DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and Learning
Weekly Components
Co-Teacher/Para: / Andrew Cumbow / Week of:
February 5 / Unit Implementation:
Unit 6
Course: / PCMS Chorus / Unit Name: / Musicianship
Priority Standards:
(content specific) / MHSBC.1 - Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
MHSBC.3 - Reading and notating music
MHSBC.6 - Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
Supporting Standards:
(content specific) / MHSBC.1a - Identify vocal anatomy and develops proper body alignment and breathing techniques to support a clear and free tone using accurate intonation.
MHSBC.1b - Recognize and begin to develop pure vowels and clear consonants.
MHSBC.1c - Perform assigned vocal part in unison and in simple harmony, with and without accompaniment.
MHSBC.1d - Develop listening skills to match pitch and adjust intonation within the ensemble.
MHSBC.3a - Identify basic music vocabulary and symbols.
MHSBC.3b - Read and notate basic rhythms and pitches using a melodic and rhythmic language.
MHSBC.6a - Listen to various genres and styles of music.
Non-Content Standards:
(WIDA, interdisciplinary
standards, literacy, etc.) / ELACC9-10SL2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.
Learning Targets:
(what learners will be able to do at the end of the learning
activity) / Demonstrate proper posture, vowel placement, and breath support
Demonstrate correct pitch and rhythm, with appropriate timbre, diction, and posture
Ostinatos, partner songs, and rounds with proper vocal technique and breath support
Recall definitions of the basic elements of music; pitch, melody, rhythm, tone, form, and expression (ELACC9-10SL2)
Identify, match and notate the basic note and rest values; whole, half, dotted half, quarter, and eighth (ELACC9-10SL2)
Identify the four major periods of music; baroque, classical, romantic, and contemporary (ELACC9-10SL2)
Recall specific music definitions
Identify key musical symbols
Essential Question(s): (address philosophical foundations; contain multiple answers; provoke
inquiry) / How to we better our musicianship in preparation for our Spring performances and competitions?
Big Idea(s):
(main ideas, foundational understandings, conclusions,
or generalizations) /
  • The skills, techniques, elements and principles of the arts can be learned, studied, refined and practiced.
  • People use both aesthetic and critical processes to assess quality, interpret meaning and determine value

Academic Vocabulary: / Major, Minor, Arpeggio, Polyrhythm, Syncopation, Scale, Key Signature, Time Signature, Phrase,
Grand Staff, Repeat, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass, Tone, Pitch, Rhythm, Text, Dynamics
Integration: / CLI 1. They demonstrate independence. Students can, without significant scaffolding, comprehend and evaluate texts across a range of types and disciplines, and they can construct effective arguments and convey intricate or multifaceted information. Likewise, students are able independently to discern a speaker’s key points, request clarification, and ask relevant questions. They build on others’ ideas, articulate their own ideas, and confirm they have been understood. Without prompting, they demonstrate command of standard English and acquire and use a wide-ranging vocabulary. More broadly, they become self-directed learners, effectively seeking out and using resources to assist them, including teachers, peers, and print and digital reference materials.
Engaging Performance
Scenario: / CLI 2. They build strong content knowledge. Students establish a base of knowledge across a wide range of subject matter by engaging with works of quality and substance. They become proficient in new areas through research and study. They ad read purposefully and listen attentively to gain both general knowledge and discipline-specific expertise.
In the areas below, place an “X” in the box(es) to indicate the selected strategies and resources.
Research-Based Instructional Strategies: (weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning) / OPENING: Engaging Instructional Activity / Activate Prior
Knowledge / X / Questioning
(Raises questions) / X / Clarify Previous
Lesson / Phenomenon
Feedback / X / Scaffold
Instruction / X / Create Interest / X / Other:
Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and Elaborating / Facilitate
Learning / Academic
Discussions / X / Cooperative
Learning / X / Other:
Demonstrate/ Model / X / Generating and Testing
Hypotheses / Independent Learning / Other:
Explain/Apply/Ex tend concepts
and skills / X / High-Level Questioning / Interdisciplinary Writing / X / Other:
CLOSING: Evaluating / Summarize Lesson / X / Provide Alternate Explanations / X / Respond to EQs / X / Other:
Allow students to assess their own learning / X / Quick Write / 3-2-1/K-W-L / Other:

DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Components of this lesson plan may change according to the needs of the students.

DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and Learning
21st Century Learning Skills:
(weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement) / Teamwork and Collaboration / X / Innovation and Creativity / X / Accessing and Analyzing Information / X
Initiative and Leadership / Critical Thinking and Problem Solving / X / Effective oral and Written Communication / X
Curiosity and Imagination / Flexibility and Adaptability / X / Other: Singing and Reading Music / X
Intervention Strategies
Intervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3)
Additional Support in Classroom / Specially Designed Instruction for Exceptional Education Students / Strategies for English Language Learners
X / Re-Voicing / Conferencing / X / Visuals/Realia
X / Explaining / X / Additional time / Front-loading
X / Prompting for Participation / X / Small group collaboration / X / Echoing/Choral response
Challenging or countering / Modify quantity of work / Color-coding
Asking “Why?” “How” / Take student’s dictation / X / Multiple exposures in different media
Reread / Scaffold information / Pair-share
Practice new academic vocabulary / Differentiated
content/process/product / X / Modeling
X / Assistive technology / Consistent reward system / Language scaffolds: eg, sentence frames
X / Pre-teach & re-teach in a different way / X / Refer to students’ IEP or 504 plan / X / Deconstruct complex sentences
Use of manipulatives / Assistive technology / Increase student-to-student talk
X / Collaborative work / Strategies vocabulary instruction
Create differentiated text sets / Additional think time
Gifted – Extensions for Learning
Tier 1
Flexible-Learning Groups / Varied Pacing with Anchor Options / X / Varied Supplemental Materials
Choice of Books / X / Work Alone or Together / Computer Mentors
Homework Options / Flexible Seating / Think-Pair-Share
Use of Reading Buddies / Varied Scaffolding / X / Open-ended Activities
Various Journal Prompts / Varied Computer Programs / Explorations by Interest
X / Student/Teacher Goal Setting / Design-A-DAY / X / Options for Competition
Tier 2
Gifted Edu. Cluster Classes / Alternative Assessments / Community Mentorships
Gifted Edu. Collaboration Classes / X / Subject Advancement within class / Stations
X / Tiered Activities and Products / Curriculum Compacting / Group Investigations
Use of Literature Clubs / Tiered Centers / X / Assess Students in Multiple Ways
Multiple Testing Options / Spelling by Readiness / Student choice
Multiple Texts / Varying Organizers / Simulations
Tier 3 / Tier 4
Advanced Content (all core content) / Above grade level accelerated (all core content)
Resource Classes / Advanced Placement Classes
X / Independent/Directed Study / International Baccalaureate Classes
Socratic Seminars / Internship/Mentorships
Differentiated Instruction
(content, process, product) / Assessment Evidence
(formative, summative)
In music, a variety of Differentiated Instructional Strategies are always incorporated into each lesson plan (e.g., flexible grouping, peer helpers, visual aids, charts/posters/diagrams, listening maps, hands-on-experiences, manipulatives, centers, demonstrations, giving hints and tips, presenting ideas by auditory, kinesthetic, and visual means, re-teaching, tiered activities, rubrics, adjusted/multiple levels of questions, e-learning, pre-tests). / Formative: Visual/Aural observation of individual using rubric checklist (Level 3). The students will display current knowledge of proper vocal production by the raising of hands during the opening excerpts and response to questions asked about vocal production.
Summative: Visual/Aural observation of entire ensemble using rubric checklist (Level 3)The students will be assessed by teacher observation as students show proper demonstration of good vocal production (tone, pitch, rhythm, correct posture and breath support, diction, balance, blend, phrasing and dynamics).

DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Components of this lesson plan may change according to the needs of the students.

DCSD Instructional Planning Instrument Focus on Teaching and Learning
(weekly materials chosen to support teaching and learning) / Textbooks / X / Lab Materials / Other: (List the other resources below.)
Audio/Visual Aids / X / Course Syllabus / PIANO
Handouts / X / Dictionaries / CD PLAYER
White Boards / X / Video Clips / X / LYRIC SHEETS
Electronic Devices / X / Promethean Board / X / CHORAL LITERATURE
Supplemental Texts / Manipulatives
Calculators / Internet (tech)
Daily Lesson Plan for Monday
Pre-Instructional Activity: (sponge; bell-ringer; journal; allows attendance to be taken) / •On your own paper, comment about what we’ve learned in the following areas last week:
•Ear-Training/Activating the Ears
•Sight-Reading/Activating the Eyes
•Repertoire/Sung Music
Opening (ENGAGE): (introduces the lesson; summarizes previous lesson; clarifies misconceptions) / TW model and review the solfege syllables and hand signs in order to use with the vocal warm up scales.
SW follow Teacher lead to establish the correct solfege syllable with the correct pitch while singing the Major and minor Scales.
(contains the mini lesson; allows students to practice concept; assesses student learning) / TW Introduce and Review the Vocal Warm-Ups
Major, minor, Chromatic, Arpeggio, Interval Scales (MmChrArpInt)
SW sing and blend correctly on selected vocal choral warm-ups.
TW model proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills
SWpractice proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills; posture and breath support.
TW introduce, play, count rhythms, and sing selected vocal lines for Fall Concert in order to illustrate that rhythm is the foundation of music
SW count rhythmsand sing the selected lines to build and strengthen musicianship skills and vocal blend in order to shape the blend, contour and balance of the melody.
“Shoshone Love Song” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Elijah Rock”–Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Bonse Aba” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
“Shalom Chaverim” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
Closing (EVALUATE): (summarizes lesson; ensures understanding; clarifies misconceptions) /
  • Clean Space
  • Return Music Folder
  • Complete Opening Assignment
  • Turn-in Opening Assignment
  • Prepare for dismissal

