WE, the Interfraternity Council, being the supreme body of jurisdiction over the member fraternities, set forth this Constitution and Bylaws in order to cause closer friendship and coordination among the member fraternities, as well as to establish general rules and guidelines to prevail over these fraternities.


Section I. This organization shall be known as the Interfraternity Council of Salisbury University, hereafter referred to as I.F.C.


Section I. A. To promote the interests of Salisbury University.

B.  To promote interest of the fraternities represented.

C.  To ensure cooperation among the member fraternities and the college administration along with the community.

D.  To discuss issues of mutual interest and to present them to the fraternities.

E.  To govern over all matters that pertain or conflict with the articles herein.


Section I. I.F.C. membership will be granted in accordance with the Salisbury University Fraternity & Sorority Recognition Policy.

Section II. During the Pre-Active status period, fraternities must pay I.F.C. assessment, I.F.C. fines, and any other expenditure during this period.

Section III. During this period, fraternities will not hold any rights or privileges during I.F.C. meetings but will be required to attend all meetings.

Section IV. During this period, fraternities will be able to participate in any function sponsored by any Greek organization.

Section V. No honorary, professional, service or local fraternities shall be eligible for membership.

Section VI. Each fraternity shall be represented by two members: a senior representative and junior representative.

Section VII. Each fraternity in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.

Section VIII. No officer of the I.F.C. may be recognized as the official representative of his organization.

Section IX. I.F.C. does not discriminate against race, religion or age of any social fraternity or any of its respective members.

Section X. All active member fraternities of I.F.C. must be a Registered Student Organization through the Office of Student Activities, Organizations & Leadership. Fraternities not complying with this stipulation will not be recognized by I.F.C. and will be immediately held out of all I.F.C. activities.


Section I. The officers of the I.F.C. shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, & Treasurer. Special committees will be formulated as needed with membership comprised of I.F.C delegates.

Section II. Nominations for I.F.C. officers will open two weeks prior to the elections and elections will take place at the second to last meeting of the Spring semester.

Section III. When voting for officers of the I.F.C., a secret ballot will be used. There must be a majority vote of all the I.F.C. members for all elected officers.

Section IV. Elected officials may be impeached by a three-quarters vote from the I.F.C. body at any time during a semester.

Section V. All I.F.C. officer terms will be one year, while all special committee terms will be one semester.


Section I. Upon resignation, impeachment, academic dismissal or death of the President, the Vice-President shall become the President of the I.F.C.

Section II. Should any other vacancy other than Presidency occur, I.F.C. shall hold a special election of officers at its next scheduled meeting, with the available position to be filled by a current I.F.C delegate.

Section III. Any elected officer of I.F.C. may be removed from office. Reason for removal can be brought up by any representative at any regularly scheduled meeting. A vote to determine appropriate actions will be taken only after discussion and testimony take place. A three-quarters vote is necessary to take any action against an officer.


Section I. Executive Board meetings of I.F.C. shall be held once a week at a time, day and place decided upon at the first meeting of each semester.

Section II. Regular meetings of I.F.C. shall be held once a week at a time, day and place decided upon at the first meeting of each semester.

Section III. Special meetings may be called by the President at any time at the request of any one fraternity.

Section IV. Notice of special meetings shall be given to the President of each fraternity at least twenty-four hours prior to when the meeting will be held.

Section V. The I.F.C., by a three-quarters vote has the right to over-rule any decision made by the Executive Board.

Section VI. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings.

Section VII. All meetings shall follow the same order with each officer giving a report. The order shall be: Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, President and special committees. These reports will be followed by a report by representatives of each fraternity to inform the I.F.C. body of the functions of each organization. These reports will then be followed with old business and new business.


Section I. The Secretary shall be the excuser of all absences and/or lateness to all meetings and/or functions. Sufficient pre-notification of absence shall be required for all announced, mandatory meetings and/or functions.

