Friday 8th September 2017
Telephone: 01947 893373 General email enquiries:
Confidential email enquiries to Mrs Armstrong:
Always check our website for information on, or our Facebook page.
Welcome Back! We hope that you have had a wonderful summer. We are all very pleased to be back and have had a very busy and hard-working first week. We are especially pleased to welcome all our new children and families; among the staff we are pleased to welcome Miss Simpson and Miss Brooks. Information about what is happening your child’s classroom is included with this newsletter, and our Class Dojos and Working Together evenings will help you stay in touch with what is going on. As always, remember that our doors and ears are open – if you would like to talk to a staff member, ring at any time to arrange an appointment.
Attendance Award This Week
Top attenders for the last week:
Class 2
With the best attendance and lowest rate of unauthorised absence.
If your child is genuinely too ill to come to school, please ring by 9:00am – it’s fine to leave a message (see below). / Diary Dates
Monday 25th September CHANGE OF DATE Harvest Festival at St Oswald’s – please come and join us.
Monday 18th September Craft Workshop with Whitby Adult Learning Service – all welcome.
Tuesday 19th September Swimming starts for Class 2 - fortnightly
Tuesday 19th September Working Together: Helping Your Child in the Autumn Term. Headteacher and governors will also be available for informal chat – come and let us know how you are settling in.
Monday 25th September Whitby Adult Learning Service 5-week courses start: Autumn Craft course and Exploring Science. All welcome.
Holidays 2017-18
The holiday list for next year has been given out - remember the extra long weekend in November.
Lythe Show
Tomorrow at 1 p.m.
Entries in from 9 – 11 a.m.
All welcome
Telephone Troubles
If you telephone when there is no-one in the school office, it takes about twelve rings before the answerphone activates. If you would like to leave a message, please do hold on – the machine will start and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
If your child would like to join a club, please ask them to let their class teacher know.
Sign & Cue: Learn British Sign Language and Cued Speech with Mrs Summers on a Monday lunchtime. All ages welcome.
Football: Prepare for upcoming competitions with Mr Stansfield on a Monday 3:15 – 4:15. This club is for Years 3,4,5 & 6 only this term, and is for both girls and boys.
Choir: Get ready for Christmas among other things with Mrs Armstrong on aThursday lunchtime. All ages welcome.
Netball: Thursday after school 3.15 – 4.15 p.m. with Miss Jackson – Years 3,4,5 & 6 only
Fun Football Club with Ultimate Soccer School: – Friday (15th September start) – 3.15 – 4.15 p.m. - £3.00 per child. The club starts with a dynamic warmup followed by small sided games where players are encouraged to show their tricks and skills as they progress. Players must where sensible footwear and shin pads. Reception – Year 6 children welcome (Boys and Girls).This is a fun football club and we will endeavour to keep it that way – Thank you
School Dinners – New Arrangements
In previous years, the number of children having school dinners changed from day to day. This made Heidi’s food ordering extremely difficult to manage. To make the system manageable, and to bring us into line with other local schools, we have changed the way we offer school dinners:
From 5th September, you will need to say on a Monday whether your child will be having school dinner or packed lunch that week, and keep to the same choice for the whole week.
Payment for a week’s school dinners should be sent in a named envelope on the Monday morning (If Monday is a holiday, or your child is absent, payment should be sent on the first day of the week that your child is in school).
This will be a great help to us – thank you for your co-operation with this change.
Heidi is very happy to discuss individual dietary requirements – please ring school.
Is your child entitled to free school meals?
Find out what you could be receiving:
Find out more about the North Yorkshire School Meals service:
There is still dinner money owing from last term – Please be kind enough to settle the outstanding amounts immediately
Thank you
Please find attached the new menu for the Autumn Term / Dojos
Many families have already had their welcome letter and registered with Class Dojos – if you haven’t had yours yet it will be out early next week.
We hope that you will enjoy seeing what your child is doing on a regular basis, and seeing where they are receiving rewards. This will replace the class Facebook pages, although we will still use the main Facebook page for general school messages.
We look forward to receiving your comments about children’s work, and teachers will respond to messages on Dojo in a timely fashion during working hours. If you need to get in touch with a teacher or need a quick response, please call or email the school as usual.
Exciting News – Peat Rigg Residential Visit
Dates are now finalised for Monday 16th to Friday 20th October 2017
This is a fantastic opportunity for the Year 6 children and will be an action packed week.
Mrs Welford will be sending a full detailed letter out on Monday next week which will include everything you need to know.
The cost will be £144.00 per child but you will be given different payment options which will be explained on the letter.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office either by telephone 01947 893373 or email
Class 1
All the staff in Class 1 would like to say a VERY warm welcome back to Lythe School.
