Regional Family and Sexual Violence Hui 28 February 2013

Nga Tapuwae Community Centre

Executive Summary

The Regional Family and Sexual Violence Hui held on the 28 February 2013 at Nga Tapuwae Community Centre was attended by 74 participants from a range of diverse backgrounds. A total of 7 caucuses comprising pre-existing and new reached a milestone in identifying 12 caucus and 18 regional goals. Sets of actions were drafted as a means to achieve these goals.

Hui Framework

The theme of the hui was set as “A violence FREE Tamaki” and a kainga (home) illustration was used to set the day’s focus. A whakapapa (connected) approach was used to relate past hui outcomes to a kainga having had its foundations, walls and roof constructed from the journey of Orakei to Western Springs. This reconnected historical achievements to present day attendance and focused attention to the purpose of the day being to create visibility in and out of the kainga by building in windows and doors of goals with sets of action to achieve these goals.

Key Themes

The caucuses held in-depth discussions covering a range of ideas and strategies. From these, the following main themes emerged:

Caucus / Regionally
Defining caucus membership / The development of objectives for regional groups
Raising awareness and promotion of violence free living / Inclusive practice
Relationship building / Partnership with the Council (developing plans and strategies)
Violence free living education to families and communities
Profiling at risk children, child safety and child protection
Advocacy to local government
Sharing information and resources
Working together collaboratively with a unified approach
Establish working groups to progress issues between the three annual hui and feedback outcomes

Outcome evaluation

Outcome evaluation showed a strong value base for regional hui in Tamaki. Auckland Council’s commitment to contributing towards violence free living will be demonstrated by its continued support for these hui.

Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
·  What is Maori caucus
·  Develop and initiate ways to respond to
·  Review past
·  Council back to moon.
·  Caucus for decision
·  Increase violence free living
·  Clarify caucus membership and participators
·  Define Maori leadership role
·  To develop best practices guidelines for working within Maori / ·  Develop a Maori Regional Responsiveness strategy
·  To Wananga the development of the Maori Regional Responsiveness Strategy
·  To strength hand build Maori capacity and capability in working with violence
·  To be the leadership and advisory group with council / ·  Council to fund and lead the organization of a Maori regional responsiveness strategy. Wananga
·  Clearly define tikanga and values
·  Wananga – WFD, PD / Maori Caucus – What do we want to achieve?
·  Regional develop a Maori responsiveness strategy
·  Maori leadership
Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
·  Inclusion for all disabled people in work
·  Maintain and develop disability caucus
·  Access for all to support/ community/ refuge information
·  Develop strong relationships with other caucuses and networks to share resources and information / ·  Networking within and across caucuses
·  Involve more disabled people in FU/ SU/ DU work
·  Ensuring access to hui/ services / Caucus actions
·  Share information with disability community
·  Share disability perspectives with other caucuses
·  Offer training to network on disability
Regional Actions
·  Disability caucus members to engage with networks and other caucuses
·  Offer disability training to networks/ caucuses/ organizations / Regional Focus
·  Avoids working in Silos
·  Networking opportunities
·  Disability to go across all caucus(es)
·  Opportunity for causes to present their work
·  Inclusion of disabled people in the domestic violence sector
·  Access for all to support/ refuge/ communications, etc
·  Identify gaps for disabled people and advocating for services to fill gaps
·  Share information with disability community
·  Share disability perspective with other caucuses
·  Offer disability training
Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
·  Breaking the barriers within PI communities
·  Raising awareness breaking the silence the tapu
·  Its time to talk!
·  Working with our churches
- Promotion
- Awareness / ·  Safe communities - Women/ children so they can prosper
·  PI build a stonger Netowrk to support and help PI
·  More Regional Hui Awareness / ·  Standing together as one
·  Communication networks
·  Campaigning
·  Up skilling
·  Resources
·  Education
·  Pasifika caucus rep invited to join 5-8 other regional pasifika injury and prevention reps with Su’a William Sio MP in March
·  Better delivery
·  Committed agencies
·  Cultural training
·  Resources
·  Action focused
·  Cultural appropriate – issues want safe space
·  Taking responsibility offenders/ victims get help and support whenever they live
·  Regional/ Meetings – learning from each other grow. Staying – strong
·  Steps to achieve - Transparent communication sharing of info around agencies which help and support PI people
·  Steps to achieve - Access to the right service and locally/ regionally – working collectives and together as one people
·  Need to know where to refer them – more qualified fluent speakers, providers
·  Resources
·  Collaboration working together
·  Better information communication
·  Division territorial
·  Inviting all PI providers
·  J / ·  Safer communities women/ children so that they can prosper
·  PI build a stronger network to support and help PI
·  More regional hui – awareness
Need to share together as pacific (how) people – what the issues are
·  Do they need to be here
·  Who comes/ knows about this meeting
·  Where to refer them? Qualified/ fluent providers, resources, collaboration – work together
·  Better information/ communication - networks
·  Division – territorial
·  Pasifika Injury Prevention – 1 rep Invited to meet with Su’a (political) March
What do we want to achieve?
·  It’s happening
·  Take responsibility – offenders/ victims to get support and help where ever they live
·  Learn from each other and grow
·  Good networks: share it
·  Stay strong = can’t work alone
·  Same language and information
·  Strong voice – media facts, balance communications
·  Organisations (violence) supported valued, resourced acknowledged
·  Government
·  Other
·  How to best apply research to specific community
·  Well trained/ promoted/ accessible – difficult getting pacific services
·  Well organized
·  Skilled
·  Effective
·  Together bring info/ support etc
·  Voice to council and other funders
·  Action focused
·  Culturally appropriate – issues want safe space
Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
·  Strengthen our response to children and young people exposed to FV/ SV
·  Resource sharing
·  Collaboration networking
·  Raising the voices of our children/ young people / ·  Promote/ raise profile of children who are exposed to FV/ SV
·  Break the FV/ SV cycle by appropriate prevention and intervention at an early age with CM & parents
·  Building stronger violence free families for children to belong to / ·  Agencies need to be: Working with families to ensure they don’t forget about availability hire with e.g. family night together, children
·  Revisit leaders in churches & youth
·  FV/ SV hui meeting regularly for updates
·  MOE to lead role in our children and young people – healthy lifestyles, ERO – FV
·  Consulting C/Y people about what they want
·  Providing culturally appropriate practices / Children/ Youth
What do we want to achieve?
·  Raise profile of children as victims of FV – when exposed to it i.e. witnesses
·  Break the cycle by appropriate intervention at an early age
·  How to do it caucus regional – strengthen our response to children and young people
Our Waka
·  Unified voice
·  Youth, children and seniors
·  Education, awareness and culturally appr. Services
·  Funding
·  Unified approach
·  Greater regulation
How to do it?
·  Meeting regularly specifically for Y/C
·  Keep a tab on successes/ challenges in different regions
·  Accessible appropriate resources for and about children
·  Consulting C/Y people for their voice to be heard
·  Monitor and work collaboratively with
·  Provide alternatives to meet holistic needs of children/ youth
·  Child xxx approach
·  Re-visit legislations re: right of our children/ youth
·  Cultural frameworks/ models – bilingual, multi
·  Practical approaches
·  MoE to the lead role in our children’s safety – ERO, healthy life styles, resilience
·  Spirituality (Church) – ministers to address issues, church leaders roles needs to be address, teacher council, theology colleges
·  Quality time between children/ youth and parents – parents to understand of that quality time with children in important
·  Family night together
Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
·  Have a strategic focus of voice at a regional level
·  Advocacy to and engagement with central government
·  Have a partnership with Auckland Council to develop the action plan on family, whanau and sexual violence
·  To come together from family, whanau and sexual violence but retain our distinct voices / ·  Develop a set of objectives for the regional group
·  Look at service gaps
·  Set up a working group to be involved in development of Auckland Council Action Plan now
·  Setup working group and work on specific issues between the 3 hui per year and feed back then
Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
Fast Pace
Ø  Greater regulation of FV triggers i.e.
a)  Alcohol and Drug
b)  Gambling venues
Ø  United voice [strong mechanism of advocacy]
Ø  Youth and children and seniors
Ø  Education, Awareness and culturally appropriate services [work on prevention spectrum]
Ø  Funding – streamline funding / ·  Education for family violence for ethnic communities
·  United approach
·  Youth/ children and seniors, story focus
·  Regional approach
·  Community development approach
·  Funding (streamlined)
·  United voice across sector
·  Local focus
·  Work for FV and SV and effects to be taught at
·  Teachers training
·  Theological College / Expected to achieve:
·  Unified approach
·  Empowering and strengthening women
·  It’s not ok – common goal/ vision regardless of ethnicities
·  Ethnic voice are heard and educating communities
·  Cultural considerations need to be kept in mind
·  Education and awareness for all communities
·  Cultural considerations need to kept in mind
·  Education and awareness for all communities
·  Community support
·  Making connections/ networking “important”
·  Elder abuse focus is equally “important”
·  Opportunity to unite – rationalized services
·  Language line is critical
·  Women issues needs to be included at mainstream agenda
·  Youth issues – unforeseen victims
·  Children – safety, prevention, education, awareness
·  Sharing and caring
·  It’s not ok
Caucus Goals / Regional Goals / Action Steps / Dialogue
Increase violence free living / Increase violence free living / ·  Legacy: Our journey together
·  Accept every whanau who has a need regardless of their background
·  Seek engagement from other people, organizations, networks, etc
·  Remain dedicated and committed to helping whanau live violence free lives

I:\Strategic Group\Safe Waitakere\Family Violence\Waitakere Taskforce On Family Violence\Regional Hui\caucus achievements\caucus achievement chart