Comparative and anti-oxidative properties of the seed, leaf and root of the Candle bush (Senna alata) Plant.
Oyetayo F.L.1*,Oseni O.A.2, Kupoluyi T.A1*
1*Department of Biochemistry, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
2Department of ClinicalBiochemistry, College of Medicine,Ekiti State
University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
The nutritive, anti-nutritional and anti peroxidative composition of the leaf, seed and root of the Candle bush (Senna alata), plant were investigated.Proximate analysis (%) revealed that the moisture content of the root (8.75±2.70) was significantly lower (P0.05) than those of the leaf(10.34±3.02) and seed (10.04±3.02) while there were no significant differences (P≤0.05) in the ash, fat and crude protein content.Though crude fibre content distribution was not significantly different, it was the highest concentrated in all parts of the plant. Calcium the most concentrated mineral element is in the Senna alata leaf (40.15±0.12) than in the seed and root part whilemagnesium and zinc were present in the three parts in appreciable amounts.
Phytochemical screening of the leaf, seed and root showed the presence of saponin and alkaloids in the leaf and seed only and their absence in the root while tannin, flavonoids and cardiac glycosides where present in the Senna alata leaf seed root.Tannin, the most concentrated antinutrientconstituent in the plant was found to occur in a significantly higher (P≥0.05) concentration in the Senna alata seed than the leaf (7.42mg/g) and the root (0.16mg/g) Antioxidant properties of the plants shown by the %DPPH radical scavenging and the FRAP (mg/g) showed the leaf and seed had higher antioxidant properties than the root with the %DPPH scavenging property (57.78±0.15) significantly higher in the seed than the leaf (50.62±0.11) or root (31.54± 0.19).
The foregoing reveals the importance of the leaf, seed and root of Senna alata plant assources of nutritive and antioxidant substances whichhave implications in health and disease prevention.
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LOC 2015 Conference of Nutrition and food Science
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We hereby submit our Abstract titled “Comparative and anti-oxidative properties of the seed, leaf and root of the Candle bush (Senna alata) Plant for
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Oyetayo, F.L