1. Ext.- Broken Down House- Its windy, overcast 1.

Jenny is seen pushing Jordan(who is in a wheelchair) up the slope into old decrepit house. Greg is getting luggage out of car and taking it into the house.


October 31. We all know what that means.

Little kids dress up and go door to door

for candy, while the adults spend too

much money on lavish costumes and go to

parties to get drunk. But this October,

it got a whole new meaning…

2. Int.- Kitchen- Its starting to get dark out. 2.

Greg walks into kitchen, apparently looking for someone(or someone).

Camera looks around like it is Greg. In one pan, there is a fancy knife that can be seen hanging in a really ornate sheath on the wall.

Camera is looking at Greg who is still looking around. He walks over to the table to the grocery bag there and looks in. Floorboard creaks, Greg spins around.



There is no answer. Greg turns around and goes over to fridge.(the ornate knife is gone from the sheath. Uh-Oh)

Greg walks over to fridge and opens it. There is a big pitcher of red punch.(Okay, its actually blood.)

Jenny walks up behind Greg.



Greg whips around with an exclamation. But he sees its only Jenny trying to be funny.


Goddamnit, Jenny! Don’t do that!



Haha! Just kiddin’ ya! Scaredy Pants.

Jenny kisses Greg on the cheek and walks over to the cupboard and opens it.


Sooo. What should we have for dinner? Have

you looked for…

3. Int.-Dining Room

Jordan looks into the kitchen from inside dining room. He’s kind of in a corner.

In background Jenny can be seen walking around talking to Greg.

Jordan shakes his head and wheels away.

4. Int.-Hallway 4.

Jordan wheeling down hall. Camera backing up, keeping Jordan in front of it.


Hey, Jordan!

Jordan jumps liked he got scared.




Look for some bed sheets while you’re up

there, please.



Jordan wheels up to a closet.

Camera inside the closet, Jordan opens up door.

Camera outside watching Jordan digging through pile.Jordan picks something up and smiles.


5. Int.-Kitchen 5.

Jenny is stirring something in a pot on stove. Greg sitting at the table looking through a magazine.


Greg, why don’t you go and get Jordan?

Dinner’s almost ready.

Greg gets up and starts to leave.



Greg leaves.

6. Int.-Hallway 6.

Greg walking down the Hallway. He looks into several different rooms. Not finding anything, he keeps going on. He opens a door, but doesn’t look in because Jenny’s calling to him.


Greg! Everything’s ready!


Okay! I’ll be down in a bit.

During this dialogue exchange, the camera switches to a view from in the room.

Camera moves towards Greg, whose back is to it, like a person.

Back to shot from the hallway. Greg is standing a little in front of doorway as if in thought. Two arms reach out and grab him and drag him into room.

7. Int.-Kitchen 7.

Jenny is stirring pot. Still


C’mon, guys!

(then adds playfully)



Where the Fuck are you?!

Jenny turns around, Greg(its really Jordan. They are identical twins. But the Al watching doesn’t know this.) is standing right there. She gives a little shriek.


Jesus, Greg! Don’t do that!


Sorry. I didn’t know I would scare you.

Jenny walks over to him.


Its alright.

Jenny kisses him on the cheek. She goes to walk away, but Greg(Jordan) pulls her back and they make out. She finally pulls away.


Well, well, Greggy. I don’t think your

brother invited us over to spend all

our time behind locked doors. Where is

Jordan, by the way?


I didn’t find him. Weird, isn’t it? How

Far can a fucking cripple get?

Jenny looks at him weird. She notices that his tone is different.


I thought you and your brother were on

good terms?


We are. Why?

Jenny:(more to herself)

You never talk like that.

Its obvious now that Jenny thinks something is wrong.


Greg(Jordan) sits down to eat.


Shouldn’t we wait for your brother?

Greg(Jordan) just keeps on eating.


No. Why don’t we eat, and if he’s not

here by then I guess we could look for


Jenny looks around. She is getting frustrated because she knows something is wrong. Her tone is becoming sharp.


Greg, we should wait. Or go out and

start looking for him.

Greg(Jordan) looks at her.


Honey, just sit down and eat and we’ll

talk about it later.

Jenny throws her napkin on the table, she’s pissed.


No, Goddamnit! I’m gonna go find him,

and you can come with me or stay here.

Jenny stomps out.

Camera pans from a retreating Jenny to Greg(Jordan), who smiles(in a creepy way). So now the people watching know something really is wrong.

8. Int.-Hallway 8.

Jenny walking down the hall in a scared kind of way.

Jenny:(in a small,scared voice)

Jordan? Jordan, where are you?

Jenny walks into a room.

9. Int.-Room 9.


Jenny enters room. A board creaks. Jenny flies to the light switch and flips them on. A shadow of a person in wheelchair hanging from ceiling is cast on wall. Jenny turns around slowly.

There is Greg(who everyone will think is Jordan) tied down to the wheelchair and hung from the ceiling with a rope. There is a knocked over cabinet underneath his gently swinging body.

Jenny lets out a horrific scream.

Camera becomes Jenny. Starts to run out of the room. As camera reaches the doorway, something swings in and hits it.

10. Ext.-Pier 10.

Jenny comes to. She is tied up and sitting on the pier, all of the ropes that tie her up are also tied up to a concrete block to way her down.

In the background is the decrepit house. In the top window the silhouette of Greg’s body hanging can be seen.

Jordan is standing by Jenny.


Why? Why Greg? He was your brother…


Yeaaaah. I’m actually Jordan. Greg and

I were identical twins.


How? Why? Your legs? (she is kind of stuttering)


I was never really a cripple. When my

Father died and Greg got ALL the money,

I feigned paralysis, all the time hoping

I could get him out here and kill him.

Its not an easy thing to do, you know.

Everyone else was walking, and then there’s

me. But, oh well. The world will think

that I’m Greg now.


Jenny gives him a hateful look.


You sick fuck! That was your brother! And

you just kill him?! You know Greg would

have given you all the money! Why the Fuck

did you kill him?!

Jenny starts crying.

Jordan is now agitated.


I didn’t want to kill him! But, well, the

voices told me too, damnit!

Jenny looks at Jordan. Understanding dawning on her face. Jordan isn’t quite all right up in the head.


Jesus Christ… We can help you, Jordan.

There are lots of things we can do! Just,

just put the gun down.

Jordan starts pacing and yelling.


You’ll get me help, huh?! What, call the

fucking police and set them on my ass? Or,

or will it be Russians? I can see it all

now. The fucking commies sent you to get

after us for all of our money. Well, its

not gonna work, whore!

Jordan puts gun up to Jenny’s head.


God damn you in hell forever, Jordan.

Jordan immediately shoots her.

Camera looking over water, blood and matter spray into it.

Jordan kicks Jenny’s body into water with the concrete block and starts laughing.


As he is laughing he picks up the gun and looks at it. Bursts out laughing again and shoots himself while he is laughing.

Final Shot:

Camera looking into the sand, blood and matter spray into it, camera pans up as we here the body of Jordan fall over into water and zooms in until we can just see the window frame on the border of the screen and in the middle is Greg in the wheelchair hanging from the ceiling. And then…


P.S.- The whole fancy knife thing was put in the script just for people who, when they watch movies, like to look for little things like that. The knife has absolutely no bearing over the plot. Its just kind of, good for you if you noticed it, and if you didn’t, whatever!

If there are still questions, email me at .

©Copyright Flightdecks Production Corp. 2010