Section II. All fines have a two week appeal limit from the date that the fine is issued. All fines not paid after the two week appeal period shall result in loss of voting privileges to the delinquent member chapter until fines have been paid.

Section III. A fee for membership, per active brother, is to be paid by the third meeting of each semester.


Section I. The I.F.C. advisor shall be the Student Life Coordinator.


Section I. The Constitution or Bylaws may be amended by a three-quarters vote.

Section II. A proposed amendment has to be submitted in writing at least one meeting in advance of the vote.

File: O:/Greeks/IFC/Constit.Bylaws

Revised 5/07




Section I. A Quorum shall exist when two-thirds of the total voting body of the fraternities is represented.


Section I. There shall be two representatives from each fraternity, a Senior Representative and a Junior Representative.

Section II. A Senior Representative is one that has been an active member of their own organization for at least one year.

Section III. A fraternity which is not represented by both of its required members shall relinquish its voting rights for that meeting and be fined accordingly.


Section I. Meetings shall be held in the same place throughout the semester and should be designated by the President forty-eight hours prior to the first meeting of the semester.


Section I. It is each fraternity’s responsibility to appoint a Senior Representative and a Junior Representative to the I.F.C.

Section II. It is their responsibility to attend all meetings of the I.F.C.

Section III. The representatives are responsible to attend and participate in all I.F.C. sponsored activities. (Example: fundraiser)

Section IV. The Presidents of each fraternity or appropriate designee are required to attend all special meetings.

Section V. If a representative is unable to attend a meeting or function, it becomes his responsibility to have a proxy present as his fraternity’s representative.


Section I. The officers and their duties:

A.  President:

1.  To preside over all meetings of I.F.C.

2.  Main spokesperson for the I.F.C. in which he should represent the I.F.C. in all matters dealing with the student body, student senate, university administration and faculty along with the general public.

3.  Responsible for all I.F.C. officers in fulfillment of their required duties.

4.  To appoint chairpersons to committees established by I.F.C.

5.  Responsible to cast a vote when a tie occurs during any vote.

B.  Vice-President

1.  To assume the duties and responsibilities of the president in his absence.

2.  To perform duties delegated by the president.

3.  To supervise all established committees.

4.  Establish time and place for all Executive Board meetings.

5.  To act as a parliamentarian during the meetings of I.F.C.

6.  To declare and carry out motions made during the meetings of I.F.C.

C.  Secretary

1.  To maintain accurate records of the proceedings of the I.F.C.

2.  To revise the constitution on an annual basis.

3.  Work with the Panhellenic Council secretary to develop a phone list of the officers from Panhellenic and I.F.C. and also the phone numbers of each president of the individual organizations.

4.  Supervises all correspondence of the I.F.C., including promotional efforts, publicity, and marketing.

5.  Collect list of active members from each fraternity in beginning of rush and once again at the end of rush.

6.  To maintain communication between I.F.C. and its membered organizations, the student senate, the university administration, the faculty and the general public.

D.  Treasurer

1.  Collects all dues and fines from active fraternities.

2.  Developing a budget within the first three weeks of each semester.

3.  Establishing due dates and fines for all collectible dues; no later than the third week of the semester.

4.  To be the primary keeper of all Interfraternity accounts and money distributions.

5.  To maintain accurate financial records.

6.  To render a financial statement report at each I.F.C. meeting.

E.  Athletic chairperson

1.  Helps promote recreational athletics among membered fraternities through the campus recreational services office.

2.  Helps develop convenient schedules for all athletics.

3.  Keeps fraternities updated on status of standings and concerns effecting I.F.C. athletics.

4.  Helps promote co-recreational athletics among Greeks.

F.  Scholarship Chairperson

1.  Responsible for organizing educational seminars or programs to be made available to Greek organizations and the rest of the student body at Salisbury University.

