Fiscal and Management Control Board

September 9, 2015


10 Park Plaza

Conference Rooms 1,2,3 – Second Floor

Boston, MA


Members:Chairman Joseph Aiello,Director Lisa Calise, Director Brian Lang, Director Steven Poftak, and Director Monica Tibbits-Nutt

Present:Director Lisa Calise,Director Steven Poftak, and Director Monica Tibbits-Nutt

Quorum Present:Yes

Other Participants:Secretary Pollack, Frank DePaola, Brian Shortsleeve,

John Englander


Call to Order by Vice Chairman Poftak

The Chair called the meeting to order of business at 4:45 pm. The Chair announced that we would not be going into executive session today. All items had been pulled by the Department before the meeting.

The Chair opened up the meeting for public comment.

The only speaker was Steve Kaiser. Mr. Kaiser commented on the Red Line’s on-time-performance.


Chairman Poftak took items out of order and asked Erik Stoothoof, Chief Engineer to present Item No. 4, the Merrimack River Bridge Design-Build Rehabilitation Project. Director Poftak wanted an explanation regarding the huge variances between the bidders. Mr. Stoothoof said it was the difference between the technical scores and the methodologies.

On motion duly made and seconded, it was;

VOTED:That General Manager be, and hereby is, authorized to execute, in the nameand on behalf of the Authority, subject to the approval of the Massachusetts Departmentof Transportation (MassDOT) and in a form approved by the General Counsel, acontract with Cianbro Corporation for MBTA Contract No. B64CN02 entitled,"Design-Build Services for the Rehabilitation of Merrimack River Bridge Piers Projectin Haverhill, Massachusetts," for a sum not to exceed $28,270,000.00, based upona schedule of lump sum and allowance bid prices, said Cianbro Corporation being ratedthe most qualified technically and providing the best value as a responsible and eligibleproposer in response to requests for sealed proposals.


Next was the approval of the minutes for the August 24 and 31, 2015 meetings.

On motion duly made and seconded, it was;

VOTED: to approve the minutes of the August 24, 2015 meeting.

On motion duly made and seconded, it was;

VOTED: to approve the minutes of the August 31, 2015 meeting.

Next Chief Administrator Brian Shortsleeve gave his report. Mr. Shortsleeve discussed Positive Train Control (PTC) financing, and the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) and Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) Programs as alternatives to tax exempt bonds. He asked Financial Director Pi Tao Hsu to discuss the fee structure.

Next Chief Administrator Brian Shortsleeve gave his reporton the FY17 - FY20 Baseline Pro Forma. Director Poftak had a question on debt service, and there was no further discussion. The Board had no further questions.

Next General Manager Frank DePaola gave his report. The Board had no further questions on the report.

After motion duly made and seconded,

By roll call:

Director Poftakyes

Director Caliseyes

Director Tibbits-Nuttyes

VOTED: To adjourn at 5:25pm.


Staff Summary for the Merrimack Bridge Design Build Rehab Project

Pro Forma Overview

Ridership Trends

TIFIA v. RRIF slides