Angelina College Emergency Medical Services


Course Syllabus (Rev. 05/26/16)


A. Course Description: EMSP 2544. Cardiology. Five hour credit. Assessment and management of patients with cardiac emergencies. Includes single and multi-lead ECG interpretation. Integrate pathophysiological principles and assessment findings to formulate a field impression; and implement a treatment plan for the cardiac patient. Prerequisites: EMSP 2261, EMSP 2205, EMSP 2348. Co-requisites: EMSP 2261.

B. Perspective of the course. EMSP 2544 Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States and Canada. Many deaths from heart attack occur within the first twenty-four hours - frequently within the first hour. EMS plays an ever-increasing role in the early recognition of patients suffering coronary ischemia. This course will provide instruction and practice at this recognition and interventions that will truly make a difference in patient outcome. Proficiency is required.

C. Intended Audience: Summer Semester, Second year of the curriculum who have already completed spring and summer I.

D. Instructor: Emergency Medical Services

Name: W. David Wilkerson

Office Location: HC 105

Scheduled Office Hours: 8:00 AM – 12:00 noon Tuesday/Thursday. Others by appointment.

Phone: 936-633-5421

E-mail Address:

Instructors may also be reached via the main Health Careers I telephone numbers at (936) 633-3200 or (936) 633-5265. If the instructor is not available, please leave a message with the program secretary or receptionist, and they will relay the message to the instructor.


A. Core Objectives Required for this Course

1. Critical Thinking: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

2. Communication: to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas

through written, oral and visual communication

3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills: to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical

data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions

4. Teamwork: to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively

with others to support a shared purpose or goal

5. Social Responsibility: to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences

to ethical decision-making

6. Personal Responsibility: to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities

B. Course Learning Outcomes for all Sections: (Legend: C=Cognitive, A=Affective, P=Psychomotor)

Upon completion of EMSP 1338/1356/1355/1261/2160 the student will have the knowledge and skills to:

1. Function as an interdependent member of the pre-hospital health care team and be able to provide care in the pre-hospital environment to the level of the EMT-Paramedic.(A)

2. Identify legal responsibilities and ethical dilemmas in patient care situations.(A)

3. Use theoretical knowledge gained in the courses to assess needs of the patient and then implement patient care based on those needs.(C)

4. Identify changes in patient status and initiate proper interventional care.(C)

5. Identify patient responses to medical care and report findings to the receiving facility.(P)

6. Communicate pertinent information concerning the patient to the receiving facility in both oral and written form. (P)

7. Select educational programs to improve pre-hospital medical skills and gain more knowledge for direct patient care. (A)

8. Demonstrate an understanding of medication administration including: the 6 rights of medication administration, proper aseptic technique, medication routes, mathematical calculations. (C)

9. Demonstrate an understanding of medication classifications, uses, indications, contraindications, dosages, interactions with home medications. (C))

10. Demonstrate an understanding of cardiovascular pathophysiology, current treatment, and rhythm interpretation and significance. (Limb leads, Augmented leads, Precordial Leads, etc.) (P)

C. Course Objectives for all sections – Determined by the ASRT Curriculum Guide

The student will demonstrate a basic understanding of:

Unit I

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 49 – Cardiovascular Anatomy

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 53 – Cardiovascular Physiology

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 61 – Electrocardiographic Monitoring

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 69 - Arrhythmias

Unit 2

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 102 – Assessment of the Cardiovascular Patient

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 107 – Management of Cardiovascular Emergencies

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 120 – Managing Specific Cardiovascular Emergencies

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Page 144 – 12-Lead ECG Monitoring and Interpretations

(as determined by the instructor)


A. Assessments for the Core Objective:

1. Critical Thinking:

2. Communication: Within the cardiac arrest sequence

3. Empirical and Quantitative Skills:

4. Teamwork: Cardiac Arrest and Megacode Sequencing

5. Social Responsibility: Debriefing of team and positive reinforcement

6. Personal Responsibility:

B. Assessments for Course Learning Outcomes

Two unit examinations, several daily quizzes and megacode (psychomotor) evaluations will be administered. Affective domain will be evaluated with embedded questions and professional behavior in class. See the roster. Cognitive will be evaluated by exams and quizzes and Psychomotor by skill examination. Each unit exam will count as approximately 33% of the course grade. The quizzes and skills testing with count as approximately 33 % of the course grade. Affective grading will be embedded within exams and daily activities as approximately 10% of the final grade.