2.  To work with the Panhellenic Scholarship Chair to coordinate “meet the Greeks.”

3.  Any other duties deemed necessary by the I.F.C. Executive Board.

G.  Rush Chairperson

1.  Responsible for coordinating all sponsored I.F.C. Rush programs.

2.  Responsible to work with Public Relations Chairperson to promote public relations for Rush activities.

3.  Any other duties deemed necessary by the I.F.C. Executive Board.

H.  Public Relations Chairperson

1.  Responsible for publicizing all activities sponsored or co-sponsored by I.F.C.

2.  Responsible for weekly submissions to the School Newspaper’s Greek Forum.

3.  Any other duties deemed necessary by the I.F.C. Executive Board.

I.  Community Service Chairperson

1.  Responsible for setting up an I.F.C. community service project once a semester.

2.  To work with Panhellenic on setting up an all Greek community service project once during the academic year.

3.  Any other duties deemed necessary by the I.F.C. Executive Board.

J.  Fundraiser Chairperson

1.  Responsible for setting up one I.F.C. fundraiser per semester.

2.  To work with Panhellenic on setting up an all Greek fundraiser once a year.

3.  Any other duties deemed necessary by the I.F.C. Executive Board.


Section I. To be elected to the Executive Board of I.F.C. one must first be a recognized representative of the Quorum. The offices of I.F.C Vice President, Treasurer, & Secretary shall be open to any member of an I.F.C fraternity.

Section II. To be elected President one must have been a member of the I.F.C. Executive Board. The office of I.F.C President shall be open to any person who has served as either an I.F.C delegate or an I.F.C Executive Board member.

Section III. All elections will be voted on through secret ballot.


Section I. Any fraternity may withdraw from the I.F.C. by giving a written notice 30 days in advance.


Section I. Any fraternity may petition for readmission by following the same guidelines as stated in Article III: Membership, Sections II-VIII.


Section I. The first date of classes and the seven weeks thereafter in each semester is the only time in which Rush related campaign by the membered fraternities can be initiated.

Section II. All rush creative designs and concepts must first meet the approval of the I.F.C. before being circulated within the campus and if applicable, the community. Meaning:

A.  NO publicity including, posters, flyers, pamphlets, or t-shirts may contain designs or slogans that portray women in a chauvinistic or degrading manner, or contain sexual innuendos.

B.  NO publicity including, posters, flyers or pamphlets, or t-shirts may contain designs or slogans with alcohol or drug themes.

Section III. To display posters, flyers and/or pamphlets within residence halls, the membered fraternity must first obtain approval from a member of the residence life staff. All residence hall policies are to be followed in regard to display and solicitation.

Section IV. No fraternity may cover any portion of another fraternity’s advertisement.

Section V. All fraternity Rush events on campus must adhere to the concept of DRY RUSH meaning no alcoholic beverages allowed at any Rush function. All on-campus recruitment events must be alcohol-free and adhere to all other applicable University policies.

Section VI. Any I.F.C. officer and only an I.F.C. officer, is given the authority to remove, not destroy, any Rush recruitment related material that does not conform to University and/or I.F.C. policies, or in general may hurt the image of Greeks as a whole. Upon removal of the material, said officer must keep the item from damage until contacting the Executive Board of the council and responsible fraternity, to be done within twenty-four hours.

Section VII. Within the first two weeks of each semester, a list of all active members of each fraternity will be submitted to I.F.C.; also at the meeting which falls immediately after the end of the seven week Rush period a list will be handed in with all active members and any new associate members’ names. This is to ensure that their will be no bids given after the Rush period. As requested by the Student Life Coordinator, each fraternity will submit a membership roster at the beginning of each semester. If applicable, a new member roster will also be submitted prior to the commencement of the new member education program.


Section I. The first offense for breaking an I.F.C. ruling will consist of a warning.

Section II. The second offense of an I.F. C. ruling will result in a one-week delayed rush.

Section III. The third offense of an I.F.C. ruling will consist of a denial of rush privileges for the semester to the responsible fraternity.