French I (FRE 1120)

Section 31437

Summer 2013-2014

Instructor: Dr. Nicole L. Burda

E-mail: or (best method of contact)

Course Meeting: ONLINE

Phone: (407) 299-5000 ext. 2341 or (407) 697-1676 (best number to call)

Online Office Hours: By Appt.

Textbook:Promenades by Mitschke and Tano, 2nd edition


Course Description

Emphasis on everyday use of the language, integrating basic grammar, vocabulary, composition and culture through a conversational approach to French. Not open to native speakers. A minimum grade of C is required to pass this course if being used to satisfy the General Education Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement.

The FRENCH 1120 ONLINE Courseis a web-based instruction course. Students will learn individually each lesson and practice doing the activities on the PROMENADES SUPERSITE. This course has an emphasis on the four language skills: reading, writing, listening & speaking. The use of the French language and its relationship to culture will be given continued attention as integrating basic grammar, vocabulary, and composition, and culture through a conversational approach to French.

About our textbook
This textbook comes packaged with a code for the PROMENADEDES SUPERSITE, the course management (online portion of your course) system that you will use this semester for our class. You are required to have the textbook SUPERSITE to do your assignments online. It is packaged with the following components: vText, Web-SAM, Supersite Access (which has an e-Delivery option), and companion text. You can buy this directly from the publisher on their website. YOU MUST HAVE THESE COMPOENENTS TO COMPLETE THE COURSE!
You must have aSupersite PROMENADE account, and enroll in the course, by thefirst week of the semester. This is how the majority of your assignments will be completed. Please follow very specific technical Set-up instructions (provided below) to create an account.

Technology Requirements & Proficiencies

The majority of your assignments and quizzes will be completed via the Internet on the PROMENADES Supersite. That means that students should be very tech savvy (i.e. have good computer skills!). Students will be required to have access to a fast computer & high-speed Internet connectivity. You should also have a microphone for recording speaking exercises. Computer labs are available to Valencia students, so if you ever get stuck, head to a campus lab.

Have a Technical Back-Up Plan!

Things happen! The power goes out, PC’s get viruses, your Internet connection can go haywire, and the list goes on. I suggest that you develop a back-up plan in case you encounter any sort of technical difficulties. Technical difficulties are NOT grounds for my accepting any assignments late! Again, consider Valencia’s computer labs, the public library, a friend/family member’s computer, etc. as options in case your PC fails!

Student Integrity and Academic Dishonesty

All students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity. This includes both conduct and behavior in the virtual classroom as well as intellectual integrity. Plagiarism and cheating are unethical, and students caught plagiarizing or cheating will be subject to disciplinary action, including loss of credit for an assignment or for the entire course, probation, suspension, or even dismissal. Please maintain personal and academic integrity. For further information, please refer to college policies published in the student handbook.

Participation and Attendance

It is in your best interest to participate with me and your classmates as much as possible throughout the term. Learners are expected to attend class electronically, and will be monitored for electronic participation.

Withdrawal Policy

Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. Students WILL NOT be dropped from this course for non-attendance beyond the initial reporting window. It is up to you to withdraw if and when you are not able to fulfill the obligations of the class. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please visit

Withdrawal Deadline – June 27, 2014


Assignments will be completed online via the Promenades Supersite and through our course page on Blackboard. Your assignments on the Promenades site have specific due dates. While it is understood that you may choose to self-pace throughout the course, all assignments must be completed by the last day of class without exception.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests and quizzes will be performed online. Students should complete these assessments on their own. All tests and quizzes must be taken on or before dates assigned. As this is an asynchronous learning environment, no make-up tests or quizzes are available. The final exam must be taken on the date published for final exams. Additional information about the final exam will be forthcoming during the semester.

*FINAL EXAM: Students will take one final comprehensive exam. IT WILL BE PROCTORED! Students will have a set window of opportunity to take the exam during final exam week. It will be worth 20% of your grade. IN ORDER TO PASS THE COURSE THE STUDENT MUST SCORE 70% OR HIGHER ON THE FINAL EXAM. IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE FINAL EXAM, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN F IN THE COURSE. Remember that this will be a proctored exam, so be sure to make the necessary arrangements in advance!