C. Assessments for Course Objectives for all sections –

SCANS (Secretary of Labor’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills): Students are expected to demonstrate basic competency in academic and workforce skills. The following competencies with evaluation are covered in EMSP 2544:

SCAN Skills Evaluation:

Foundation skills Reading assignments prior to class work

Narrative documentation of clinical patient care

Calculation of medications and IV fluids

Follow oral directions for patient care

Give verbal patient care reports to receiving personnel

Assess patient conditions and format a care plan

Visualize simulations based on clinical experiences

Apply multiple suggested techniques for skills and didactic

Turn in paperwork complete and on time

No falsification of documentation in clinical

Keep patient confidentiality

Workforce Competencies Allocate time for class, clinical, study, work, family

Assign tasks to different members of a patient care team

Work in team, group, setting in skill labs and clinical

Mutual responsibilities to team for passing skills

Work in team settings with diverse gender and race

Make oral radio reports to receiving hospital

Problem solve equipment failures such as splints, IVs


A.  Methodologies common to all sections

Teaching utilized in this course include familiarization with examinations, skill evaluation, and equipment which will occur through explanation, observation, demonstration, guided practice, and evaluation.

B. Methodologies determined by the instructor

One or more of the following methods will be employed:

Lecture Discussion Demonstration SIMULATIONS

Blackboard (MOR) Performance Audiovisual aids

Programmed Instruction Individualized Instruction (as needed)

Methods of Evaluation:

1. Lecture: Written Unit Examinations, Daily Quizzes, Professional (affective) Behavior

2. Lab: Performance Evaluation of skills and simulations

Assignments: Students will be given written and/or laboratory assignments throughout the semester which will correlate with the criterion objectives.


A. Required Textbooks, Materials, and Equipment –

Bledsoe, Porter, Cherry

1. Brady-Medicine

2. Syllabi and Handouts. A medical dictionary would be helpful but not required.

3. A student may bring tape and or digital recorders. Cell phones must be on silent mode.

4. Black pen, red pen, legal pad, # 2 pencil, highlighter, at all times while in class or lab.

B. Course Policies – (This course conforms to the policies of Angelina College as stated in the Angelina College and EMS Program Handbooks.)

1. Academic Assistance – If you have a disability (as cited in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) that may affect your participation in this class, you should see Karen Bowser, Room 208 of the Student Center. At a post-secondary institution, you must self-identify as a person with a disability; Ms. Bowser will assist you with the necessary information to do so.

Angelina College (AC) admits students without regard to race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, disability, or age. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies of AC should be directed to: Steve Hudman, Dean of Students, Room 205 B in the Student Center, 3500 South First,

Lufkin, TX 75902, telephone 936.633.5293.

2. Attendance – Attendance is required as per Angelina College Policy and will be recorded every day. Attendance is based on an allowance of 12.5% absence. If you exceed that amount on this 88 hour course, you will be dropped. Readmission is possible and based on the instructors and Mr. Hudman’s assessment of the students attitude and effort in the class. Records will be turned in to the records office at the end of the semester. Do not assume that non-attendance in class will always result in an instructor drop. You must officially drop a class or risk receiving an F. This is official Angelina College Policy.

