Parkstown Herald summer 2006

Community Newspaper

August 19, 2006, Volume III Issue 1

Editor, Sylvia Jackson Wilson

Associate Editor, Samuel M. Jackson


Sts. DelightHolyChurch was established in 1900 with just a small group of people. This group consisted of John and LiddieParks, Ben Eddie and Tempie Lewis Hardy, Marie Worrell, and a few others who had taken a stand to go deeper in the Lord.

In 1901, the church got its first pastor, Rev. David Atkinson, and under his leadership, the group built a small church, naming it Saints Delight Holy Church.

Under the leadership of Rev. R.D. Brown, a larger church was built beside the old one. In January of 1933, a tragic fire destroyed both churches. There was no amount of tragedy going to stop this group of dedicated saints from worshipping their God. They took sheets and sacks and built a shelter to worship under.

In just a few months a third church was built in 1933 under the leadership of Rev. Adam Scott. In 1936, Rev. B.B. Dunn became our pastor and served faithfully for 37 years. Under his leadership, our present sanctuary was constructed in 1964.

In 1974, Elder Leamon Dudley became our 12th pastor and under his leadership, another addition was constructed.

Sts. Delight Holy Church has continued to grow both spiritually and financially. Our beloved pastor was consecrated to Bishop on September 20, 1985. Bishop Dudley continues to be our Pastor today.

We thank him for 32 years of dedicated services rendered to the officers and members of Sts. DelightHolyChurch.

Submitted by: Jean Cox Parks

You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.—John Wooden


Christmas Parade Chairman

The Parkstown Christmas Parade is coming back, and James “Dick” Bowden is helping to make it happen. James secured permits and highway patrol and sheriff department assistance.Now the long-awaited Parkstown Christmas Parade will be held on Thursday, December 14, 2006 will happen.

James Bowden is parade chairman, and Shirley Perry serves as the program coordinator, soliciting participants in the parade. Bands, drill teams, floats, and dignitaries are being sought to make this event monumental.

The parade is sponsored by the Better Young Men and Women Club and JPCFoundation, and community members have volunteered to work on the Christmas Committee. Other members include John Jackson, Sandy Jackson, Douglas Rowe, Shelby Reeder, Melba Royal, Othnal Britt, Jr., Samuel Jackson, Alex Cox, Diane Smith, Joyce Bowden, David Best and LaVern Jackson. The whole idea is to restore community pride and a genuine sense of community.

The entire community will get involved to make this a success. Rather than strings of lights across the roads, decorative lights will be set up. Community members are asked to display lights as well. The parade route extends from Jesse Jackson Road to Rosa Lane. Both streets are off LaGrange Road which is where the old ParkstownClubBuilding still stands. The parade route will cross Parkstown Road.

A Little Miss and Miss Holiday Contest will be held prior to the parade. The proceeds will help fund the expenses that most definitely will incur. For information on Ms. Holiday and Little Miss Holiday contact Shirley Perry (919-778-0958) or Melba Royal (919-736-0878).

The Parkstown parade was a big boom in the 50’s and 60’s. Community members worked from one Christmas until the next getting ready. There was definite team effort.

As we see the community bulldozed and restricted in new home construction, we have to work even harder to keep from being lost in history.

The Better Young Men and Women Club is hoping that this year’s Christmas Parade will do its part to keep Parkstown alive. The parade is scheduled for 3:30pm.


♫♫Launches Successful CD ♫♫

Byron Dean Rowe, songbird of Lena “Nat” Rowe, has finally done it. Byron has a CD, “I Shall Know Him”, and it is on its way to being a big hit. A world renowned religious singer, Byron Rowe performed at the Wayne Community College Auditorium before a full house. He has performed across the United States, Europe, Canada, Asia and the Caribbean, praising God.

He is a chief hospital corpsman in the United States Navy and has earned the Bronze Star and the Joint Services Commendation Medal for Valor for heroic actions during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Byron was joined on stage by Louis Tirado of Puerto Rico, one of the world’s most accomplished pianists.

Yes! He did it. On the night of the concert, Byron Rowe and Louis Tirado brought the house down together. Two epitomes of God’s precious gifts, Rowe and Tirado, did a superior job of satisfying the crowd.

For CD’s or concerts, contact Douglas Rowe (919-778-0470).




Parkston’s YoungestHigh School Graduate

Everyone knew that Lucille was smart! And she proved it! Born Lucille Sutton, she was only fifteen when she graduated from the twelfth grade at CentralHigh School. Lucille graduated in the Class of 1950. Forty years later, Lucille was the keynote speaker for the Central High Alumni Banquet.

Lucille and her husband, James Earl Pridgen, were the first people that Mrs. Rosetta Best allowed to live in the house that she had built for her father, Daniel Fuller. The year was 1958.

