StartWrite Service - 2017

Information sheet for comic / graphic novelists

Key objective

To assist comic / graphic novelists who have completed part or all of a manuscript by providing them with a professional appraisal of their work.

General purpose

The StartWrite assessmentservice is a cost-effective way of getting initial feedback on a work. It is not meant to be a substitute for a full assessment but rather a critical response to the work with comments on the technical ability of the writer and some advice on the next step.

This programme is particularly useful for comic / graphic novelists seeking feedback at the early stage of their project. A StartWrite assessment can prevent early career cmic / graphic novelists from making the same mistakes all the way through their manuscript.

The report should be taken as an indication of areas the comic / graphic novelists is successful in and areas where they could improve either their skills or the content of the work.

What the service provides

The service will provide comic / graphic novelists with a professional overview of their work by an experienced comic / graphic novelists. It will outline this in a 1 - 2 page report commenting on:

  • The technical ability (strengths and weaknesses) of the sample, which may include main and subsidiary characters, use of dialogue, visual style, use of colour, layout, action and language
  • The content of the work
  • A brief response to, up to three, questions that the writer may submit with the sample

It will also provide recommendations for the next step which could include but not be limited to:

  • Attending a specific course
  • Doing more reading or research
  • Getting the full MS assessed or edited
  • Applying for the mentor programme

What the service will not provide:

  • Detailed editing
  • Analysis and suggestions for improvement of major defects in the work
  • Advice on publishing

Who can use the service:

  • The service is open to anyone, however members of the NZSA will have the cost subsidised
  • The subsidised service is based on a first come first served basis. We have enough funds to subsidise a total of 28 requests (comic and literary) during 2017.

What to send and where to send it

  1. Synopsis – a brief one page summary of the major plot shifts, its theme, characters, readership etc. For non-fiction work it is important to indicate the angle or aim of the work. The synopsis is a road map of your work showing the reader how it gets from A to Z. Think of it as a back cover blurb with a few more details. Also let the reader know where exactly the sample you are submitting fits within the overall structure of the work.
  1. Sample chapters – Up to 10 finished pages. We recommend the first two or more chapters because these will give the reader a good idea of your style and also introduce them to the main characters, plot and theme. These are the most important chapters in a work. You may also send in a specific section you feel is not working well. Note, though, that sample chapters should be continuous. It is hard for the reader to judge your work if you send bits pulled from all over the MS.
  2. Up to three specific questions you would like answered.
  3. Two copies of the application form.

Send the material to NZSA office with the applicable fee (see table below). Please make cheques out to NZSA.

Guidelines for presentation:

  • The text must be typed in a readable font such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana.
  • The text for the synopsis should be 1.5 to double spaced on a single side of an A-4 sheet.
  • Please do not fold, staple or bind sheets.
  • Your name and the number of pages you are submitting must appear on the cover page. We suggest you also number each page and put the title of the work plus your name in the footer
  • Your sample pages should be maximum A4 size.
  • Manuscripts submitted on disc or via email cannot be accepted, we need the printout.
  • Please send a stamped, self-addressed envelope of sufficient size for the return of your work.Manuscripts will be returned in approximately four to six weeks.
  • Do not send your original manuscript, send a copy.
  • Please indicate what stage the manuscript is at – first chapter, part of first draft, first draft, and so on.
  • Provide a brief (half to one page) comic / graphic CV which includes courses attended, publications, competitions won etc.

Please send your material and payment to:StartWrite Service, NZ Society of Authors,PO Box 7701, Wellesley St, AUCKLAND 1141

StartWrite Chapter & Synopsis Assessment / StartWrite Chapter & Synopsis Assessment
In 2017 we have 28 subsidised StartWrite Assessments for NZSA members / Open to all writers
Fee is subsidised by 75% / Unsubsidised fees
Comic / Graphic novel / Charge to / Comic / Graphic novel / Charge to / Charge to
NZSA Member / NZSA Member / Non member
sample up to 10 finished pages + synopsis / 45 / sample up to 10 finished pages + synopsis / 180 / 210

For more information please contact Operations Manager, Claire Hill:

This programme is made possible thanks to funding from Creative New Zealand