Workplace scanning tool
This form is designed to gain an understanding of your organisation’s profile, work practices and strategic priorities to support the development, implementation and evaluation of an effective wellness strategy for your organisation.
- Work through the questions for each section
- Enter the relevant information as specified or tick the most applicable box. If a question is not applicable to your workplace then leave blank.
- Please bring the completed form and any supporting documentation with you to the course.
If you have any questions regarding the below form, please don’t hesitate to contact Wellness Designs on Tel: 1300 914 558.
DatePart A: Business details
Business Name / Business TypePhysical Address (Head Office)
# of Sites / Location/s
HR Manager / Rep / Telephone #
Safety Manager / Telephone #
Employee Representative / Position Title
Email / Telephone #
Part B: Workforce Characteristics
You may find it useful to speak with a Human Resourcesor payroll representative to gather this data.
# Employees (headcount) / FTE (full time equivalent)Age / 18-34 %, 35-44 %, 45-64 %, 65+ %
Gender / Male % Female %
Employment status / Full time %, Part time %, Temporary/Casual %, Contractors %
Work patterns / Permanent day %, Permanent evening %, Permanent night %
Rotating Shift %
Employees with computer access / %
Communication Modes (please delete those that don’t apply) / Newsletters Intranet Email Text messages Meetings Posters Bulletin boards Toolbox talks Payslips Social media Management briefings Mailing to home Mobile technology Health fairs Wellness Champions Other:
Part C: Organisational and industry drivers
To help guide your responses in Part C and D, we encourage you to conduct an interview with a) Human Resources or Safety Manager/representative and/or b) frontline employee (as appropriate). We have provided a template to assist you (refer Attachment 1).
a) key Organisational priorities
What are the key organisational priorities for the next 1-3 years? (for example, growth/acquisition, restructure, attracting top talent)
Please attachas background documentation (if available):
- Organisational Strategic Plan 2016/2017 or equivalent
- Human Resources and/or Safety Operational plan 2016/17 or equivalent
b) Key organisational drivers
How important are each of the following reasons for investing in employee health and wellness for your organisation?
Key driver / Not at all / Slightly important / Moderately important / Very important / Extremely important / If Very or Extremely important, why?(e.g. increasing injury rates)Improved health status of workforce
Reduced absenteeism
Reduced presenteeism (health-related work impairment)
Reduced workplace injury
Reduced workers compensation claims
Improved worker productivity
Improved worker morale and engagement
Improve team cohesiveness
Improved business image
Improved worker attraction and retention
Improved worker job satisfaction
Improved workplace culture
Managing an ageing workforce
Top 3 drivers identified:
c) Key industry drivers
Identify some of the key health, safety and/or wellness drivers within your organisation’s industry. For example, the work demands of the industry, health related risks, common injury types.
Note - for larger organisations with diverse worker populations, you can choose one division or department to focus on.
Here are some suggested sites that may be helpful to gather this information:
- Australian Government’s Healthy Worker Portal – How healthy is your industry?
- Work Safe QLD – Work health in key industries and sectors
- Safe Work Australia – various publications on work health and safety in specific industries
- Bupa - Workplace Health Benchmarking Survey
Top 3 drivers identified for your industry:
Part D: Health and wellness strategy
a) Background
What is the current status of your organisation’s health and wellness strategy? / [ ] Formal wellness strategy is fully implemented[ ] Formal wellness strategy is partially implemented
[ ] Have formal strategy but not yet implemented
[ ] No current formal strategy and/or adhoc approach
[ ] Other – please specify
If you do have a formal strategy, how many years has this been in place? / 0-1 year / 2-5 yrs / 5-10 yrs / >10 yrs / Unsure
[ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ] / [ ]
Was a Needs Assessment completed prior to launching the strategy? (e.g. interest survey, health risk assessment, focus groups) / [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Unsure
If yes, please attach results.
Following above, was an action plan devised based on identified needs and priorities? / [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Unsure [ ] N/A
If yes, please attach summary.
Do you have any written plans or policies that support employeehealth and wellness?
- organisational vision/mission
- OHS or HR policy
- Corporate, business or operational plan
- Other e.g. smoke-free policy, alcohol and drugs, flexible working
If yes, please attach.
What other health and wellness-related strategies, initiatives and/or facilities does your organisation currently have in place? (eg. flu vaccinations, healthy vending options, standing desks)
If some activities are no longer available, why have they ceased?
b) Program Management
Which of the following personnel are responsible for managing and rolling out your wellness strategy? (tick all that apply) / [ ] Dedicated wellness program manager/coordinator (employee)[ ] Dedicated wellness program manager/coordinator (external)
[ ] Dedicated Wellness Committee or Working Group
[ ] Occupational Health and Safety team
[ ] Employee Benefits team
[ ] HR team
[ ] Health practitioner/s (employee)
[ ] Health practitioner/s (external)
[ ] Other, please specify:
If there is a dedicated wellness program manager/coordinator, how much time (ie hours per week) is allocated to this role? / <8 hrs
[ ] / 9-16hrs
[ ] / 17-24hrs
[ ] / 25hrs+
[ ]
If there isn’t dedicated hours, what are the reasons?
How is your annual wellness strategy funded (tick all that apply) / [ ] Dedicated annual wellness budget
[ ] Funding from government grant/s
[ ] Funding from health insurer/s
[ ] Funding from employees
[ ] Other, please specify: ______
Please provide further details and amounts where available:
c) Evaluation
Do you have systems in place to receive feedback from workers on health and wellness interests and initiatives? / [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] UnsureOverall, is your organisation achieving the current goals and objectives of the wellness strategy? / [ ] Yes
[ ] Yes, but can be improved
[ ] No, we are not achieving our goals and objectives
[ ] No, we don’t have any formal goals and objectives
[ ] No, we don’t have a formal wellness program
[ ] If other, please specify:
additional insights
Assessment item 1: wellness wise practitioner course / 1