12-C15)”

“(cell H17)” should be “(cell E45)”

“(cells F6 through F9)” should be “(cells D2 through D6)”

Minor errors:

Unitalicize numbers as subscripts throughout

p. 306: In Thoughtful Pause, “Names” should be “Name”

p. 314: “…written in the reverse from of…” should be “…written as the reverse of…”

p. 316: “… and Al(OH)4–] dominates…” should be “… and Al(OH)4– dominates…”

p. 318: Fix spacing in Fe(+III)T equation

p. 327: In Example 15.4, “at pH 4.1” should be “at pH 4.2”. Also in text, a right parenthesis should proceed “ = K14…”

p. 328: At the end of the second sentence after the Thoughtful Pause, add “at pH 8”. Also, the equation near the bottom of the page will be rewritten in equation mode.

p. 331: All Ks should be italicized

Chapter 16:

Substantive errors:

p. 344: In Example 16.3, the equation with 8.34Q(mgd)C(mg/L) is for lb/day, not kg/day

pp. 346-347: There are several errors in Example 16.4. The problem statement should be changed to:

Is this synthesis reaction possible under 1 atm of nitrogen gas at room temperature?

Also, the stoichiometries in the water oxidation half reaction and overall reaction are incorrect: H2O should have a stoichiometric coefficient of 2. Thus, ΔGorxn becomes +649.32 kJ/mol. The problem conditions are now {N2} = 1 atm. The ΔGrxn equation should have ln before the species activities. The calculated {N2H2} becomes 10–57 M or less than one hydrazine molecule in the volume occupied by the Sun.

p. 350: The value of Faraday’s constant (given incorrectly three times on this page) should be 96,485 C/mol.

p. 352: The words “ox” and “red” should be reversed in the first paragraph of Section 16.5.4 and in eq. 16.13. Also, in eq. 16.13, {H+} should be raised to the n power.

p. 353: The numerators and denominators should be reversed in the two equations for E following the definition of the Nernst equation. Also, in the text: “the numerator in the logarithm argument is really the products of the activities of the products, each raised to their stoichiometric coefficients and the denominator is the products of the activities of the reactants (excluding e-), each raised to their stoichiometric coefficients” should be: “the numerator in the logarithm argument is really the product of the activities of the reactants in a reduction reaction (excluding e–), each raised to their stoichiometric coefficients and the denominator is the product of the activities of the products in a reduction reaction, each raised to their stoichiometric coefficients (where the Nernst equation is written with a plus sign and the standard hydrogen electrode is used).”

p. 354: The numerators and denominators should be reversed in the equations for E1 and E2.

p. 355: “logK = (nFEo/2.303RT)Eo” should be “logK = (nFEo/2.303RT)”

p. 359: “{H2O} = 1 M” should be “{H2O} = 1 (mole fraction)”. Also, the pe range a various pH values should be clarified. From the sentence starting “For pH = 0 to 14”, the remainder of the paragraph should read: “For pH = 0 to 14, the pe must be in the range of 0 to +20.78 at pH 0 to –14 to +6.78 at pH 14 to satisfy the redox stability of water. Thus, all our previous pC-pH diagrams with x-axes extending from 0 to 14 should be amended to say that they are valid only at certain pe values. Similar statements hold true for other pH ranges: for example, pH 4 to 10 corresponds to pe = –4 to +16.78 at pH 4 to pe = –10 to +10.78 at pH 10.”

p. 380: Problem 16.5B, add hint to look at Section 16.3.4. Also in Problem 16.9, ClT should be 1x10-3 M.

Minor errors:

Subheadings (e.g., 16.3.1) should be 12 point throughout

p. 337: “a system is developed” should be “a parameter is developed”

p. 339: Heading for Section 16.3 should be all caps throughout

p. 340: “the oxidation state of S in elemental is 0” should be “the oxidation state of elemental S is 0”

p. 341: “… +1 and –2 oxidation state always” should be “… +1 and –2 oxidation state as usual (see Section A.2.4)”. Also, “produced eight electrons” should be “produces eight electrons”

p. 366: H2CO3 should be H2CO3*

p. 376: Eliminate comma after “rxn”

Chapter 17:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 385: “phases” should be “phase”

p. 386: “Dissolved species that partition into…” should be “Dissolved species that partition from…”

Chapter 18:

Substantive errors:

p. 397: Some elements in the first row of Table 18.2 are misaligned

p. 407: “dotted line” should be “thick line”

p. 412: Some elements in Table 18.4 are misaligned

p. 415: In Problem 18.12A, the stoichiometric coefficients of H2O and O2 should both be 106

Minor errors:

p. 402: “with air” should be “with a large volume of air”

p. 404: In Example 18.4, the right bracket n the HOCl concentration is missing. Also, in the problem in the text, the volume of the liquid phase should be 0.1 L, not 8 L (calculations ok)

p. 407: Insert “radiolabeled” after “released”

Chapter 19:

Substantive errors:

p. 427: “by precipitation at Zn(OH)2(s)” should be “by precipitation of Zn(OH)2(s)”. Also, 2 in Zn(OH)2(s) should be subscripted. Also, “Figure 9.3” should be “Figure 19.3”

p. 434: In hardness definition in the left margin, “magnesium ions)” should be “magnesium ion concentrations)”

Minor errors:

p. 420: In Example 19.1, the M is misaligned

p. 423: Figure 19.1 caption should be bold

p. 428: Figure 19.4 caption should be Figure 19.4

p. 447: IN Example 19.5, Ce should be italicized

p. 450: “major type of reactions” should be “major type of equilibria”

p. 454: Closing parenthesis in Problem 19.2 (after P(+V)) is missing

Chapter 20:

Substantive errors:


Minor error:

p. 466: “Spurious” should be “Counterintuitive”

Chapter 21:

“section” should be capitalized throughout

“d” as a term for a complete derivative should be italicized throughout

Substantive errors:

p. 469: The terms in the last model for I should be added (not subtracted) in Table 21.1

Minor errors:

p. 471: In the expression of B, ½ is an exponent

p. 473: In Table 21.3, the superscript for Güntelberg should be 2

p. 479: “convenience) as eq. 21.8:”should be “convenience as eq. 21.8):”

Chapter 22:

Numbers in subscripts should not be italicized throughout

Substantive errors:

p. 496: In the text just before eq. 22.2, the stoichiometric coefficients should have absolute values around them. Also, just before Section 22.3, “divided by the stoichiometric coefficient” should be “divided by the signed stoichiometric coefficient”

p. 508: “Thus, the slower of the forward and reverse reactions” should be “Thus, the sum of the forward and reverse reaction rate constants”

Minor errors:

p. 495: A- should be Ac-

Chapter 23:

Substantive errors:

p. 523: Elements in row 6 of Table 23.2 are misaligned

p. 533: Elements in Table 23.4 under “Surface Equilibria” are misaligned

Minor errors:

p. 526: Fe(+II)T should be italicized and not be in brackets

Appendix A:

Substantive errors:


Minor error:

p. 541: “(the cell containing the value you is to change)” should be “(the cell containing the value Solver is to change)”

Appendix B:

Substantive error:

p. 545: “depends on kr but not on kf” should be “depends on kr and K or kf and K

Minor error:

p. 543: “steady state” should be “the steady state

Appendix C:

Section should be capitalized throughout

Numbers in subscripts should not be italicized throughout

Substantive error:

p. 551: (C.4.3, step 2) As on p. 218: “–i” should be “i”

p. 553: (C.6.2, step 4) As on p. 245: “three points” should be “five points”

Appendix D:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 555: “14” should be “pKW”

p. 558: For two entries for Sr2+ and Zn2+, reactants should be “M + L” not “M”

p. 561: For AgS(s), product should be Ag+. Also, for two calcium phosphate solids, the stoichiometric coefficients for Ca2+ in the products and the charge on phosphate are incorrect. Correct reactions are:

Ca4H(PO4)3(H2O)3(s) = 4Ca2+ + H+ + 3PO43- +3H2O

Ca5OH(PO4)3(H2O)(s) = 5Ca2+ + OH- + 3PO43- + H2O

Also, charge on Cu in CuOH(s) equilibrium should be superscripted

Appendix E:

Substantive error:

p. 570: Under E.4.1, “pC-pH diagram” should be “titration curve”

Minor errors:


Appendix F:

Substantive errors:


Minor errors:

p. 574: “hat” should be “what” and “section” should be capitalized


Add reference: Cotton, F.A. and G. Wilkenson. Advanced Organic Chemistry. 5th ed., J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988.