Lucille reminds us of the brilliant Martin Luther King, Jr. who was also fifteen, challenging his sister Christine that he would finish high school when she did.


Sends Congratulations

Senator Elizabeth Dole contacted the B.Y.M.W. Club, congratulating them for the community efforts and initiative in re-establishing the Parkstown Christmas Parade.

Because of a conflict in schedule, Senator Dole will not be able to attend the event but expressed best wishes.

NURSING HOME CITIZENSParkstown, do not forget our loved ones who are confined to a nursing home. They include the following:

  • Mrs. Lissie Baker Best
  • Mrs. Juanita Jones
  • Mr. John “Po Bill” Rowe


“The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone”. Harriet Beecher Stowe

We pay special tribute to those who were either born in Parkstown or lived here. Most of us remember the big fire that took the Wooten children. Other than that, most of the names listed below were blessed with longevity. Please forgive any mistakes or omissions. Originally, we wanted to begin with 1945, but felt it important to our heritage to go back as far as we could. Remember, we only know what you share with us. Email: . ****************************

Mr. Bobby Baker

Mrs. Carrie Baker

Mr. Elijah Baker

Mrs. Francis Baker

Ms. Rosetta Baldwin

Mr. James Bell, Jr.

Mr. Sammie Lee Bell, Sr.

Mr. Adolph Best

Mr. Alois Best

Mr. Arthur Best

Mr. Chester “Pete” Best

Mr. Claude Best

Mrs. Ernestine Jackson Best

Mr. James V. Best

Mrs. Julia Best

Mrs. Nannie B. Best

Mrs. Ossie Jackson Best

Mr. Pete Best

Mr. Raymond Best

Mr. Raymond “Bo” Best, Jr.

Mr. Robie Best

Mrs. Rosetta “Big Meat” Best

Mr. Terry Best

Mr. Albert Bizzell

Mrs. Mary Bizzell

Mrs. Rose Bizzell

Mrs. Betty Baker Body

Mr. Joe Raymond Body

Mrs. Nora Jackson Body

Mr. Obadiah “Nuke”Body

Mr. Will Body

Mrs. Aggie Bowden

Mr. James Bowden

Mrs. Robertha Kornegay Braswell

Mr. Wilbert Braswell

Mr. Odell (Bowden) Broadhurst

Mr. Othnal Britt, Sr.

Mrs. Spicey Britt

Mr. Lannie Bryant

Mrs. Maude Bryant

Mrs. Dorothy Cox Buchran

Mr. Adro Bynum

Mr. Alma Cox Bynum

Mr. Campfield “Jack” Bynum

Mr. Edward Bynum

Mrs. Ella Mae Jackson Bynum

Mrs. Gertie Bynum

Mr. James “Jim” Bynum

Ms. James Anna Bynum

Mr. Jerry Lee Bynum

Mr. J.B. “Nick”Bynum Mrs. Ruth Bynum

Ms. Varabelle Bynum

Mr. Walter Bynum

Mrs. Doris Coker

Mr. Leon Coker

Mr. John Henry “Tom” Coley

Mrs. Sadie Coley

Mrs. Nancy Cooper

Mr. Alex Cox, Jr.

Mr. Alex Cox, Sr.

Mrs. Dorothy White Cox

Mr. Elbert Cox

Mrs. Helen Cox

Mr. James “Slick” Cox

Mrs. Julia Cox

Mr. Leslie Cox

Mrs. Macie Jackson Cox

Mr. Warren “Ricky” Cox, Jr.

Mr. Warren G. Cox, Sr.

Mr. Winston Cox

Mr. John M. Davis

Mr. Jonah Davis

Mrs. Sadie Davis

Mrs. Sarah Emma Davis

Mrs. Viola Baker Davis

Mr. Bartemus Edwards

Mrs. Doris Martin Edwards

Mr. George Edwards

Mrs. Rosetta Edwards

Mr. George Exum

Mrs. Josie Exum

Mr. Paul Exum

Mr. Charlie Franklin, Sr.

Mr. Daniel Fuller

Mrs. Bessie Gardner

Miss Bessie “Tut” Gardner

Mrs. Blanche Jackson Gardner

Mr. Frank Gardner, Sr.

Mr. James “Peter Reed” Gardner

Mr. Pinzo Gardner

Mrs. Ruby Gardner

Mr. Tobe Gardner

Mr. Walter Gardner

Mr. George Hall

Mrs. Alberta Hardy

Mrs. Hattie Hargrove

Ms. Melba Rita Hargrove

Mrs. Vernell Jackson Hargrove

Mr. Walter Hargrove

Mr. Allen Herring

Mrs. Emma Herring

Mrs. Verleatha Davis Hicks

Mrs. Patricia Jones Hill

Mr. Willie J. Hudson

Mr. Elbert Hunter

Mr. Andrew “Buddy” Jackson

Mrs. Bertha Lewis Jackson

Mr. Ben Eddie Jackson

Mr. Benjamin Jackson

Mrs. Bessie Suggs Jackson

Mr. Carlee Jackson

Mr. Clarence “Coonie” Jackson

Mrs. Eunice Fuller Jackson

Mr. Ezra Jackson, Sr.