Daily Lesson Plan for Tuesday
Pre-Instructional Activity: / •Listen to the piece of music and answer the following questions on your own paper:
•Is this piece a cappella or accompanied? If so, by what?
•How old do you think this piece of music is?
•How well is this choir performing this piece?
•List three observations about this choir’s performance, either critiques, or positive aspects
Opening (ENGAGE): / TW model and review the solfege syllables and hand signs in order to use with the vocal warm up scales.
SW follow Teacher lead to establish the correct solfege syllable with the correct pitch while singing the Major and minor Scales.
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / TW instruct class to sing the Vocal Warm-Ups using the solfege syllables and hand signs:
Major, minor, Arpeggio, (MmArp)
SW sing and blend correctly on selected vocal choral warm-ups.
TW model proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills
SW practice proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills; posture and breath support.
TW introduce, play, count rhythms, and sing selected vocal lines for Fall Concert in order to illustrate that rhythm is the foundation of music
SW count rhythms and sing the selected lines to build and strengthen musicianship skills and vocal blend in order to shape the blend, contour and balance of the melody.
“Shoshone Love Song” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Elijah Rock” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Bonse Aba” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
“Shalom Chaverim” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
Closing (EVALUATE): /
  • Clean Space
  • Return Music Folder
  • Complete Opening Assignment
  • Turn-in Opening Assignment
Prepare for dismissal
Daily Lesson Plan for Wednesday
Pre-Instructional Activity: / Melodic Worksheet Provided
Opening (ENGAGE): / TW model and review the solfege syllables and hand signs in order to use with the vocal warm up scales.
SW follow Teacher lead to establish the correct solfege syllable with the correct pitch while singing the Major, minor and Arpeggio Scales.
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / TW Introduce and Review the Vocal Warm-Ups
Major, minor, Chromatic, Arpeggio, Interval Scales (MmChrArpInt)
SW sing and blend correctly on selected vocal choral warm-ups.
TW model proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills
SW practice proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills; posture and breath support.
TW introduce, play, count rhythms, and sing selected vocal lines for Fall Concert in order to illustrate that rhythm is the foundation of music
SW count rhythms and sing the selected lines to build and strengthen musicianship skills and vocal blend in order to shape the blend, contour and balance of the melody.
“Shoshone Love Song” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Elijah Rock” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Bonse Aba” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
“Shalom Chaverim” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
Closing (EVALUATE): /
  • Clean Space
  • Return Music Folder
  • Complete Opening Assignment
  • Turn-in Opening Assignment
Prepare for dismissal
Daily Lesson Plan for Thursday
Pre-Instructional Activity: / Compose a four measure rhythmic example in 3/4 or 4/4 time using any rhythmic notes you want.
Opening (ENGAGE): / TW model and review the solfege syllables and hand signs in order to use with the vocal warm up scales.
SW follow Teacher lead to establish the correct solfege syllable with the correct pitch while singing the Major, minor and Arpeggio Scales.
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / TW Introduce and Review the Vocal Warm-Ups
Major, minor, Chromatic, Arpeggio, Interval Scales (MmChrArpInt)
SW sing and blend correctly on selected vocal choral warm-ups.
TW model proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills
SW practice proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills; posture and breath support.
TW introduce, play, count rhythms, and sing selected vocal lines for Fall Concert in order to illustrate that rhythm is the foundation of music
SW count rhythms and sing the selected lines to build and strengthen musicianship skills and vocal blend in order to shape the blend, contour and balance of the melody.
“Shoshone Love Song” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Elijah Rock” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Bonse Aba” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
“Shalom Chaverim” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
Closing (EVALUATE): /
  • Clean Space
  • Return Music Folder
  • Complete Opening Assignment
  • Turn-in Opening Assignment
Prepare for dismissal
Daily Lesson Plan for Friday
Pre-Instructional Activity: / Melodic Worksheet Provided
Opening (ENGAGE): / TW model and review the solfege syllables and hand signs in order to use with the vocal warm up scales.
SW follow Teacher lead to establish the correct solfege syllable with the correct pitch while singing the Major, minor and Arpeggio Scales.
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / TW Introduce and Review the Vocal Warm-Ups
Major, minor, Chromatic, Arpeggio, Interval Scales (MmChrArpInt)
SW sing and blend correctly on selected vocal choral warm-ups.
TW model proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills
SW practice proper vocal techniques and performance ready skills; posture and breath support.
TW introduce, play, count rhythms, and sing selected vocal lines for Fall Concert in order to illustrate that rhythm is the foundation of music
SW count rhythms and sing the selected lines to build and strengthen musicianship skills and vocal blend in order to shape the blend, contour and balance of the melody.
“Shoshone Love Song” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Elijah Rock” – Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend
“Bonse Aba” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
“Shalom Chaverim” - Introduce/Review & Sing Vocal Lines by section (SAB) & as a whole group for blend [7/8]
Closing (EVALUATE): /
  • Clean Space
  • Return Music Folder
  • Complete Opening Assignment
  • Turn-in Opening Assignment
Prepare for dismissal