Minutes of Regular Meeting

April 23, 2008

The Board of Trustees of the Butte-Glenn Community College District met in regular session on Wednesday, April 23, 2008, in the Board Room at Butte College in Oroville, California.

Board Members Present Dr. Bill W. Brown, President

Mr. Fred R. Perez, Vice President

Dr. Allan Forbes, Clerk

Mr. Michael Boeger

Mr. Louis Cecchi

Mr. William McGinnis

Mr. Thomas McLaughlin

Mr. Brian Corcoran, Student Trustee

Staff Members Present Dr. Diana Van Der Ploeg, Superintendent/President

Mr. Ken Meier, Vice President

Mr. Andy Suleski, Vice President

Mr. Les Jauron, Vice President

Mr. Allen Renville, Vice President

Dr. David Payne, Academic Senate President

Mr. Magian Smith, Classified Senate President

Mr. Doug Bentz, Dean of Instruction

Dr. Alfred Konuwa, Dean of Instruction

Mr. Rudy Flores, Assistant Dean

Mr. John Gliha, Foundation Director

Dr. Roger Ekins, Faculty

Ms. Kelly Munson, Faculty

Ms. Lisa DeLaby, Director of Public Relations and Marketing

Ms. Claudia Trujillo, Director of Human Resources

Mr. Trevor Stewart, Director of Business Services

Dr. Baba Adam, Director of Institutional Research

Mr. Mike Rasmussen, Dean of Special Program

Mr. Jack Lemley, Director of Auxiliary Services

Mr. Joe Little, Chief Technology Officer

Dr. Teresa Ward, Coordinator of Staff Development

Mr. Dave Stephens, Staff

Mr. Juri Brilts, Staff

Visitors Ms. Linda Furr, League of Women Voters

Ms. Chasity Maldonado, Student

Ms. Sheila Burson, Student

Mr. Steve Pitman, Auditor, Nystrom and Company

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Mr. Les Jauron led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

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1. Agenda Approval

It was moved by Trustee Cecchi, seconded by Trustee Perez, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously; student trustee - aye.

2. Public Comments on Consent Agenda Items

There were no public comments.

3. Consent Agenda Approval, Items 08-6273 to 08-6278

It was moved by Trustee Forbes, seconded by Trustee McLaughlin, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously; student trustee – aye. Mr. Boeger commented on the resignation of Dr. Al Konuwa and the retirement of Mr. Richard Carver, thanking them both for their outstanding service to Butte College.

4. Information-Reports

Academic Senate President's Report – David Payne

Dr. Payne reported that CSU Chico has asked Butte College to participate in the adoption of a book of the year, Three Cups of Tea; the City of Chico and the Library system will also participate. He also reported that an all campus accreditation dialogue will be held on April 29. Additionally, Dr. Payne reported that a meeting of the statewide Academic Senate was held last week with discussions of advanced placement equivalency, basic competencies in information, and on-line tutoring. In closing, Dr. Payne invited the trustees to attend the communications studies meeting at 6 PM on April 24.

Classified Senate President's Report – Magian Smith

Mr. Smith reported that new senators have been elected for the 2007-09 term and that the Senate will hold its annual orientation in June. He also reported that the Senate is working on accreditation, written procedures for the Classified Senate, and Classified Day. Magian indicated that his term as Classified Senate President will end in May and thanked the Board for the opportunity of working with them. The next Classified Senate meeting is scheduled for May 2, at 12 noon.

Student Trustee Comments – Brian Corcoran

Mr. Corcoran reported that A.S. elections were recently held, and that Earth Day was held on campus this week.

Superintendent/President's Report – Dr. Diana Van Der Ploeg

·  Dr. Van Der Ploeg introduced Dr. Baba Adam, recently hired Director of Institutional Research.

·  Dr. Roger Ekins and students Chasity Maldonado and Sheila Burson discussed the awards received by the Butte College Phi Theta Kappa chapter at the recent national convention. The Butte College PTK chapter is 4th in the world out of 1200 chapters, and the most distinguished chapter in the California/Nevada region.

·  Dr. Van Der Ploeg reported her attendance and participation at the AACC convention.

·  Kelly Munson presented information about Butte College’s grand prize award in the National Wildlife Federation “Chill Out” competition.

Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda

There were no public comments.

Board Comments

Trustee McGinnis reported the following:

·  The Community College League partnership with “Board Docs”, a software program that will allow boards to conduct paperless meetings.

·  His work on the Community College System’s Chancellor interviews.

·  His participation on a review of a debt program sponsored by the League that would offset costs for retired employee health care.

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·  His participate in a training program to serve as a third party neutral in negotiation issues in educational institutions.

·  His presentation at the trustees’ conference on Turning Technologies – a classroom paperless lecture and testing device.

·  His invitation to consult with the Board of Trustees at Compton College.

Trustee Forbes suggested that members of the community are interested in where Butte College sits with budget issues; he suggested that we publicize our successes.

5. Personnel

Resolution No. 630, Reduction of Classified Management Employee Services, 08-6279

It was moved by Trustee Perez, seconded by Trustee Forbes, to adopt Resolution No. 630, effecting the layoff notice required by law and informing the employee of his displacement rights, if any, and his rehire rights. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

ayes - Trustees Boeger, Brown, Cecchi, Forbes, McGinnis, McLaughlin, Perez

noes - none

absent - none

Advisory vote of student trustee – aye.

6. Administration

Proposed Revision of Board Policies, 08-6280

The following board policies were presented for review and will return at the next meeting for action:

BP 1100 The Butte-Glenn Community College District

BP 1200 District Mission Statement

BP 2010 Board Membership

BP 2015 Student Member

BP 2100 Board Elections

BP 2105 Election of Student Members

BP 2200 Board Duties and Responsibilities

BP 2210 Officers

BP 2220 Committees of the Board

BP 2305 Annual Organizational Meeting

BP 2310 Regular Meetings of the Board

BP 2315 Closed Sessions

BP 2320 Special and Emergency Meetings

BP 2330 Quorum and Voting

Proposed Changes to the Governing Policies, California Community Colleges Trustees (CCCT) Board, 08-6281

Trustee McGinnis solicited comments from Board Members regarding proposed changes in the CCCT governing policies related to geographic diversity of the board’s membership, the frequency of elections, and the length of terms.

7. Finance/Facilities

Acceptance of 2006-07 Audit Reports, 08-6282

It was moved by Trustee Forbes, seconded by Trustee McLaughlin, to accept the District’s audit reports for the year ending June 30, 2007. Motion carried unanimously; student trustee – aye.

8. Future Dates and Reports

May 23, 2008 Commencement Cowan Stadium 7:30 p.m.

May 28, 2008 Regular Meeting Main Campus 2:00 p.m.

June 25, 2008 Regular Meeting Glenn County Center 2:00 p.m.

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9. Closed Session

The Board of Trustees of the Butte-Glenn Community College District met in closed session under authority of Government Code Section 54954.5. There was no reportable action.

10. Adjournment

Board President Brown adjourned the meeting at 3:50 PM.