Ms. Ida “Other Ma” Jackson

Mr. James Jackson

Mr. James “Cheek” Jackson

Mr. James “Little Buddy” Jackson

Mr. Jesse Walter Jackson

Mr. John “Bill” Jackson

Mr. Johnny Jackson

Mr. Jonathan “Bobo” Jackson

Mr. Leamon Jackson

Mr. Linwood “Froggy” Jackson

Mr. Luby Jackson, Jr.

Mr. Luby Jackson, Sr.

Mrs. Maggie Jackson

Mr. Nathaniel “Chill” Jackson

Mr. Roland Jackson

Mr. Robert “Kepper” Jackson

Mrs. Rosa Thompson Jackson

Mrs. Ruby Summers Jackson

Mr. Timothy “Tee” Jackson

Mrs. Victoria Jackson

Mr. Walter Jackson

Mr. James “Huckabut” Johnson

Mrs. Bertha Jones

Mr. Harvey Jones, Sr.

Mr. Jimmy Jones

Mr. Leo “Hot Foot” Jones

Ms. Linda Jones

Mr. Melvin Jones

Mrs. Vera “Chicken” Jackson Jones

Mr. Warren “Butchy Ray” Jones

Mr. John Wesley “Wes” Joyner

Mr. John “J.B.” Kennedy

Mr. Noah Kornegay

Mrs. Pearl Kornegay

Mrs. Lorraine“Tom”Williams Lee

Ms. Alberta Lewis

Mrs. Almeater Body Lewis

Ms. Audrey Lewis

Ms. Bonnie Lewis

Mrs. Carrie Bell Lewis

Mr. James “Jimmy” Lewis

Ms. Janice Lewis

Mrs. Leatha Hutchinson Lewis

Mrs. Louella Lewis

Ms. Miriam Lewis

Miss “Rabbit” Lewis

Mrs. Sevelia Lewis

Mrs. Thelma “Honey” Body Lewis

Mr. Thomas Lewis

Mr. Willie Lewis

Mrs. Allene Little

Mr. Zellus Little

Mrs. Georgia Martin Mack

Mrs. Etta Beale Jackson Martin

Mrs. Florence Martin

Mrs. Ida Jackson Martin

Mr. Jessie “Dank” Martin, Jr

Mr. Jessie Martin, Sr.

Ms. Johnnie Mae Miller

Mr. A. J. Parks

Mr. Charley Parks

Mr. Giles “Biggun” Parks

Mr. Henry Parks, Sr.

Mr. Jeffrey Parks, Sr.

Mr. James Parks

Mr. John Parks

Mrs. Johnnie Parks

Mr. Johnny Parks

Mrs. Laura Jackson Parks

Mrs. Lillie Parks

Mr. Marvin “Tom” Parks

Mrs. Tiny Parks

Mrs. Varah Parks

Mr. Willie Parks

Mr. Lindbergh Person

Mr. James Earl Pridgen

Mr. LoMack Pridgen, Jr.

Mrs. Mildred Body Rhodes

Mr. Leroy Richardson

Mr. Emmett Rouse

Mr. Allen Rowe

Mr. Elbert Rowe

Mrs. Essie Rowe

Mr. Frank Rowe

Mrs. Geneva Rowe

Mr. James E. Rowe

Mrs. Lena Lewis Rowe

Mr. McCoy Rowe

Mrs. Eunice Jackson Smith

Master Garry Smith

Mr. George Smith

Mrs. Gertrude Smith

Mr. James “Jabo” Smith

Mr. Louis “Dick” Smith, Jr

Mr. Louis Smith, Sr..

Mr. Marion Smith

Mrs. Mildred “Mu”Jackson Smith

Mrs. Annabelle Jackson Suggs

Mrs. Eliza Suggs

Mrs. Belle Sutton

Mr. Felix Sutton

Mrs. Helen Sutton

Mr. Lois Sutton

Mr. Steve Sutton

Mrs. Willie Jackson Sutton

Mrs. Shirley Bowden Swinson

Mrs. Ethel Jackson Taylor

Mr. Leroy Taylor

Mrs. Gladys “Duck” Thompson

Mr. James Thompson

Mr. James “Stank” Thompson

Mr. Herbert Uzzell

Mr. Allen Vinson

Mr. John “June” Wade

Mrs. Carlissie Wade

Mr. Julia “Cat” Jackson Whitfield

Mr. Jessie Whitley

Mrs. Mildred “Renie” Williams

Mr. Thomas Franklin Wilson, Jr.