Assignments and Quizzes: 350 pts.

Journals: 50 pts.

Final Exam: 100 pts.

TOTAL: 500 pts.

A: 450-500 B: 400-449 C: 350-399 D: 300-349F: 0-299

Schedule for FRENCH 1120

(Please note that because we are working in a asynchronous environment, this is to be used as a pacing guide. More specific due dates are available via the Promenades Supersite).

Week 1: May 5 / Introduction to the course and textbook supersite. UNIT 1
Week 2: May 12 / UNIT 1
Week 3: May 19 / UNIT 2
Week 4: May 26 / UNIT 2
Week 5: June 2 / UNIT 3
Week 6: June 9 / UNIT 3
Week 7: June 16 / UNIT 4
Week 8: June 23 / UNIT 4 (W/D Deadline is June 27th!)
Week 9: June 30 / UNIT 5
Week 10: July 7 / UNIT 5
Week 11: July 14 / UNIT 6
Week 12: July 21 / UNIT 6
Week 13: July 28 & 29 / Final Exam will be on July 29. Information about your exam will be posted and e-mailed in July.


This class requires technology access. This access allows you to complete and submit assignments and tests; access all media and study tools; receive announcements; and communicate with your instructor.

Shop smart: only buy books that include the required Supersite code!

You will spend more if you purchase the textbook and code separately. New textbooks purchased at the bookstore will include this code. Most books that are sold online or used DO NOT include the access code. Always check that what you are buying includes the code.

For value-priced packages, and free shipping, visit


Returning Students

If you have an existing Supersite account for any Vista Higher Learning textbook, complete these steps:

  • Go to
  • Log in using your existing account information.
  • Choose one of these options:

Already have access to the Supersite for this course? Enroll in the course by clicking the "Enroll in a course" link. Then complete "Step 5 - Select a Course/Class" below.


Don't yet have access to the Supersite for this course? Redeem your new Supersite code by clicking the "Redeem a code" link. Then complete "Step 3 - Activate Code" below.

New Students

If you are new to Vista Higher Learning, complete these steps:

Step 1 - Go to

Step 2 - Choose one of these options:

  • Did you buy your code at the online Store? If you created a student account on the store, use the same login information. If you can see your course book on the home page after logging in, go to "Step 5 -Select a Course/Class." If no book appears, go to "Step 3 - Activate Code."
  • OR
  • Create an Account
  • In the "Login Information" section of the account creation page, enter a username of your choice.
  • Enter the email address you would like to associate with your account.
  • Enter and confirm a password of your choice.
  • In the "Personal Profile" section, enter your first and last name as you wish them to appear in your Instructor's roster.
  • Select the year of your birth from the drop down list.
  • Enter a student ID (optional).
  • In the "Security Information" section, provide the answer to a secret question, which may later be used to help you access your account if you forget your password.
  • After you enter all of the information, click "create an account."
  • Click "agree." (Before your account is created, you must agree to the terms and conditions of use policy.)

Step 3 - Activate Code

  • On the code activation screen, enter your Supersite code.
  • Click "activate code" to continue.
  • Look for a message at the top of the screen confirming that the code was successfully redeemed.

Step 4 - Select a School

  • Locate your school by typing your school’s name, Valencia College-East / Winter Park. To narrow the search results, add the city and state, Orlando, FL , (include the country, if outside of the USA.) in which your school is located.
  • Click "find." If the terms you entered did not result in a successful search, follow the on-screen tips to revise your search.
  • Select your school from the list by clicking on its name.
  • Click "select school" to add the school to your account.
  • Look for a message at the top of the screen confirming you successfully added the school.

Step 5 - Select a Course/Class

  • From the list of available classes at your school for your textbook's Supersite, look for Instructor "Burda" and the course "FRE 1120 - Summer 2014" taught between 05/05/2014 and 07/29/2014. It should look like this:

Burda / FRE 1120 - Summer … / Section 31…
  • Click the radio button for the course section "Section 31437." If more than one class is listed for your instructor, click the information icons in the class listings until you locate the section.
  • Click Save. You should see a confirmation that you successfully enrolled in your instructor's course.