The ApostlefromSt. Paul
The Monthly Newsletter for October 2015
Worship Services: 9:00 and 11:00
Promiseland (with hourly components) in session 9-12
Sunday School: 10:00
A Message from the Pastor
Not too long ago, as I was going from one meeting to another; I happened to drive by an elementary school while the children were out for recess. While all the other children were running around, screaming, and having a generally good time; my eyes were drawn to a little girl playing all by herself. What drew my eyes to her was the big smile on her face that said she was having the greatest time while hanging from the monkey bars. The look of joy on her face almost made me want to get out of the car and go hang on the monkey bars too. But alas, I had places to go and things to get done; and besides I’d probably pull my arms out of socket if I tried to do what that little girl was doing. But as I traveled along, I got to thinking about what that little girl was doing. Hanging from the bars; she was not only stretching her muscles, she was strengthening them. She was in fact doing what was necessary to help her body grow.
Just as stretching and strengthening our muscles helps our physical bodies grow; so stretching and strengthening our spiritual commitments helps our faith and relationship to God grow. When we do only what is easy or comfortable for us spiritually; we limit our spiritual growth; and we leave ourselves unprepared and weak for the times that will come when our faith will be tested by trials, hardships, and difficulties. We strengthen our spiritual muscles as we stretch our commitments to worship, study, giving, and serving. What things are you doing to stretch your spiritual muscles so that you can grow in faith and discipleship?
Peace and grace,
Pastor Mike
October Communion Offering
The Communion offering for the Month of October will go towards Children’s Ministry. Promiseland provides opportunities for spiritual growth in children. It is an important part in the life of the church. But Promiseland is just one part of the Children’s Ministry as there are several areas that fall under this ministry. Children’s Ministry has Wednesday Night activities, KWAM (Kids With a Mission), Vacation Bible School, Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat and the Happy Birthday Jesus Party are just some of the ways children are engaged in the life of the church. Please considered giving to the Children’s Ministry for this month’sCommunion offering.
Kroger Rewards
Did you know you can sign up for Kroger Community Rewards and raise money for St. Paul?
We have received our first check in the amount of
Kroger Community Rewards® makes fund-raising easy...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!
If you aren't enrolled in Kroger Community Rewards, please go here: and select St. Paul United Methodist Church- Lakeland, TN so that any time you shop at Kroger our church ministries get credit and can receive a donation from Kroger every quarter - this doesn't cost you anything and doesn't impact your points! You can search by name or our number is 71627. If you would like to sign up but don’t use a computer or having trouble signing up just drop by the office and we will be happy to help you.
United Methodist Men Meeting
The United Methodist Men will meet Sunday October 4th in the fellowship Hall 12 pm. All men welcome to attend. Then at 6:00 pm all men are welcome to meet at Buffalo Wild Wings at Wolfchase for Sunday Night Football. The Dallas vs New Orleans game starts at 7:30 pm. If you have any questions contact Thomas Trieschman at 901-568-2777 by phone or text or at for information
Primetimers (55 plus) will meet Friday, October 9th in the Fellowship Hall at St. Paul UMC at 11:30 am. We will have a lunch of lasagna, salad and dessert for $5.00. Mission is the Food Bank (peanut butter and meats are preferred).Our program is a book review by the author, Tom Shephard from Milan, TN. He will relate some interesting stories from his life and offer his book for sale. Bring friend. Call Sandy Mauney for information or reservations at 465-1364.
Wednesday Night Diner and Studies
Wednesday Night Diner and Studies are up and running. If you haven’t been yet this Fall you are missing out on Good food, Great Fellowship and Fun for you and your kids! Diner is from 5:30-6:30 and Studies are from 6:30-7:30. Stop by and enjoy an evening off from cooking.
Promiseland October News
The first month of Deep Blue was great! I think the kids really enjoy the new curriculum. If you haven’t checked it out yet please come and see what all the fuss is about!
In October the kids will learn that God keeps his promises and that God is always with us. Stories about Abraham and Sarah, Abraham and Lot, the Birth of Isaac and Isaac and Rebekah will be the stories used to teach this.
