Notes from KHWN meeting
Training Room, Hospital, Campbeltown
Present: Eleanor Sloan, Tracy Chambers, Mandy Robertson, Caroline Glen, Susan Paterson, Antonia Baird, Kirsty Jackson-Stark, Alison Mcgrory, Carol Anderson, Sharon gillies-McCallum, Lindsay Ramsay, Diane oliver, Laura Stephenson, Nona Ruesgen,
Apologies:Lorna Cameron, Catriona Dreghorn,
1 / **** PLEASE NOTE 2015MEETING DATES AT END OF NOTES ****2 / Notes of last meeting 26/5/15
- all fine
3 / Scoring of bids
We had 13 bids to score
We had a total of £8349.17 to spend and the total of the bids came to more than that – so we agreed to fully fund any bid under £500 that scores well and put a cap of £1000 on bids over that. And then remove 15% from each bid to come up with a total that meant all successful bids would receive a fair amount.
- Dochas - requested £500 awarded - £500 - scored 58 points. This bid was to set up peer to peer sessions offering mindfulness training.
- KADAS - requested £950awarded £808 - scored 69 points.
- Alienergy– requested £500 awarded - £500 - scored 81 points.
- Youth Cafe - requested £702awarded £602 – scored 64 points
- Elderberries – requested £600 awarded £516 - scored 65
- Home-start – requested £1500 awarded £848 – scored 73
- Senior citizens tea dances – requested £270 awarded £270 – scored 66
- Baby Yoga – requested £987 awarded £839 – scored 57
- C card pilot – requested £1000 awarded £848 – scored 86
- GWT - road show – requested £120 – awarded £120 – scored 59
- Branching out – Kintyre toolkit – requested £1708 – awarded - £848 – scored 78
- Fitness in Carradale – requested £935 – awarded - £800 – scored 55
- Young carers – requested £1080 awarded £848 – scored 57
this bid was not emailed out prior to the meeting and was not discussed at the meeting (lack of time) but was scored later via email and although it has been approved – there has been a request from the health improvement team to delay its processing to allow it to be discussed at the next meeting in Dec.
4 / AOB
There was no other business discussed.
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- On all dates - there will be a Kintyre Substance Mis-use Forum Meeting from 11.15am – 1pm All are welcome to attend both meetings
- All meetings are held at Campbeltown Hospital in the training room –
- Dates for 2015 are
- Next meeting 3rd December – Elaine Booth from Living it Up has been invited to attend and will give a presentation.
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