WEB 150
Quiz 3 – Final exam
Close books, close notes, close computers. Questions with (*) are potentially challenging. It is advisable that if you don’t get them on the first read through, skip and come back to them later.
2 points each.
- True or false:
The window.open() function must have arguments to open a new window
- (*) Given this JavaScript code:
for(var i = 0; i <= 10; i++){
if(i % 2 == 0){
var myWin = window.open('',i, 'width=200, height=100');
This code will:
- Open a pop-up window and display a picture
- Open 10 empty pop-up windows size 200x100
- Open 5 empty pop-up windows size 200x100
- Open 6 empty pop-up windows size 200x100
- Open 6 windows and display the value of i being 0, 2, 4, etc. in the window
- Open nothing. There is an error due to the first argument being empty
- The new browser window with variable named “myWin” can be configured so that it appears behind the main window by calling
- myWin.focus()
- myWin.blur()
- myWin.behind()
- myWin.hide()
- myWin.below()
- Which call below will open a browser window with standard browser buttons?
- window.open('', 'name', 'scrollbars=1')
- window.open('', 'name', 'directories=1')(OK too. Book has an example on this with incorrect answer)
- window.open('', 'name', 'resizable=1')
- window.open('', 'name', 'toolbar=1')
- window.open('', 'name', 'location=1')
- Given this JavaScript function:
function popUp(){
var myWin = window.open('', 'name', '');
myWin.document.write("<input type='button' value='Close' ");
What happens when the function popUp() is called?
- An empty window is opened
- A window is opened with a functional “Close” button
- A window is opened with a non-functional “Close” button because of a JavaScript syntax error
- Nothing
- In JavaScript, the main “rollover” event happens when
- When the mouse is entering / hovering over the element
- When the mouse is clicking on the element
- When the mouse is leaving the element
- When you didn’t use up your monthly minutes of your Cingular phone plan
- What is the event that associates with the rollback action?
- onMouseOver
- onMouseOut
- onMouseDown
- onMouseUp
- onClick
- (*) Given this piece of code, assuming that all the needed pictures are available to be displayed:
<script language="JavaScript">
var img1 = new Image();
var img2 = new Image();
function action(element){
if(element.src == img1.src) {
element.src = img2.src;
} else {
element.src = img1.src;
<img src="pic2.jpg" name='myImg' onMouseOver="action(this)"
onMouseOut="action(this)" />
8.1 What will happen if you hover the mouse over the image named “myImg”?
- The image will change to display pic2.jpg
- The image will change to display pic1.jpg
- The image will stay the same
- Nothing change; there is an error message in the browser’s status bar
8.2 Regarding the JavaScript code above, the code that instantiates the images in the header is called image-preloading. In a sentence or two, describe what is image-preloading and why we should use it?
It’s a way to load the images into the browser’s memory to help fast switching between images in the rollover action.
- The predefined function in JavaScript setTimeout such as the in call setTimeout("doSomething()", n) would:
- Call the function doSomething() every nseconds
- Call the function doSomething() every n milliseconds
- Call itself every n seconds
- Call itself every n milliseconds
- There’s no such predefined function in JavaScript
- (*) Given the code to run the Play button for playing the slideshow of the image named display, assuming that all pictures are available to be displayed:
<script language="JavaScript">
var pics = new Array('0.jpg','1.jpg','2.jpg','3.jpg','4.jpg','5.jpg');
var timerID = 0;
var index = 0;
var how_long = 5000;
// this function is called by the “Play” button
function runSlide(){
document.display.src = pics[index];
index +=2;
if(index >= pics.length) index = 0;
if(index < 0) index = pics.length-1;
timerID = setTimeout("runSlide()", how_long);
// this function is called by the “Pause” button
function stopSlide(){
10.1 The code above will display these images in turn, one by one:
a. 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg, 5.jpg, 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, 4.jpg, 5.jpg and so on.
b. 1.jpg, 3.jpg, 5.jpg, 1.jpg, 3.jpg, 5.jpg, and so on
c. 0.jpg, 2.jpg, 4.jpg, 0.jpg, 2.jpg, 4.jpg and so on.
d. Does not display anything; there’s an error in the code
10.2Use the space below here to complete the code for stopSlide(). Hint: this function will call clearTimeout, which is another predefined function of JavaScript language.
function stopSlide(){
timerID = 0;
- True or False: You cannot have both of the rotating banner and auto-play slideshow on the same page, as that will confuse the setTimeout function.
- Circle all options that apply: DHTML uses a combination of …
- Java
- JavaScript
- Flash
- CSS classes are defined within
- <div>
- <style>
- <script>
- <body>
- None of above
- True or False: Users are permitted to use Internet example codes any way they wish, including modify the code to omit the original credit
- True or False:
15.1AJAX is a completely new programming language of the web.
17.2AJAX does not need the convention POST or GET to connect to the server
- (*) Given this block of code (it may contain a bug), assuming the menu class, and any JavaScript functions work as they should. It contains two <td> tags, which will produce two dropdown menus:
<!-- first td -->
<td onmouseover="showmenu('table1')" onmouseout="hidemenu('table1')">
<a href='menu1.html'>Menu 1</a<br>
<table id='table1' class='menu'>
<tr<td class='menu'>item1</td</tr>
<tr<td class='menu'>item2</td</tr>
<!—second td -->
<td onmouseover="showmenu('table1')" onmouseout="hidemenu('table1')">
<a href='menu2.html'>Menu 2</a<br>
<table id='table2' class='menu'>
<tr<td class='menu'>item3</td</tr>
<tr<td class='menu'>item4</td</tr>
See next page
Which option correctly describes what happens on the mouseover and mouseout event of the second <td> ?
Selection / OnMouseOver / OnMouseOuta / /
b / /
c / /
d / /
e / Display nothing due to an error / Display nothing due to an error
- Given this code:
<title>Welcome title</title>
<h1>Welcome user!</h1>
<p> Hello there</p>
<p> Hello again</p>
17.1. In the terminology of HTML DOM, the <head> tag is a ______of the <body> tags, regarding the code above. (Fill in the blank)
- Parent
- Children
- Sibling
- Sister
- Grand Parent
17.2. If there is a JavaScript code in the document above such as:
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
var y = x.length;
What is the value of y after the code executed?
a. 0b. 1c. 2d. 3e. 4f. An error
18. In programming terminology, AJAX stands for:
- Astronomical Joint Audit Experiment
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
- Asynchronous JavA eXtraction
- The name of a soccer club in Amsterdam, Netherlands