Small Group sessions have been going well in the 10:00 hour this month. We have been breaking up into two groups (younger and older) during this time. We have had as many as 18 during this time! That’s wonderful! Lots of good conversation going on at this time.
October Bible Verse: “All the families of earth will be blessed because of you.” Genesis 12:3
KWAM will meet Sunday, October 25th from 4:00-5:30 in the Fellowship Hall. KWAM is for kids ages Kindergarten – 5th grade. Kids work on various mission projects, play games and have a snack. See you there!
Come join us for St. Paul’s Trunk or Treat is Saturday, October 24th at 6:00!!! We will be in the parking lot in the back (which is really the front of the Sanctuary). Decorate a TRUNK and bring some TREATS and enjoy all the little church and neighborhood Ghosts and Goblins! This is a great outreach to the community! Everyone is welcome to participate. If you plan on having a trunk please contact Jill Kirk at .
SPY October News
Youth Bible Studies – for this semester of Wednesday church Night the youth will be meeting from 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Jr. High will meet in Room 2 Studying Re:Form Ancestors (Lydia, Elijah, Rahab, Daniel, Deborah, Sampson, and maybe Paul)
Sr. High will meet in the Youth Lounge Studying “Echo the Story” the Old Testament Lessons
Youth Mission Project
5th Saturdays Sabbath School
@ Holy Community – October 31st 9:30am – 1:30 pm
Our youth will be headed back down to Holy Community Halloween morning to share their time with the children in the Looney Neighborhood. We will host a bible study, games, crafts, and serve lunch. We need a few adults to help drive the youth and even participate in the program; if you can join us please either sign-up outside the church office or contact Shannon Pryor ASAP. Costumes encouraged
Fall Conference Spiritual Retreat
November 13th – 15th @ Lakeshore UMA
This retreat will give our youth an opportunity to grow in their faith, build community, and strengthen bonds within our group.
Cost $94 per person*
Commitment Forms and $10 Deposit are Due Oct 18th
2016 BigStuf Summer Camp 7
The youth will be attending camp 7
July 8th – 11th, 2016
We have reserved spots for 30 youth and Adult Campers. It’s not too late to add your name (or your 6th – 12th grader) to the list.
Youth will be hosting fundraisers throughout the coming months to offset their costs for attending this retreat. The estimated cost for this retreat will be between $400 - $450 per youth*.
Commitment Forms and $50 Commitment Deposits are due October 4th
*The Youth Ministry Team would like to set up a Youth Retreat Scholarship Fund for families who need assistance sending their children on any of our future retreats. Because sometimes, especially in families with multiple teenagers in the group and even after fundraising, the cost to attend these very beneficial retreats are more than our families can afford.
If you would like to support this scholarship fund, please contact Shannon Pryor by phone or email.
Actual Year to Date Financial Reporting for period ending September 27, 2015:
This is preliminary, before all adjustments made:
YTD offering $423,033
Other Income $28,515
Less: Expenses($452,283)
YTD net loss($ 736)
Capital Campaign:
Total pledged to date: $487,115 from 87 pledge cards.