3. Additional Policies Established by the Individual Instructor –

1. Attendance – Students absent from any part of the course will be required to make up missed sessions or materials as prescribed by the course instructor. Roll will be called first thing in the morning, first thing in the afternoon, and/or at the end of the day. If you are not present for roll call you will be counted absent for that part of the day. If you leave early, you will be counted absent for that part of the day. Any absence or partial absence after readmission will result in a drop or will result in a 5 point deduction from the overall grade.

2. If a student is absent on the day of a scheduled Unit Examination, the instructor reserves the right to issue an essay examination or short answer fill in the blank or a different form of the multiple choice exam. The make-up exam must be taken within one week of the missed exam. The make-up exam is to be done on a non-class day at an agreed upon time and date. Quizzes are mostly in blackboard and must be taken at the appointed time. Missed quizzes will be graded a (0) zero.

3. According to the college handbook, academic dishonesty to include, but not limited to, cheating,

plagiarism, collusion, sharing work will not be tolerated. Violation of this policy will result in a grade of zero on the assignment in question. Do your own work.

4. Family members are not allowed in the classroom during class time as they provide disruption.

5. Skills – Students must demonstrate proficiency in all skill areas. The student must pass all critical areas of the skills and score the requisite score as outlined by the state/national registry on the skill sheets. Each skill retested will result in a 5 point deduction from the skill grade. A maximum of three attempts will be allowed on any skill. If you are absent on a skills day, you must meet with an instructor after class within the next two class days. If you are absent on a skill test day, the skills missed will be counted as failed.

6. Knowledge – Students must demonstrate adequate theoretical knowledge of course content on written examinations. A minimum of 75 must be maintained on the overall program course. A minimum of a 75 average is required on the unit (major) exams

7. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: It is important to maintain a quiet learning environment for your other

classmates. Cell phones and pagers are not allowed to be turned on in the classroom during

scheduled class time. All books, backpacks, and personal items must be taken to

a designated area of the classroom before each exam.

8. All exams and written assignments become the property of AC EMS Program.

9. Personal attitude – (Affective domain) Each student must demonstrate conscientiousness and interest in the course. Students will be encouraged and expected to develop and exhibit the proper attitude expected of a pre-hospital care professional.

10. The student will, at a minimum during clinical each semester, successfully demonstrate patient assessment, basic life, support, advanced life support consistent with this course and the ability to work with other medical personnel, (affective), both in the hospital and in the pre-hospital setting. In addition, the paramedic student will document a minimum of fifteen (15) successful peripheral IV’s and document a minimum of three (3) successful endotracheal intubations or visualizations of the vocal cords and airway. All clinical and all skills should be completed by the deadlines stated in the clinical syllabi.


Students must abide by the standards of conduct as described in the current Angelina College Student Handbook and conduct themselves as mature and responsible health care professionals at all times! Disciplinary actions(s) for students will follow Angelina College policy. It is also the programs’ intention to conduct any disciplinary problems within the confines of the program, but will follow the chain of command outlined by the AC Student Handbook. Students are RESPONSIBLE for reading the handbook. Violations of the rules and regulations of AC as described in the handbook and/or the program/syllabus requirements as described herein will result in counseling. Students will be suspended from the program with a grade of “F” given following three disciplinary counseling sessions OR at the discretion of the Program Coordinator if it is deemed necessary that the student’s action(s) are considered a potential danger to life or property.

Any student may be asked to withdraw OR dropped by the instructor/coordinator from the program if either academic, clinical, or personal performance or attitude is determined to be inconsistent with the minimum standards of training OR with professional conduct. Students may be dropped from the program by the instructor/coordinator in accordance with the policies set forth by the college and/or this program/syllabus. A student who has a grievance with an instructor will follow the procedure in the student handbook.

Failure to complete requirements can result in the student being dropped from the course. It is also important to note that any student who fails to maintain immunizations, titers, TB tests etc. will be dropped from the course! The responsibility for maintaining these records are the students, not the instructor’s to remind the student. These must be completed and turned in prior to starting or continuing clinical rotations.