We all hope that you and your children have had a fantastic summer break. We have had a lovely week in school and have been happy to welcome back our oldest nursery children into our Reception Year. These children have come back into school raring to learn and join in. Our younger nursery children have been fabulously caring and helpful to our new starters, helping them to settle in beautifully. We have 5 new children who have joined us in Class 1 and we look forward to getting to know them and their families really well.
The Class 1 topic for this half term is Animals, Autumn time and Harvest.
We will be exploring favourite animals, pets and how to care for them, farm animals, wild animals and different types of animals eg Insects, birds, mammals etc. The way our topic develops will depend very much on the children’s interests and passions, but is likely to cover
· Animals habitats/homes and why they like to live there, how animals survive in different types of climates
· Camouflage
· Animal adaptations eg Why animals have ears that move, eyes that see in the dark, stripy skin, etc.
· How to care for your pet….and a Vet’s surgery role play area
· A bring your pet to school day and an animal blessing by Reverend Josephine
· Mini beast hunts
· Farm animals/ Domesticated animals. We will visit farms in the local area.
· Looking for animals and signs that animals have been around in our outdoor classroom and in the Forest.
· Respecting and caring for animals and their environments
· Animals from different parts of the World and animals that are unique to a particular place and why this is.
· Enjoying exploring the Autumnal changes and the onset of Winter
· Talking about how the trees and plants change, seed dispersal, fruits, berries and seeds, bud formation, hibernation etc
Please let us know if your child has any particular interests or passions as we can usually find resources or books to support their interests and learning in the Classroom by adding things they are interested in to our Provision Areas.
WELLIES: Please could you provide your child with a pair of wellies to keep on our Welly rack if you have not already done so. As the term progresses we would be grateful if you would ensure that your child has suitable outdoor clothing including hats and gloves as we go outside to learn in our outdoor classroom nearly every day. Thank you
FOREST SCHOOLS: This session will now be on a Friday. We are very grateful to Mrs Trowsdale who raised some funding from the Film Company who were in the Village earlier in the year and we now have fabulous waterproof all-in-ones so you will not need to provide extra clothes for this session.
Please remember we are here to do our best for your child so please do not hesitate to let us know if you want to share achievements from home or have any concerns.
As usual we are asking for a 50p per week contribution to baking activities . If you would prefer you can pay £3.50 for the half term period.
Class 3
We hope you have all had a fabulous holiday and are ready for the new school year. We have lots of exciting things planned for this year, and can’t wait to get started.
Whilst the weather is still favourable, we will be learning outdoors as much as possible - learning through investigation, exploration and having fun. Our maths-based work will be focusing around the concept of ‘Number’. We will be reminding ourselves all about place value and will move onto using the four operations confidently in a range of contexts. We will continue to develop our writing through lots of inspiring writing opportunities and particularly focus on independently using our spelling and grammar skills in our writing.
On Wednesday afternoons we will be in the ‘Forest School’. Please can you ensure that your child has a long sleeved t-shirt, trousers, wellington boots and waterproof clothing in case of rain. P.E will be on Thursday afternoons. We ask that each child has a full school P.E kit, named (no football strips please). We recommend that your child always has a named water bottle in school.
In Science, we will be investigating Light and Dark and in our topic work we will be learning all about the Stone Age and Iron Age.
Continuing on from last year, your child will be coming home with their Chilli Challenges, to be changed half termly. There will also be skills-based activities for your child to complete at home: more information will follow. We are also pleased to inform you that we have full subscription to SumDog, which now also includes spelling activities if you download the app.
After the success of Class Dojo last term, it has been rolled out across the school. You will receive a new log-on for this academic year.
We look forwards to sharing our learning journey with you.
The Class Three Team.
Class 4
A big welcome back to Class 4 children. We have a lot to look forward to this term including our Year 6 residential visit to Peat Rigg and a trip to Ryedale Folk Museum, as well as numerous sporting events on the Whitby partnership calendar. The children have made a great start in classalready and I am looking forward to celebrating our successes this year.
In English we have started by looking at biographies and are currently writing a class biography on Roald Dahl. Further to this we are asking children to research a family member in order to write their biography (be ready for an interview coming home). In maths we have started by looking at place value for 5, 6 and 7 digit numbers; comparing, ordering and rounding them. Our main topic this term is The Iron and Stone Age - this links nicely to our Class novel 'Wolf Brother'. Through Forest School lessons we will be exploring what it was like to live in this time of history: building shelters and tools, making fire and gathering food and water. In Science we will be exploring the properties of materials and how these change. In computing we will be working on how to stay safe online. In PE we are doing invasion games, starting with netball. In design and Technology we will be creating Christmas decorations from the materials we can find in our local woodland areas.
We are again focusing on spelling and timestables and children will be bringing home weekly homework to help secure skills in these areas, as well as a half-termly “Chilli Challenge” sheet which links with learning across the curriculum. Your child should also have received a 'Sumdog' log in to help them with maths skills. As always we are encouraging children to read as much as possible and if they could be listened to at home daily, this would be very helpful.