Year 2014-current
Capital Campaign Funds Received: $238,016
Less: Capital Campaign Expenses: ($38,925)
Less: Bond Payment:($163,931)
Less: Debt Payment fees: ($515)
Net Funds Available for Next Bond Payment:$34,645
We Lift Up in Prayer
My friend from high school Rebecca-stage IV cancer, Pastor Jason from our home
church-battling cancer by the Ashtons;
David Martin by Charles and Nadia Oliver;
Blessings to all men by the Halsteads;
Laura Jane Holmes in St. Frances on Park by Joyce Smith;
Wanda Cooper by Anita Colwell;
Wanda Cooper, Tommy Whitlow, King family, Leon Hopper, Bob Morgan, Von Hofe
family, Clemmons family by Carolyn Beard;
Kairos, the King family, Leon and Virginia Hopper, Bob Morgan by Carol Johnson;
Nina Hillman, Leon Hopper, Tommy Whitlow, Bobby Eftink, my cousins, Bob
Morgan, Moose, Fred and Judy King, Wanda Cooper by Sammie Walker;
The Von Hofe family, Wendy Villafana and family, Caleb’s transition in his new class
by Julie Tolbert;
Traveling mercies for veteran’s trip to Washington, D.C., the Overby’s great granddaughter Piper
by Mary Harris;
Helen Mason, Judy and Fred King by Glynda Whitlow;
My family and health by Elizabeth Patterson;
Gloria Cook, Billy Johnson, Marvin and Jean Sanders, Jason Stimpson by the Waxlers;
The King family, Wanda Cooper by Sandy Mauney;
Chris Shaw by Annice Jones;
Wanda Cooper, Bob Morgan, Leon and Virginia Hopper by Martha and Taylor Clark;
Garrett Helms by Sarah Turner;
McAlister family, Roger and Julie Meadows by Sharon Higgins;
Larry Duncan by Joyce Burcky;
George Marston-broken leg, surgery an rehab by Pat Edwards;
Doug Miche-pancreatic cancer, my son Jeremy-back problems, our country and our troops by Susan Gray;
Safe travels for students and families as fall break approaches by Lee Goodrich;
My dad, John Austin, as he battles cancer, my mother Anne Austin by Julie Bingham;
Lauren Moody and family-treatment at St. Jude by the Alexanders;
Everett Baskin, Sandra Holmes by Susan Holmes;
Our grandson Steven Hays’ 26th birthday on September 29thby the Swearingens;
Bartlett area chorus rehearsal by Pat Edwards;
Closing our home by Sharon Higgins;
Moose and Janet Woodward at church today by Martha and Taylor Clark;
UMW Sunday on September 20thby Sandy Mauney;
Taking care of my great-grandchildren by Norma McCarroll;
Having my mom at church with us, Dylan’s healing by Julie Tolbert;
My visit with Betty Smithmier and Betty Tucker by Sammie Walker;
Quality time with our boys by the Ashtons;
Regular Weekly Schedule
9:00 amContemporary Worship ~ Sanctuary
9:00 amPromiseland-sp ~ Fellowship Hall
Disciple IV ~ Room 2
10:00 amYouth and Adult Sunday School
Promiseland-sp ~ Fellowship Hall
11:00 amTraditional Worship ~ Sanctuary
Promiseland-sp ~ Fellowship Hall
12:00 pm Prayer Opportunity ~ Sanctuary Conf. Rm.
1:00 pmSoccer Practice
3:00 pmPiYo ~ Gym
3:00 pmYouth Fellowship ~ Youth Lounge
4:00 pmHealthy Living Small Grp.
8:30 am Walking Group ~ Wolfchase Mall
9:00 am Preschool
7:00 pm Boy Scouts ~ Education Building
9:00 am Preschool
7:00 pm Cub Scouts
9:30 amWomen’s Bible Study ~ Room 2
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Dinner ~ Fellowship Hall
6:30 pmWednesday Night Studies
7:30 pm Choir Practice
9:00 amPreschool
7:00 pmContemporary Band Practice
Upcoming Meetings and Special Events
Monday, October 2
9:30 amRuth Circle ~ Fellowship Hall
Thursday, October 8
6:30 pmPreschool Open House
Friday, October 9
11:30 amPrimetimers ~ Fellowship Hall
Monday, October 12
6:30 pmSusanna Circle ~ Room 2
Sunday, October 18
12:00 pmUnited Methodist Women’s Executive Board ~ Fellowship Hall
Thursday, October 22
6:00 pmChurch Council ~ Fellowship Hall
Saturday, October 24
6:00 pmTrunk-R-Treat
Sunday, October 25
12:00 pmUMW Social Action Luncheon ~ Fellowship Class
4:00 pmKWAM ~ Fellowship Hall
Church Staff
Church Office ~ 901-387-0007
After Hours Phone Number:
Michael Morris, 901-386-2578
Aldrich, Daina - Director of Preschool
Dougan, Will - Director of Worship & Music
Geno, Regina – Pianist
Goldsmith, Gary – Youth Music Director
Hamilton, Vickie - Office Administrator
Holmes, Susan-Finance Administrator
James, Lanee’ – Church Custodian
Kirk, Jill - Director of Children’s Ministries
Morris, Mike – Pastor
Pryor, Shannon-Youth Pastor
Ytzen, Nancy – Director of Nursery Ministries