Unit 1 Audioscripts

Unit 1. Listen and practice. Exercise 2. (CD1:02)

Tom: Good morning, everybody. I’d like to introduce a new member of our company, Amy Lee. Amy’s going to be our new management trainee. She’ll be working with Michael in the Marketing department. Amy graduated last July from the National University of Singapore Business School, and we’re very pleased to have her here with us. I’m sure she’ll be a great addition to our department. Amy, would you like to say a few words?

Unit 1. Listen and practice. Exercise 5. (CD1:03)

Amy: Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you. As Mr. Hayes said, I graduated last summer from NUS. Then I spent about four months doing some volunteer work in Nepal. I’ve always been really interested in travel and other countries. I’m from Singapore originally, but my family moved to Vancouver, Canada when I was in elementary school. My mother is Canadian, actually. Anyway, I’m really excited about working for Seatec, and getting to know everyone here.

Unit 1. Conversation topics. Exercise 2. (CD1:04)


A: So, are you from Toronto originally?

B: No, actually, I’m not Canadian. I’m American. I came here to go to college. I’m at Toronto College of the Arts.

A: Really? What are you studying?

B: I’m a French literature major. Now, you’re Canadian, aren’t you?

A: Yes, I am. I’ve lived in Toronto all my life.


C: Well, it’s just really great to meet you.

D: It’s nice to meet you, too.

C: You must get this all the time, but … you’re really tall!

D: Uh, yeah, well … I guess that’s pretty obvious.

C: So how tall ARE you?

D: Well, THIS tall, as you can see.

C: I’d guess … maybe 6 foot 4 or 5 … and about 240 pounds. Am I right?

D: Uh … I guess I do need to lose a little weight …

C: But young. You don’t look a day over 30 years old. Maybe 28 or 29?

D: Yeah, something like that.


E: So, Lynne, are you married?

F: Oh, well, um, no, I’m single. Uh, and you?

E: Yes, I am. And we just had a baby!

F: Really? That’s great. Boy or girl?

E: A boy. Name’s Justin. He’s our first, but I hope we’ll have more. I was an only child, no brothers or sisters. I always wanted a brother.

F: Oh, I don’t know. I have two brothers and a sister, but as kids, we were always fighting.

E: Yeah, well, you know how it is. So, does your family live around here?

F: No, actually, they’re all in New York.

E: Really? So you’re from New York? I was born there, actually. Rochester. But we moved when I was a kid.

F: Yeah, born and raised in New York City.


G: So, Jack, what do you do?

H: I’m in software sales.

G: Oh, that sounds interesting.

H: Yeah, it’s OK. How about you?

G: I’m a lawyer. I’m with Tannen and Bowers.

H: Really? A lawyer. That pays pretty well, huh?

G: Oh, you know, it’s a living.

H: I’ll bet it is! You probably have a big house, drive a really nice car … Now sales – some years it’s good, some years not so good. How much do you think I made last year?

G: Well, I don’t really know much about sales. You know, I see someone over there I need to talk to. If you could just excuse me for a minute …

H: Oh, sure, catch you later …


I: Did you hear the city wants to raise taxes again?

J: Again? That’s crazy. What for?

I: Well, they say they need more money to pay for things like fixing the roads. I say they need to use the money they already have! Taxes are already high enough.

J: Exactly. If they didn’t waste so much money already, there would be plenty for road repairs. I hope they’re going to listen to what citizens think about this idea.

I: Well, the paper said there’s a meeting about it, but it’s on Sunday morning, and that’s when I go to church.

J: Church?

I: Yes, Matt and I always go. You know, you could come with us this Sunday, if you want …

J: Oh, well, I’m not really … I mean, Sunday is my day for skiing, you know?

I: Do you ski? I didn’t know that.

J: Yeah, I’m really into it. I want to learn snowboarding, too.

I: That would be great. I once …

Unit 1. Making introductions. Exercise 1. (CD1:05)

Conversation 1

Jasmine: Amy, do you know David?

Amy: No, we haven’t met.

Jasmine: Oh, OK. Amy, this is David. He’s an exchange student. He’s studying Chinese in Singapore. David, Amy’s just started working at Seatec with me.

Amy: Nice to meet you, David. Where are you from originally?

David: Nice to meet you, Amy. I’m from New Zealand. Do you know Auckland?

Amy: I’ve never been to New Zealand, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful.

Jasmine: David is really into Chinese pop music.

Amy: Oh, really? Me, too! Who’s your favorite singer?

Conversation 2

Tom: Amy, I’d like you to meet Michael Kuan. He’s our sales and marketing manager for Asia. Michael, this is Amy Lee, our new management trainee.

Michael: Nice to meet you, Amy.

Amy: A pleasure. I’m sorry, what was your name again?

Michael: Michael Kuan. Please call me Michael.

Amy: It’s nice to meet you, Michael.

Tom: Michael is working on a new marketing campaign for Asia. He’s also in charge of our tennis club.

Amy: Really? I love tennis.

Michael: Do you? Well, we would love for you to join …

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