Mrs. Reatha Wooten

Mr. Simon Wooten, Sr.

Mr. Simon Wooten, Jr.

Ms. Veronica “Sister” Wooten

Mr. George Worrells

Mrs. Lena Worrells


The first school bus for CentralHigh School was not a bus. It was the back of a pickup truck. Tom Smith from Best Station came through Parkstown and other communities, picking up students who wanted a ride. Sometimes the truck would get stuck and someone would come with a tractor to pull him out of the mud.

Napoleon Lewis was the first school bus driver in Parkstown. WayneCounty finally gave the black school a bus. It had no lights and children sat facing each other.

The bus ride was 72 miles roundtrip and Napoleon received $8.00 per month. Students such as Napoleon drove buses. That tradition continued for over fifty years. The editor of this paper and three of her siblings drove school buses.



Gloria “Tom” Seenarine ©

is the daughter of Willie & Laura Jackson Parks and lives in Magnolia, New Jersey. She is still a homeowner in Parkstown.

There’s one thing that has always fascinated me;and that’s the nicknames in our family tree.

They are interesting to say the least;

Cause they are royalty all the way to a beast.

There are some whose name has no meaning at all,and some whose nicknames are hard to recall.

Let me give you a sample of what I mean. We have not only a King, but also, a Queen.

There’s a Coot and a Root, a Scob and a Rob;And the name Zephaniah who’s called Uncle Bob.

There’s Tet, Tee, and Tot, a female called Tom, Froggie, Captain, and Drew. There’s Nate and Ced; Can you believe Ava’s dad is calling her Pooh?

There’s a Nook and a Chib, Booby and Gait.You think I am kidding? Why you just wait!

Cause there’s Spoogie, Peter Rabbit, Scam, Lamb, and Mot. There’s a Biggie and a Coonie. Why I kid you not!

We also have fowl. I’m informed that we do. There’s a Rooster and a Chicken. Why it’s just like a zoo!

Cause there’s a Goat and a Pig, a Cat, and a Horse - APossum, a Duck, and some insects, of course.

Like a Gnat, a Bug, and a wee little Tick - ASnook, and a Stank; you can take your pick.

Between Big Meat and Little Meat and just plain Meat -Little Baby and Honey who is ever so sweet.

There’s Jack and Pudding, a Boo and a Skeeter -Stuckey, Nugget, and guy called Deeder.

There’s a Tweedy and Net and a Chicklet, too - Shell and Binkey, Tootie Pie and Fabu.

There’s Peebaby and Peter, Sally and Doug - Dant and Pete and Chubby and Jug.

There’s Big Bud and Little Bud, a Shug and a Jolly. That’s not all, there’s even more by golly.

Like a Lakeand a Mu and the color Red;ABrother, a Sister – what more can be said?

Except Little Gal and Big Gal, Bus Jess and Si Rose -Who will come in the future? Only heaven knows.

If any name has been overlooked, accept my apology; BUT tell me who can really recall all the nicknames in this family tree.

To say they’re unique is an under-statement and really putting it mild - Cause the nicknames in this Jackson clan are most definitely w - i - l-d

…….to say the least.


Napoleon Lewis who lived in Parkstown for 13 years was the first male in Parkstown to graduate from CentralHigh School, and his sister, Loretha Lewis was the first female in Parkstown to graduate. They both graduated in the Class of 1938.

Warren G. Cox was the first male to graduate in Parkstown during the 40’s. He was in the Class of 1940.

Ethel “Sally” Martin and Verleatha Davis were the first females to graduate inParkstown during the 50’s. They were in the Class of 1950. Lucille Sutton who moved to Parkstown that December was the youngest graduate in that class.

Rosemary Jackson, John Washington Best, Othnal Britt, Jr., Gladys Bowden, Mildred Irene Jackson, and Shirley Mildred Matthews were the first to graduate in Parkstown during the 60’s. They were in the Class of 1960.

Julia Best, Billy Body, Ronald Bynum, Cathy Coker, Trudy Gray, Sherwin Herring, Sylvia Jackson,

Brenda Rowe,Delna Wade,and Veronica Wooten were the first to graduate in Parkstown during the 70’s. They were graduates of the very first class of the EasternWayneHigh School, the school that united the historically white New Hope and the historically black CentralHigh School. They were in the Class of 1970.


….that there are 195 houses in Parkstown.

….that Mr. & Mrs. Robie Best built the first house in the heart of Parkstown on Parkstown Road. The house was built in 1934 and still stands at 1253 Parkstown Road. Marshall Jackson is the proud owner of the property.